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Comparative Literature - Open Access Policy Deposits

There are 19 publications in this collection, published between 2013 and 2023.

Masel, Roni: Revival and Decay: On the Politics of Gothic Ambivalences in Modern Hebrew Literature, 2023

McEnaney, Tom: The Archaeology of a Discipline and the Discipline To Come, 2023

McEnaney, Tom: Diane...The Personal Voice Recorder in Twin Peaks, 2023

McEnaney, Tom: In the Cards: Prophecy and the Gamble of Language in Borges's "El truco", 2023

Zhang, Dora: The Mark of the Detail: Universalism, Type, Difference, 2023

Masel, Roni: Skeletons in the Hebrew Closet: Yiddish Translations of “In the City of Killing” by Y. L. Peretz and H. N. Bialik and the Conflict over Revival, 2022

Masel, Roni: Who is a Yid? Reading the journal Der Yid beyond the Hebraist – Yiddishist binary, 2021

McEnaney, Tom: “Rigoberta's Listener”: The Significance of Sound in Testimonio, 2020

Masel, Roni: Dreams of a Jewish Queen: A Literary Itinerary of National-Sexual Desires, from the Book of Esther to Aaron Zeitlin’s Esterke, 2019

Mcenaney, Tom: Forgotten Histories of the AudiobookTape, Text, Speech, and Sound from Esteban Montejo and Miguel Barnet’s Biografía de un cimarrón to Andy Warhol’s a: a novel, 2019

McEnaney, Tom: The Sonic Turn, 2019

McEnaney, Tom: This American Voice: The Odd Timbre of a New Standard in Public Radio, 2019

Lucey, Michael; McEnaney, Tom: IntroductionLanguage-in-Use and Literary Fieldwork, 2017

McEnaney, Tom: Acoustic Properties: Radio, Narrative, and the New Neighborhood of the Americas, 2017

McEnaney, Tom: Real-to-ReelSocial Indexicality, Sonic Materiality, and Literary Media Theory in Eduardo Costa’s Tape Works, 2017

McEnaney, Tom: Realismo sonoro y fidelidad literaria: Las obras de cinta de Eduardo Costa, 2016

McEnaney, Tom: Wireless materials: radio cultures in Ireland, Latin America, and the United States at the mid-century, 2015

Tom McEnaney,: No Transmitter: Clandestine Radio Listening Communities in Ricardo Piglia's <em>The Absent City</em>, 2015

Piatote, Beth H.: Excerpt from Domestic Subjects: Gender, Citizenship, and Law in Native American Literature, 2013

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