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NCGIA Technical Reports

Technical reports provided a means of quickly disseminating the substantive results of NCGIA research-initiative working groups and specialist research meetings to a rapidly expanding international community of scholars and to practitioners in government and industry. They feature software and technological advances in the rapidly expanding field of geographic information systems, and they address underlying theoretical constructs, mathematical and computational foundations, educational needs, and societal implications of geographic information science.

There are 122 publications in this collection, published between 1988 and 2015. Showing 51 - 100.

Onsrud, Harlan J.; Pinto, Jeffrey K.; Azad, Bijan: Testing Technology Transfer Hypotheses in GIS Environments Using a Case Study Approach (93-8), 1993

Palladino, Stephen D.: Secondary Education Project: African Data Viewer (93-11), 1993

Palladino, Steve editor: Secondary Education Project GIS in the Schools: Workshop Resource Packet (93-2), 1993

Tobler, Waldo: Three Presentations on Geographical Analysis and Modeling: Non- Isotropic Geographic Modeling; Speculations on the Geometry of Geography; and Global Spatial Analysis (93-1), 1993

Anselin, Luc: Spatial Data Analysis with GIS: An Introduction to Application in the Social Sciences (92-10), 1992

Batty, Michael: Sharing Information in Third World Planning Agencies: Perspectives on the Impact of GIS (92-8), 1992

Couclelis, Helen; Beard, Kate; Mackaness, William: Two Perspectives on Data Quality (92-12), 1992

Fico, Frank J.: Opportunities for Generalization in the Digital Chart of the World (92-2), 1992

Fotheringham, A. Stewart; Rogerson, Peter editors: GIS and Spatial Analysis: Report on the Specialist Meeting (92-11), 1992

Harris, Britton; Batty, Michael: Locational Models, Geographic Information, and Planning Support Systems (92-1), 1992

Lanter, David: Intelligent Assistants for Filling Critical Gaps in GIS:  A Research Program (92-4), 1992

Mark, David M.; Frank, Andrew U. editors: User Interfaces for Geographic Information Systems: Report on the Specialist Meeting (92-3), 1992

Onsrud, Harlan J.; Rushton, Gerard editors: NCGIA Research Initiative 9- Institutions Sharing Geographic Information:  Scientific Report for the Specialist Meeting, 26-29 February 1992 (92-5), 1992

Padmanabhan, G.; Leipnik, Mark R.; Yoon, Jeawan: A Glossary of GIS Terminology (92-13), 1992

Ruggles, Amy; The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS): GIS Videos: An Annotated Bibliography (92-9), 1992

The National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA): A Research Agenda for the NCGIA Renewal 1993-1996 (92-7), 1992

UCGIA Steering Committee: On the Possible Role(s) of a "University Consortium for Geographic Information and Analysis" (UCGIA) (92-6), 1992

Anselin, Luc; Rey, Serge: The Performance of Tests for Spatial Dependence in a Linear Regression (91-13), 1991

Barrera, Renato; Frank, Andrew; Al-Taha, Khaled; NCGIA Maine Orono: Temporal Relations in Geographic Information Systems: A Workshop at the University of Maine, Orono, October 12-13, 1990 (91-4), 1991

Beard, M. Kate; Buttenfield, Barbara P.; Clapham, Sarah B.: NCGIA Research Initiative 7 Visualization of Spatial Data Quality: Scientific Report for the Specialist Meeting (91-26), 1991

Bruegger, Bud P.; Kuhn, Werner: Multiple Topological Representations (91-17), 1991

Buttenfield, Barbara P.; Weber, Christopher R.; MacLennan, Mark; Elliott, John editors D.: Bibliography on Animation of Spatial Data: A Guide to Literature, Video and Movie Media (91-22), 1991

Davis, Frank; Estes, John E.; Star, Jeff: Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems: Report of the Specialist Meeting (91-16), 1991

Densham, Paul J.: Designing and Implementing Strategies for Solving Large Location-Allocation Problems with Heuristic Methods (91-10), 1991

