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Earth and Planetary Science - Open Access Policy Deposits

There are 962 publications in this collection, published between 1997 and 2025. Showing 751 - 800.

Buffett, Bruce; Matsui, Hiroaki: A power spectrum for the geomagnetic dipole moment, 2015

Bürgmann, Roland: Diary of a wimpy fault, 2015

Bürgmann, Roland: Weak subduction makes great quakes, 2015

Cai, Yanjun; Fung, Inez Y; Edwards, R Lawrence; An, Zhisheng; Cheng, Hai; Lee, Jung-Eun et al.: Variability of stalagmite-inferred Indian monsoon precipitation over the past 252,000 y., 2015

Cassidy, M; Watt, SFL; Talling, PJ; Palmer, MR; Edmonds, M; Jutzeler, M et al.: Rapid onset of mafic magmatism facilitated by volcanic edifice collapse, 2015

Cassidy, M; Watt, SFL; Talling, PJ; Palmer, MR; Edmonds, M; Jutzeler, M et al.: Rapid onset of mafic magmatism facilitated by volcanic edifice collapse, 2015

Castelle, Cindy J; Wrighton, Kelly C; Thomas, Brian C; Hug, Laura A; Brown, Christopher T; Wilkins, Michael J et al.: Genomic Expansion of Domain Archaea Highlights Roles for Organisms from New Phyla in Anaerobic Carbon Cycling, 2015

Chaussard, E; Bürgmann, R; Fattahi, H; Johnson, CW; Nadeau, R; Taira, T et al.: Interseismic coupling and refined earthquake potential on the Hayward‐Calaveras fault zone, 2015

Chaussard, E; Bürgmann, R; Fattahi, H; Nadeau, RM; Taira, T; Johnson, CW et al.: Potential for larger earthquakes in the East San Francisco Bay Area due to the direct connection between the Hayward and Calaveras Faults, 2015

Chen, Kai; Kunz, Martin; Tamura, Nobumichi; Wenk, Hans-Rudolf: Residual stress preserved in quartz from the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth, 2015

Chiang, John CH; Fung, Inez Y; Wu, Chi-Hua; Cai, Yanjun; Edman, Jacob P; Liu, Yuwei et al.: Role of seasonal transitions and westerly jets in East Asian paleoclimate, 2015

Clog, Matthieu; Stolper, Daniel; Eiler, John M: Kinetics of CO2(g)–H2O(1) isotopic exchange, including mass 47 isotopologues, 2015

Collins, William: From research to action on climate change, 2015

Collins, WD; Craig, AP; Truesdale, JE; Di Vittorio, AV; Jones, AD; Bond-Lamberty, B et al.: The integrated Earth system model version 1: formulation and functionality, 2015

Collins, WD; Johansen, H; Evans, KJ; Woodward, CS; Caldwell, PM: Progress in Fast, Accurate Multi-scale Climate Simulations, 2015

Dale, Larry L; Karali, Nihan; Millstein, Dev; Carnall, Mike; Vicuña, Sebastian; Borchers, Nicolas et al.: An integrated assessment of water-energy and climate change in sacramento, california: how strong is the nexus?, 2015

Davis, Anthony B; Xu, Feng; Collins, William D: Accounting for Sub-Pixel Variability of Clouds and/or Unresolved Spectral Variability, as Needed, with Generalized Radiative Transfer Theory, 2015

Day, Jesse A; Fung, Inez; Risi, Camille: Coupling of South and East Asian Monsoon Precipitation in July–August*, 2015

De Yoreo, James J; Gilbert, Pupa UPA; Sommerdijk, Nico AJM; Penn, R Lee; Whitelam, Stephen; Joester, Derk et al.: Crystallization by particle attachment in synthetic, biogenic, and geologic environments, 2015

Delbridge, Brent; Bürgmann, Roland; Fielding, Eric; Hensley, Scott: Kinematics of the Slumgullion Landslide from UAVSAR Derived Interferograms, 2015

Diamond, Spencer; Jun, Darae; Rubin, Benjamin E; Golden, Susan S: The circadian oscillator in Synechococcus elongatus controls metabolite partitioning during diurnal growth, 2015

Dideriksen, Knud; Frandsen, Cathrine; Bovet, Nicolas; Wallace, Adam F; Sel, Ozlem; Arbour, Tyler et al.: Formation and transformation of a short range ordered iron carbonate precursor, 2015

Dutilleul, Pierre; Johnson, Christopher W; Bürgmann, Roland; Wan, Yongge; Shen, Zheng‐Kang: Multifrequential periodogram analysis of earthquake occurrence: An alternative approach to the Schuster spectrum, with two examples in central California, 2015

Eckert, Jürgen; Gourdon, Olivier; Jacob, Dorrit E; Meral, Cagla; Monteiro, Paulo JM; Vogel, Sven C et al.: Ordering of water in opals with different microstructures, 2015

Edman, Jacob P; Romps, David M: Self‐consistency tests of large‐scale dynamics parameterizations for single‐column modeling, 2015

Feinberg, JM; Solheid, PA; Swanson-Hysell, NL; Jackson, MJ; Bowles, JA: Full vector low-temperature magnetic measurements of geologic materials, 2015

