Earth and Planetary Science - Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 962 publications in this collection, published between 1997 and 2025. Showing 701 - 750.
Militzer, B: Computation of the high temperature Coulomb density matrix in periodic boundary conditions, 2016
Militzer, B: Supercell design for first-principles simulations of solids and application to diamond, silica, and superionic water, 2016
Mlynczak, Martin G; Daniels, Taumi S; Kratz, David P; Feldman, Daniel R; Collins, William D; Mlawer, Eli J et al.: The spectroscopic foundation of radiative forcing of climate by carbon dioxide, 2016
Mosier, Annika C; Miller, Christopher S; Frischkorn, Kyle R; Ohm, Robin A; Li, Zhou; LaButti, Kurt et al.: Fungi Contribute Critical but Spatially Varying Roles in Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling in Acid Mine Drainage, 2016
Munoz-Saez, Carolina; Saltiel, Seth; Manga, Michael; Nguyen, Chinh; Gonnermann, Helge: Physical and hydraulic properties of modern sinter deposits: El Tatio, Atacama, 2016
Namiki, Atsuko; Ueno, Yoshinori; Hurwitz, Shaul; Manga, Michael; Munoz‐Saez, Carolina; Murphy, Fred: An experimental study of the role of subsurface plumbing on geothermal discharge, 2016
O'Brien, Travis A; Collins, William D; Kashinath, Karthik; Rübel, Oliver; Byna, Suren; Gu, Junmin et al.: Resolution dependence of precipitation statistical fidelity in hindcast simulations, 2016
Oshun, Jasper; Dietrich, William E; Dawson, Todd E; Fung, Inez: Dynamic, structured heterogeneity of water isotopes inside hillslopes, 2016
O’Brien, Travis A; Kashinath, Karthik; Cavanaugh, Nicholas R; Collins, William D; O’Brien, John P: A fast and objective multidimensional kernel density estimation method: fastKDE, 2016
Raju, SV; Godwal, BK; Yan, J; Jeanloz, R; Saxena, SK: Yield strength of Ni–Al–Cr superalloy under pressure, 2016
Rauscher, Sara A; O’Brien, Travis A; Piani, Claudio; Coppola, Erika; Giorgi, Filippo; Collins, William D et al.: A multimodel intercomparison of resolution effects on precipitation: simulations and theory, 2016
Raveh-Sadka, Tali; Firek, Brian; Sharon, Itai; Baker, Robyn; Brown, Christopher T; Thomas, Brian C et al.: Evidence for persistent and shared bacterial strains against a background of largely unique gut colonization in hospitalized premature infants, 2016
Romps, David M: Clausius–Clapeyron Scaling of CAPE from Analytical Solutions to RCE, 2016
Romps, David M; Jeevanjee, Nadir: On the sizes and lifetimes of cold pools, 2016
Romps, David M: Reply to “Comments on ‘MSE Minus CAPE is the True Conserved Variable for an Adiabatically Lifted Parcel’”, 2016
Romps, David M: The Stochastic Parcel Model: A deterministic parameterization of stochastically entraining convection, 2016
Seeley, Jacob T; Romps, David M: Tropical cloud buoyancy is the same in a world with or without ice, 2016
Shekhar, Ravi; Boos, William R: Improving Energy-Based Estimates of Monsoon Location in the Presence of Proximal Deserts, 2016
Shirzaei, Manoochehr; Ellsworth, William L; Tiampo, Kristy F; González, Pablo J; Manga, Michael: Surface uplift and time-dependent seismic hazard due to fluid injection in eastern Texas, 2016
Soltis, Jennifer A; Feinberg, Joshua M; Gilbert, Benjamin; Penn, R Lee: Phase Transformation and Particle-Mediated Growth in the Formation of Hematite from 2‑Line Ferrihydrite, 2016
Sprain, Courtney J; Feinberg, Joshua M; Renne, Paul R; Jackson, Mike: Importance of titanohematite in detrital remanent magnetizations of strata spanning the Cretaceous‐Paleogene boundary, Hell Creek region, Montana, 2016
Stolper, Daniel A; Eiler, John M: Constraints on the formation and diagenesis of phosphorites using carbonate clumped isotopes, 2016
Stolper, DA; Bender, ML; Dreyfus, GB; Yan, Y; Higgins, JA: A Pleistocene ice core record of atmospheric O2 concentrations, 2016
Sun, Christine L; Thomas, Brian C; Barrangou, Rodolphe; Banfield, Jillian F: Metagenomic reconstructions of bacterial CRISPR loci constrain population histories, 2016
Tauxe, L; Shaar, R; Jonestrask, L; Swanson‐Hysell, NL; Minnett, R; Koppers, AAP et al.: PmagPy: Software package for paleomagnetic data analysis and a bridge to the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database, 2016