Ding, Yuemin; Fotheringham, A. Stewart: The Integration of Spatial Analysis and GIS: The Development of the Statcas Module for ARC/INFO (91-5), 1991

Dodson, Rustin F.: VT/GIS: The von Thunen GIS Package (91-27), 1991

Egenhofer, Max J.; Herring, John R.; Smith, Terence; Park, Keith K.: A Framework for the Definition of Topological Relationships and an Algebraic Approach to Spatial Reasoning Within this Framework (91-7), 1991

Goodchild, Michael F.; Shiren, Yang; Dutton, Geoffrey: Spatial Data Representation and Basic Operations for a Triangular Hierarchical Data Structure (91-8), 1991

Goodchild, Michael F.; Davis, Frank W.; Painho, Marco; Storns, David M.: The Use of Vegetation Maps and Geographic Information Systems For Assessing Conifer Lands in California (91-23), 1991

Gould, Michael D.; Densham, Paul J.: Spatial Decision Support Systems: A Bibliography (91-9), 1991

Kuhn, Werner; Petersohn, Fritz K.: German GIS/LIS Standards (91-24), 1991

Kuhn, Werner; Egenhofer, Max: Visual Interfaces to Geometry (91-18), 1991

Lanter, David P.; Essinger, Rupert: User-Centered Graphical User Interface Design for GIS (91-6), 1991

MacLennan, Mark; Fotheringham, A. Stewart; Batty, Michael; Longley, Paul editors: Fractal Geometry and Spatial Phenomena: A Bibliography (91-1), 1991

MacLennan, Mark J.: The Use of a Geographic Information System for Second-Order Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns (91-19), 1991

McGranahan, Matthew; Volta, Gary: An Annotated Bibliography on Human Computer Interaction for GIS (91-15), 1991

Palladino, Stephen D.; Kemp, Karen K.: GIS Teaching Facilities: Six Case Studies on the Acquisition and Management of Laboratories (91-21), 1991

Shapiro, Stuart C.; Chalupsky, Hans; Chou, Hsueh-cheng: Connecting ARC/INFO and SNACTor Project Report (91-11), 1991

Trivedi, Nehal; Smith, Terence: A Conceptual Framework for Integrated Metadata Management in Very Large Spatial Databases (91-2), 1991

Veregin, Howard editor: GIS Laboratory Exercises: Volume 2 Technical Issues (91-14), 1991

Weber, Christopher R.: A Cartographic Animation of Average Yearly Surface Temperatures for the 48 Contiguous United States: 1897-1986 (91-3), 1991

Barrera, Renato; Al-Taha, Khaled K; NCGIA Maine Orono: Models in Temporal Knowledge Representation and Temporal DBMS (90-8), 1990

DeLotto, Joseph S.; Buttenfield, Barbara P.; Broome, Frederick; NCGIA SUNY at Buffalo: NCGIA/U.S. Census Multiple Representations Data Set Project Technical Report on Pilot Project: Lee County, Florida (90-4), 1990

Densham, Paul J.; Goodchild, Michael editors F.: Research Initiative Six: Spatial Decision Support Systems- Scientific Report for the Specialist Meeting (90-5), 1990

Dickinson, Holly J.: Deriving a Method for Evaluating the Use of Geographic Information in Decision Making (90-3), 1990

Egenhofer, Max J.; Kuhn, Werner; McGranaghan, Matthew: Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space (90-13), 1990

Egenhofer, Max J; Frank, Andrew U; NCGIA Maine Orono: Query Languages for Geographic Information Systems (90-12), 1990

Frank, Andrew U.; Goodchild, Michael F.: Two Perspectives on Geographical Data Modelling (90-11), 1990

Jasinski, Marcin J.: The Comparison of Complexity Measures for Cartographic Lines (90-1), 1990

Lanter, David P.: Lineage in GIS: The Problem and a Solution (90-6), 1990

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