Feinberg, Joshua M; Solheid, Peter A; Swanson-Hysell, Nicholas L; Jackson, Mike J; Bowles, Julie A: Full vector low-temperature magnetic measurements of geologic materials, 2015

Feldman, DR; Collins, WD; Gero, PJ; Torn, MS; Mlawer, EJ; Shippert, TR: Observational determination of surface radiative forcing by CO2 from 2000 to 2010, 2015

Feldman, DR; Collins, WD; Paige, JL: Pan-spectral observing system simulation experiments of shortwave reflectance and long-wave radiance for climate model evaluation, 2015

Fildier, Benjamin; Collins, William D: Origins of climate model discrepancies in atmospheric shortwave absorption and global precipitation changes, 2015

French, Scott; Zheng, Yili; Romanowicz, Barbara; Yelick, Katherine: Parallel Hessian Assembly for Seismic Waveform Inversion Using Global Updates, 2015

Giaccio, Biagio; Regattieri, Eleonora; Zanchetta, Giovanni; Nomade, Sebastien; Renne, Paul R; Sprain, Courtney J et al.: Duration and dynamics of the best orbital analogue to the present interglacial, 2015

Gilbert, Benjamin; Comolli, Luis R; Tinnacher, Ruth M; Kunz, Martin; Banfield, Jillian F: Formation and Restacking of Disordered Smectite Osmotic Hydrates, 2015

Goltsman, Daniela S Aliaga; Comolli, Luis R; Thomas, Brian C; Banfield, Jillian F: Community transcriptomics reveals unexpected high microbial diversity in acidophilic biofilm communities, 2015

Haerinck, Tom; Wenk, Hans-Rudolf; Debacker, Timothy N; Sintubin, Manuel: Preferred mineral orientation of a chloritoid-bearing slate in relation to its magnetic fabric, 2015

Handley, Kim M; Wrighton, Kelly C; Miller, Christopher S; Wilkins, Michael J; Kantor, Rose S; Thomas, Brian C et al.: Disturbed subsurface microbial communities follow equivalent trajectories despite different structural starting points, 2015

Hendricks, U; Pascual, M Rodriguez; Banfield, JF; Lewis, AE: Measuring precipitation kinetics of sparingly soluble salts using Shock-Freeze Cryo-TEM, 2015

Hornbach, Matthew J; Manga, Michael; Genecov, Michael; Valdez, Robert; Miller, Peter; Saffer, Demian et al.: Permeability and pressure measurements in Lesser Antilles submarine slides: Evidence for pressure‐driven slow‐slip failure, 2015

Hug, Laura A; Thomas, Brian C; Brown, Christopher T; Frischkorn, Kyle R; Williams, Kenneth H; Tringe, Susannah G et al.: Aquifer environment selects for microbial species cohorts in sediment and groundwater, 2015

Hurley, John V; Boos, William R: A global climatology of monsoon low‐pressure systems, 2015

Ickert, Ryan B; Mulcahy, Sean R; Sprain, Courtney J; Banaszak, Jessica F; Renne, Paul R: Chemical and Pb isotope composition of phenocrysts from bentonites constrains the chronostratigraphy around the Cretaceous‐Paleogene boundary in the Hell Creek region, Montana, 2015

Jeevanjee, Nadir; Romps, David M: Effective Buoyancy, Inertial Pressure, and the Mechanical Generation of Boundary Layer Mass Flux by Cold Pools, 2015

Johnson, Christopher W; Bürgmann, Roland; Pollitz, Fred F: Rare dynamic triggering of remote M ≥ 5.5 earthquakes from global catalog analysis, 2015

Jones, Andrew D; Calvin, Katherine V; Collins, William D; Edmonds, James: Accounting for radiative forcing from albedo change in future global land-use scenarios, 2015

Kaercher, Pamela M; Zepeda-Alarcon, Eloisa; Prakapenka, Vitali B; Kanitpanyacharoen, Waruntorn; Smith, Jesse S; Sinogeikin, Stanislav et al.: Preferred orientation in experimentally deformed stishovite: implications for deformation mechanisms, 2015

Kanitpanyacharoen, Waruntorn; Vasin, Roman; Wenk, Hans-Rudolf; Dewhurst, David N: Linking preferred orientations to elastic anisotropy in Muderong Shale, AustraliaLinking orientations to anisotropy, 2015

Kantor, Rose S; van Zyl, A Wynand; van Hille, Robert P; Thomas, Brian C; Harrison, Susan TL; Banfield, Jillian F: Bioreactor microbial ecosystems for thiocyanate and cyanide degradation unravelled with genome‐resolved metagenomics, 2015

Kern, Hartmut; Lokajicek, Tomas; Svitek, Tomas; Wenk, Hans‐Rudolf: Seismic anisotropy of serpentinite from Val Malenco, Italy, 2015

Langhans, Wolfgang; Yeo, Kyongmin; Romps, David M: Lagrangian Investigation of the Precipitation Efficiency of Convective Clouds, 2015

Langhans, Wolfgang; Romps, David M: The origin of water vapor rings in tropical oceanic cold pools, 2015

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