Tester, Chantel C; Aloni, Shaul; Gilbert, Benjamin; Banfield, Jillian F: Short- and Long-Range Attractive Forces That Influence the Structure of Montmorillonite Osmotic Hydrates, 2016
Uchida, Naoki; Iinuma, Takeshi; Nadeau, Robert M; Bürgmann, Roland; Hino, Ryota: Periodic slow slip triggers megathrust zone earthquakes in northeastern Japan, 2016
Varaljay, Vanessa A; Satagopan, Sriram; North, Justin A; Witte, Brian; Dourado, Manuella N; Anantharaman, Karthik et al.: Functional metagenomic selection of ribulose 1, 5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from uncultivated bacteria, 2016
Wang, Chi‐Yuen; Liao, Xin; Wang, Lee‐Ping; Wang, Chung‐Ho; Manga, Michael: Large earthquakes create vertical permeability by breaching aquitards, 2016
Wrighton, Kelly C; Castelle, Cindy J; Varaljay, Vanessa A; Satagopan, Sriram; Brown, Christopher T; Wilkins, Michael J et al.: RubisCO of a nucleoside pathway known from Archaea is found in diverse uncultivated phyla in bacteria, 2016
Xu, Wenbin; Bürgmann, Roland; Li, Zhiwei: An improved geodetic source model for the 1999 Mw 6.3 Chamoli earthquake, India, 2016
Zarzycki, Piotr; Gilbert, Benjamin: Long-Range Interactions Restrict Water Transport in Pyrophyllite Interlayers, 2016
Zhang, Zhou; Dorfman, Susannah M; Labidi, Jabrane; Zhang, Shuai; Li, Mingming; Manga, Michael et al.: Primordial metallic melt in the deep mantle, 2016
Zhu, Mengqiang; Frandsen, Cathrine; Wallace, Adam F; Legg, Benjamin; Khalid, Syed; Zhang, Hengzhong et al.: Precipitation pathways for ferrihydrite formation in acidic solutions, 2016
Ali, SJ; Bolme, CA; Collins, GW; Jeanloz, R: Development of a broadband reflectivity diagnostic for laser driven shock compression experiments, 2015
Andrade, Karen; Logemann, Jörn; Heidelberg, Karla B; Emerson, Joanne B; Comolli, Luis R; Hug, Laura A et al.: Metagenomic and lipid analyses reveal a diel cycle in a hypersaline microbial ecosystem, 2015
Andrade, K; Logemann, J; Heidelberg, KB; Emerson, JB; Comolli, LR; Hug, LA et al.: Metagenomic and lipid analyses reveal a diel cycle in a hypersaline microbial ecosystem, 2015
Barreiro, Juan Gómez; Wenk, Hans-Rudolf; Vogel, Sven: Texture and elastic anisotropy of a mylonitic anorthosite from the Morin Shear Zone (Quebec, Canada), 2015
Befus, Kenneth S; Manga, Michael; Gardner, James E; Williams, Matthew: Ascent and emplacement dynamics of obsidian lavas inferred from microlite textures, 2015
Bendick, R; Khan, SF; Bürgmann, R; Jouanne, F; Banerjee, P; Khan, MA et al.: Postseismic relaxation in Kashmir and lateral variations in crustal architecture and materials, 2015
Benedict, James J; Pritchard, Michael S; Collins, William D: Sensitivity of MJO propagation to a robust positive Indian Ocean dipole event in the superparameterized CAM, 2015
Black, Benjamin A; Neely, Ryan R; Manga, Michael: Campanian Ignimbrite volcanism, climate, and the final decline of the Neanderthals, 2015
Boos, WR; Hurley, JV; Murthy, VS: Adiabatic westward drift of Indian monsoon depressions, 2015
Boss, Emmanuel; Guidi, Lionel; Richardson, Mary Jo; Stemmann, Lars; Gardner, Wilford; Bishop, James KB et al.: Optical techniques for remote and in-situ characterization of particles pertinent to GEOTRACES, 2015
Brooks, Brandon; Mueller, Ryan S; Young, Jacque C; Morowitz, Michael J; Hettich, Robert L; Banfield, Jillian F: Strain-resolved microbial community proteomics reveals simultaneous aerobic and anaerobic function during gastrointestinal tract colonization of a preterm infant, 2015
Brown, Christopher T; Hug, Laura A; Thomas, Brian C; Sharon, Itai; Castelle, Cindy J; Singh, Andrea et al.: Unusual biology across a group comprising more than 15% of domain Bacteria, 2015
Brygoo, Stephanie; Millot, Marius; Loubeyre, Paul; Lazicki, Amy E; Hamel, Sebastien; Qi, Tingting et al.: Analysis of laser shock experiments on precompressed samples using a quartz reference and application to warm dense hydrogen and helium, 2015
Buffett, BA: Core-Mantle Interactions, 2015
Buffett, Bruce: Dipole fluctuations and the duration of geomagnetic polarity transitions, 2015
Buffett, Bruce; Matsui, Hiroaki: The fluid dynamics of inner-core growth, 2015