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The Undergraduate Historical Journal at UC Merced, founded in 2013, aims to provide an outlet for undergraduate students to publish their original research, and in doing so, foster a connection between themselves, their professors, and the larger scholarly community. All submissions are peer-reviewed by our editorial board of undergraduate students, and we accept submissions from any discipline so long as an historical basis is present. As part of UC Merced – the first American research university built in the 21st century – we firmly believe that undergraduate research serves a dual role: first, in polishing students’ abilities in preparation for their work post-graduation; second, in adding brilliant new developments and viewpoints to the current field of historical research.

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The Undergraduate Historical Journal at UC Merced

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Beginning with issue 1:1, all articles in this journal are covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License.

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