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World Cultures Graduate Student Conference 2013

The First Annual Center for Research in the Humanities and Arts (CHRA) Graduate Student conference will be held at the campus of the University of California, Merced, on April 12-13, 2013. From Monadism to Nomadism: A Hybrid Approach to Cultural Productions will focus on the intersection and interplay of cultural studies, the social sciences, and the humanities and encouraging the exploration of various theoretical frameworks, case studies and fieldwork, and research. By juxtaposing issues such as intercultural negotiation, trans-(post)modern society, migratory aesthetics, diverse understandings within liquid societies, and symbolic struggle, this conference provides a venue to explore the post-(de)colonial dilemmas created by the reinvention and promotion of culture as a coherent and diverse reality.

Editors: Paola Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco & Marco Valesi
Editing and layout: Roselia Ekhause, Mabel Bowser, and Fabrizio Galeazzi

There are 9 publications in this collection, published in 2013.

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