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Oceanography Program Publications

There are 211 publications in this collection, published between 1975 and 2019. Showing 51 - 100.

Bromirski, P. D; Diez, A.; Gerstoft, P.; Stephen, R. A; Bolmer, T.; Wiens, D. A et al.: Ross ice shelf vibrations, 2015

Fiedler, Julia W; Brodie, Katherine L; McNinch, Jesse E; Guza, Robert T: Observations of runup and energy flux on a low-slope beach with high-energy, long-period ocean swell, 2015

Gallien, T.W.; O'Reilly, W.C.; Flick, R.E.; Guza, R.T.: Geometric properties of anthropogenic flood control berms on southern California beaches, 2015

Holmes-Dean, L; Hendershott, M; Bromirski, P D; Flick, R E: Spectral Characteristics of the 1960 Tsunami at Crescent City, CA, 2015

Kumar, Nirnimesh; Feddersen, Falk; Uchiyama, Yusuke; McWilliams, James; O'Reilly, William: Midshelf to Surfzone Coupled ROMS-SWAN Model Data Comparison of Waves, Currents, and Temperature: Diagnosis of Subtidal Forcings and Response, 2015

Ludka, B. C; Guza, R. T; O'Reilly, W. C; Yates, M. L: Field evidence of beach profile evolution toward equilibrium, 2015

Neira, Carlos; Mendoza, Guillermo; Porrachia, Magali; Stransky, Chris; Levin, Lisa A: Macrofaunal recolonization of copper-contaminated sediments in San Diego Bay, 2015

Rasmussen, L.; Bromirski, P. D; Miller, A. J; Arcas, D.; Flick, R. E; Hendershott, M. C: Source location impact on relative tsunami strength along the U.S. West Coast, 2015

Schubert, Jochen E; Gallien, Timu W; Majd, Morteza Shakeri; Sandetgallien@seas.ucla.edurs, Brett F: Terrestrial Laser Scanning of Anthropogenic Beach Berm Erosion and Overtopping, 2015

Thomas, J; Hazard, J; Jensen, R; Otero, M; Terrill, E; Keen, C et al.: How High Resolution Wave Observations and HF Radar Derived Surface Currents Critical to Decision-Making for Maritime Operations, 2015

Thomson, Jim; Talbert, Joe; de Klerk, Alex; Brown, Adam; Schwendeman, Mike; Goldsmith, Jarett et al.: Biofouling Effects on the Response of a Wave Measurement Buoy in Deep Water, 2015

Checkley, David M; Lindegren, Martin: Sea Surface Temperature Variability at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Pier, 2014

Clark, David B; Lenain, Luc; Feddersen, Falk; Boss, Emmanuel; Guza, R. T: Aerial Imaging of Fluorescent Dye in the Near Shore, 2014

Flick, R E: An interview with Greg Woodell, 2014

Flick, R E: San Diego, 2050 Is Calling. HOW WILL WE ANSWER? - FACING THE FUTURE: How Science Can Help Prepare San Diego Regional Leaders for Climate Change, 2014

Bromirski, Peter D; Stephen, Ralph A; Gerstoft, Peter: Are deep-ocean-generated surface-wave microseisms observed on land?, 2013

Bromirski, Peter D; Cayan, Daniel R; Helly, John; Wittmann, Paul: Wave power variability and trends across the North Pacific, 2013

Carson, H S; Lopez-Duarte, P C; Cook, G S; Fodrie, F J; Becker, B J; DiBacco, C et al.: Temporal, spatial, and interspecific variation in geochemical signatures within fish otoliths, bivalve larval shells, and crustacean larvae, 2013

Doria, A; Guza, R. T: Estimating Changes in Near-Shore Bathymetry with Subaerial Surveys, 2013

Fodrie, F. Joel; Herzka, Sharon Z: A Comparison of Otolith Geochemistry and Stable Isotope Markers to Track Fish Movement: Describing Estuarine Ingress by Larval and Post-larval Halibut, 2013

Lindegren, Martin; Checkley, David M; Quinn, Terrance: Temperature dependence of Pacific sardine ( Sardinops sagax ) recruitment in the California Current Ecosystem revisited and revised, 2013

Moftakhari, H. R; Jay, D. A; Talke, S. A; Kukulka, T.; Bromirski, P. D: A novel approach to flow estimation in tidal rivers, 2013

Moon, Jae-Hong; Song, Y. Tony; Bromirski, Peter D; Miller, Arthur J: Multidecadal regional sea level shifts in the Pacific over 1958-2008, 2013

Rippy, M. A; Franks, P. J. S; Feddersen, F.; Guza, R. T; Warrick, J. A: Beach Nourishment Impacts on Bacteriological Water Quality and Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics, 2013

