Earth and Planetary Science - Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 962 publications in this collection, published between 1997 and 2025. Showing 851 - 900.
Tingay, MRP; Rudolph, ML; Manga, M; Davies, RJ; Wang, Chi-Yuen: Initiation of the Lusi mudflow disaster, 2015
Tran, Aaron; Rudolph, Maxwell L; Manga, Michael: Bubble mobility in mud and magmatic volcanoes, 2015
Tremblay, Marissa M; Fox, Matthew; Schmidt, Jennifer L; Tripathy-Lang, Alka; Wielicki, Matthew M; Harrison, T Mark et al.: Erosion in southern Tibet shut down at ∼10 Ma due to enhanced rock uplift within the Himalaya, 2015
Tully, Benjamin J; Emerson, Joanne B; Andrade, Karen; Brocks, Jochen J; Allen, Eric E; Banfield, Jillian F et al.: De Novo Sequences of Haloquadratum walsbyi from Lake Tyrrell, Australia, Reveal a Variable Genomic Landscape, 2015
Turner, Ryan C; Shirzaei, Manoochehr; Nadeau, Robert M; Bürgmann, Roland: Slow and Go: Pulsing slip rates on the creeping section of the San Andreas Fault, 2015
Vona, A; Giordano, G; De Benedetti, AA; D'Ambrosio, R; Romano, C; Manga, M: Ascent velocity and dynamics of the Fiumicino mud eruption, Rome, Italy, 2015
Vrettas, Michail D; Fung, Inez Y: Toward a new parameterization of hydraulic conductivity in climate models: Simulation of rapid groundwater fluctuations in Northern California, 2015
Wang, Chi-Yuen; Manga, Michael: New streams and springs after the 2014 Mw6.0 South Napa earthquake, 2015
Wang, Dayong; Manga, Michael: Organic matter maturation in the contact aureole of an igneous sill as a tracer of hydrothermal convection, 2015
Wang, Huei-Jin; Riley, William J; Collins, William D: Statistical uncertainty of eddy covariance CO2 fluxes inferred using a residual bootstrap approach, 2015
Wehner, Michael; Prabhat,; Reed, Kevin A; Stone, Dáithí; Collins, William D; Bacmeister, Julio: Resolution Dependence of Future Tropical Cyclone Projections of CAM5.1 in the U.S. CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group Idealized Configurations, 2015
White, Mark P; Theodoris, Christina V; Liu, Lei; Collins, William J; Blue, Kathleen W; Lee, Joon Ho et al.: NOTCH1 regulates matrix gla protein and calcification gene networks in human valve endothelium., 2015
Wiseman, Kelly; Bürgmann, Roland; Freed, Andrew M; Banerjee, Paramesh: Viscoelastic relaxation in a heterogeneous Earth following the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake, 2015
Xiong, Weili; Giannone, Richard J; Morowitz, Michael J; Banfield, Jillian F; Hettich, Robert L: Development of an Enhanced Metaproteomic Approach for Deepening the Microbiome Characterization of the Human Infant Gut, 2015
Young, Jacque C; Pan, Chongle; Adams, Rachel M; Brooks, Brandon; Banfield, Jillian F; Morowitz, Michael J et al.: Metaproteomics reveals functional shifts in microbial and human proteins during a preterm infant gut colonization case, 2015
Young, JC; Pan, C; Adams, RM; Brooks, B; Banfield, JF; Morowitz, MJ et al.: Metaproteomics reveals functional shifts in microbial and human proteins during a preterm infant gut colonization case, 2015
Zhai, Jun; Boos, William: Regime Transitions of Cross-Equatorial Hadley Circulations with Zonally Asymmetric Thermal Forcings, 2015
Zhang, Hengzhong; Waychunas, Glenn A; Banfield, Jillian F: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Early Stages of Nucleation of Iron Oxyhydroxide Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solutions, 2015
Brooks, Brandon; Firek, Brian A; Miller, Christopher S; Sharon, Itai; Thomas, Brian C; Baker, Robyn et al.: Microbes in the neonatal intensive care unit resemble those found in the gut of premature infants, 2014
Buffett, Bruce A; King, Eric M; Matsui, Hiroaki: A physical interpretation of stochastic models for fluctuations in the Earth's dipole field, 2014
Cohen, Naftali Y; Boos, William R: Has the number of Indian summer monsoon depressions decreased over the last 30 years?, 2014
Comolli, Luis R; Banfield, Jill F: Inter-species interconnections in acid mine drainage microbial communities, 2014
Cottaar, Sanne; Li, Mingming; McNamara, Allen K; Romanowicz, Barbara; Wenk, Hans-Rudolf: Synthetic seismic anisotropy models within a slab impinging on the core–mantle boundary, 2014
Feldman, Daniel R; Collins, William D; Pincus, Robert; Huang, Xianglei; Chen, Xiuhong: Far-infrared surface emissivity and climate, 2014
Hanke, Anna; Hamann, Emmo; Sharma, Ritin; Geelhoed, Jeanine S; Hargesheimer, Theresa; Kraft, Beate et al.: Recoding of the stop codon UGA to glycine by a BD1-5/SN-2 bacterium and niche partitioning between Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria in a tidal sediment microbial community naturally selected in a laboratory chemostat, 2014
Hargis, Craig W; Moon, Juhyuk; Lothenbach, Barbara; Winnefeld, Frank; Wenk, Hans‐Rudolf; Monteiro, Paulo JM: Calcium Sulfoaluminate Sodalite (Ca4Al6O12SO4) Crystal Structure Evaluation and Bulk Modulus Determination, 2014
Holm, JA; Chambers, JQ; Collins, WD; Higuchi, N: Forest response to increased disturbance in the central Amazon and comparison to western Amazonian forests, 2014
Houlié, N; Dreger, D; Kim, A: GPS source solution of the 2004 Parkfield earthquake, 2014
Jackson, Marie D; Landis, Eric N; Brune, Philip F; Vitti, Massimo; Chen, Heng; Li, Qinfei et al.: Mechanical resilience and cementitious processes in Imperial Roman architectural mortar, 2014
Janssen, C; Wirth, R; Wenk, H-R; Morales, L; Naumann, R; Kienast, M et al.: Faulting processes in active faults – Evidences from TCDP and SAFOD drill core samples, 2014
Justice, Nicholas B; Norman, Anders; Brown, Christopher T; Singh, Andrea; Thomas, Brian C; Banfield, Jillian F: Comparison of environmental and isolate Sulfobacillus genomes reveals diverse carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, and hydrogen metabolisms, 2014
Kaercher, Pamela; Militzer, Burkhard; Wenk, Hans-Rudolf: Ab initio calculations of elastic constants of plagioclase feldspars, 2014
Kim, Hyojin; Bishop, James KB; Dietrich, William E; Fung, Inez Y: Process dominance shift in solute chemistry as revealed by long-term high-frequency water chemistry observations of groundwater flowing through weathered argillite underlying a steep forested hillslope, 2014
Li, Zhou; Wang, Yingfeng; Yao, Qiuming; Justice, Nicholas B; Ahn, Tae-Hyuk; Xu, Dong et al.: Diverse and divergent protein post-translational modifications in two growth stages of a natural microbial community, 2014
Link, Percy; Simonin, Kevin; Maness, Holly; Oshun, Jasper; Dawson, Todd; Fung, Inez: Species differences in the seasonality of evergreen tree transpiration in a Mediterranean climate: Analysis of multiyear, half‐hourly sap flow observations, 2014
Lutterotti, Luca; Vasin, Roman; Wenk, Hans-Rudolf: Rietveld texture analysis from synchrotron diffraction images. I. Calibration and basic analysis, 2014
Ma, Ding; Boos, William; Kuang, Zhiming: Effects of Orography and Surface Heat Fluxes on the South Asian Summer Monsoon, 2014
Miller, SM; Fung, I; Liu, J; Hayek, MN; Andrews, AE: The potential for regional-scale bias in top-down CO2 flux estimates due to atmospheric transport errors, 2014
Podell, Sheila; Emerson, Joanne B; Jones, Claudia M; Ugalde, Juan A; Welch, Sue; Heidelberg, Karla B et al.: Seasonal fluctuations in ionic concentrations drive microbial succession in a hypersaline lake community, 2014
Romps, David M; Seeley, Jacob T; Vollaro, David; Molinari, John: Projected increase in lightning strikes in the United States due to global warming, 2014
Sagnotti, Leonardo; Scardia, Giancarlo; Giaccio, Biagio; Liddicoat, Joseph C; Nomade, Sebastien; Renne, Paul R et al.: Extremely rapid directional change during Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic polarity reversal, 2014
Silva, Rona M; Xu, Jingyi; Saiki, Clare; Anderson, Donald S; Franzi, Lisa M; Vulpe, Chris D et al.: Short versus long silver nanowires: a comparison of in vivo pulmonary effects post instillation, 2014
Simonin, Kevin A; Link, Percy; Rempe, Daniella; Miller, Scot; Oshun, Jasper; Bode, Colin et al.: Vegetation induced changes in the stable isotope composition of near surface humidity, 2014
Soda, Yusuke; Wenk, Hans-Rudolf: Antigorite crystallographic preferred orientations in serpentinites from Japan, 2014
Storelvmo, T; Boos, WR; Herger, N: Cirrus cloud seeding: a climate engineering mechanism with reduced side effects?, 2014
Swann, Abigail LS; Fung, Inez Y; Liu, Yuwei; Chiang, John CH: Remote Vegetation Feedbacks and the Mid-Holocene Green Sahara, 2014
Swanson-Hysell, Nicholas L; Vaughan, Angus A; Mustain, Monica R; Asp, Kristofer E: Confirmation of progressive plate motion during the Midcontinent Rift's early magmatic stage from the Osler Volcanic Group, Ontario, Canada, 2014
Swanson-Hysell, N. L; Burgess, S. D; Maloof, A. C; Bowring, S. A: Magmatic activity and plate motion during the latent stage of Midcontinent Rift development, 2014
Tochigi, E; Zepeda-alarcon, E; Wenk, H-R; Minor, AM: In situ TEM observations of plastic deformation in quartz crystals, 2014
Tostevin, Rosalie; Turchyn, Alexandra V; Farquhar, James; Johnston, David T; Eldridge, Daniel L; Bishop, James KB et al.: Multiple sulfur isotope constraints on the modern sulfur cycle, 2014