Young, Adam P; Guza, Robert T; Dickson, Mark E; O'Reilly, William C; Flick, Reinhard E: Ground motions on rocky, cliffed, and sandy shorelines generated by ocean waves, 2013

Bromirski, P D; Miller, A J; Flick, R E: North Pacific Sea Level Trends, 2012

Bromirski, P D; Stephen, R A: Response of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, to ocean gravity-wave forcing, 2012

Feddersen, F: Observations of the Surf-Zone Turbulent Dissipation Rate, 2012

Feddersen, F: Scaling surf zone turbulence, 2012

Flick, Reinhard E; Chadwick, D. Bart; Briscoe, John; Harper, Kristine C: “Flooding” versus “inundation”, 2012

Graham, Nicholas E; Cayan, Daniel R; Bromirski, Peter D; Flick, Reinhard E: Multi-model projections of twenty-first century North Pacific winter wave climate under the IPCC A2 scenario, 2012

Guza, R. T; Feddersen, Falk: Effect of wave frequency and directional spread on shoreline runup, 2012

Lopez-Duarte, P. C; Carson, H. S; Cook, G. S; Fodrie, F. J; Becker, B. J; DiBacco, C. et al.: What Controls Connectivity? An Empirical, Multi-Species Approach, 2012

Omand, M. M; Feddersen, F.; Guza, R. T; Franks, P. J. S: Episodic vertical nutrient fluxes and nearshore phytoplankton blooms in Southern California, 2012

Seymour, R J; Olfe, C B; Thomas, J O: CDIP wave observations in Superstorm Sandy, 2012

Spydell, Matthew S; Feddersen, Falk: A Lagrangian stochastic model of surf zone drifter dispersion, 2012

Young, Adam P; Guza, R. T; Adams, Peter N; O'Reilly, William C; Flick, Reinhard E: Cross-shore decay of cliff top ground motions driven by local ocean swell and infragravity waves, 2012

Bromirski, Peter D; Miller, Arthur J; Flick, Reinhard E; Auad, Guillermo: Dynamical suppression of sea level rise along the Pacific coast of North America: Indications for imminent acceleration, 2011

Chadwick, D B; Flick, R E; Helly, J; Nishikawa, T; Wang, P F; O'Reilly, W C et al.: A Framework for Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment for Southwest U.S. Military Installationsmework for Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment for Southwest U.S. Military Installations, 2011

Clark, D B; Feddersen, F; Guza, R T: Modeling surf zone tracer plumes: 2. Transport and dispersion, 2011

Craig, M T; Fodrie, F J; Allen, L G; Chartier, L A; Toonen, R J: Discordant Phylogeographic and Biogeographic Breaks in California Halibut, 2011

Davidson, M.A.; Turner, I.L.; Guza, R.T.: The effect of temporal wave averaging on the performance of an empirical shoreline evolution model, 2011

Elwany, M H; Flick, R E; Johnson, J; Rosa, S N: Tsunami Hazard Estimates in Central California Using a Probabilistic Approach, 2011

Feddersen, F; Clark, D B; Guza, R T: Modeling surf zone tracer plumes: 1. Waves, mean currents, and low‐frequency eddies, 2011

Fodrie, F. Joel; Becker, Bonnie J; Levin, Lisa A; Gruenthal, Kristen; McMillan, Pat A: Connectivity clues from short-term variability in settlement and geochemical tags of mytilid mussels, 2011

Lucas, L J; Dupont, C L; Tai, V; Largier, J L; Palenik, B; Franks, P J: The green ribbon: Multiscale physical control of phytoplankton productivity and community structure over a narrow continental shelf, 2011

Lucas, A J; Franks, P J; Dupont, C L: Horizontal internal-tide fluxes support elevated phytoplankton productivity over the inner continental shelf, 2011

Neira, Carlos; Mendoza, Guillermo; Levin, Lisa A; Zirino, Alberto; Delgadillo-Hinojosa, Francisco; Porrachia, Magali et al.: Macrobenthic community response to copper in Shelter Island Yacht Basin, San Diego Bay, California, 2011

Neira, Carlos; Mendoza, Guillermo; Levin, Lisa A; Zirino, Alberto; Delgadillo-Hinojosa, Francisco; Porrachia, Magali et al.: Macrobenthic community response to copper in Shelter Island Yacht Basin, San Diego Bay, California, 2011

Omand, M M; Leichter, J J; Franks, P J; Guza, R T; Lucas, A J; Feddersen, F: Physical and biological processes underlying the sudden surface appearance of a red tide in the nearshore, 2011

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