Earth and Planetary Science - Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 962 publications in this collection, published between 1997 and 2025. Showing 901 - 950.
Vasin, Roman; Lebensohn, Ricardo A; Matthies, Siegfried; Tomé, Carlos N; Wenk, Hans-Rudolf: The influence of grain shape and volume fraction of sheet silicates on elastic properties of aggregates: Biotite platelets in an isotropic matrixElastic properties of aggregates, 2014
Wehner, Michael F; Reed, Kevin A; Li, Fuyu; Prabhat,; Bacmeister, Julio; Chen, Cheng‐Ta et al.: The effect of horizontal resolution on simulation quality in the Community Atmospheric Model, CAM5.1, 2014
Wenk, Hans-Rudolf; Lutterotti, Luca; Kaercher, Pamela; Kanitpanyacharoen, Waruntorn; Miyagi, Lowell; Vasin, Roman: Rietveld texture analysis from synchrotron diffraction images. II. Complex multiphase materials and diamond anvil cell experiments, 2014
WoldeGabriel, G; Boukhalfa, H; Ware, SD; Cheshire, M; Reimus, P; Heikoop, J et al.: Characterization of cores from an in-situ recovery mined uranium deposit in Wyoming: Implications for post-mining restoration, 2014
Wrighton, Kelly C; Castelle, Cindy J; Wilkins, Michael J; Hug, Laura A; Sharon, Itai; Thomas, Brian C et al.: Metabolic interdependencies between phylogenetically novel fermenters and respiratory organisms in an unconfined aquifer, 2014
Zepeda‐Alarcon, Eloisa; Nakotte, Heinz; Gualtieri, Alessandro F; King, Graham; Page, Katharine; Vogel, Sven C et al.: Magnetic and nuclear structure of goethite (α‐FeOOH): a neutron diffraction study, 2014
Acuña, Lillian G; Cárdenas, Juan Pablo; Covarrubias, Paulo C; Haristoy, Juan José; Flores, Rodrigo; Nuñez, Harold et al.: Architecture and Gene Repertoire of the Flexible Genome of the Extreme Acidophile Acidithiobacillus caldus, 2013
Boos, William R; Shaw, Tiffany A: The Effect of Moist Convection on the Tropospheric Response to Tropical and Subtropical Zonally Asymmetric Torques, 2013
Boos, William R; Kuang, Zhiming: Sensitivity of the South Asian monsoon to elevated and non-elevated heating, 2013
Brown, CT; Sharon, I; Thomas, BC; Castelle, CJ; Morowitz, MJ; Banfield, JF: Genome resolved analysis of a premature infant gut microbial community reveals a Varibaculum cambriense genome and a shift towards fermentation-based metabolism during the third week of life, 2013
Busby, Cathy J; Hagan, Jeanette C; Renne, Paul: Initiation of Sierra Nevada range front–Walker Lane faulting ca. 12 Ma in the Ancestral Cascades arc, 2013
Castelle, Cindy J; Hug, Laura A; Wrighton, Kelly C; Thomas, Brian C; Williams, Kenneth H; Wu, Dongying et al.: Extraordinary phylogenetic diversity and metabolic versatility in aquifer sediment, 2013
Cohen-Waeber, Julien; Sitar, Nicholas; Bürgmann, Roland: GPS and Remote Sensing Study of Slope Movement in the Berkeley Hills, Ca., 2013
Di Rienzi, Sara C; Sharon, Itai; Wrighton, Kelly C; Koren, Omry; Hug, Laura A; Thomas, Brian C et al.: The human gut and groundwater harbor non-photosynthetic bacteria belonging to a new candidate phylum sibling to Cyanobacteria, 2013
Emerson, Joanne B; Thomas, Brian C; Andrade, Karen; Heidelberg, Karla B; Banfield, Jillian F: New Approaches Indicate Constant Viral Diversity despite Shifts in Assemblage Structure in an Australian Hypersaline Lake, 2013
Emerson, Joanne B; Andrade, Karen; Thomas, Brian C; Norman, Anders; Allen, Eric E; Heidelberg, Karla B et al.: Virus-Host and CRISPR Dynamics in Archaea-Dominated Hypersaline Lake Tyrrell, Victoria, Australia, 2013
Fung, Inez: A Hyperventilating Biosphere, 2013
Garrity, George M; Banfield, Jill; Eisen, Jonathan; van der Lelie, Niels; McMahon, Trina; Rusch, Doug et al.: Prokaryotic Super Program Advisory Committee DOE Joint Genome Institute, Walnut Creek, CA, March 27, 2013., 2013
Goltsman, D. S. A; Dasari, M.; Thomas, B. C; Shah, M. B; VerBerkmoes, N. C; Hettich, R. L et al.: New Group in the Leptospirillum Clade: Cultivation-Independent Community Genomics, Proteomics, and Transcriptomics of the New Species "Leptospirillum Group IV UBA BS", 2013
Hsieh, W-C; Collins, WD; Liu, Y; Chiang, JCH; Shie, C-L; Caldeira, K et al.: Climate response due to carbonaceous aerosols and aerosol-induced SST effects in NCAR community atmospheric model CAM3.5, 2013
Hug, LA; Castelle, CJ; Wrighton, KC; Thomas, BC; Sharon, I; Frischkorn, KR et al.: Community genomic analyses constrain the distribution of metabolic traits across the Chloroflexi phylum and indicate roles in sediment carbon cycling, 2013
Hurley, John V; Boos, William R: Interannual Variability of Monsoon Precipitation and Local Subcloud Equivalent Potential Temperature, 2013
Kanitpanyacharoen, Waruntorn; Parkinson, Dilworth Y; De Carlo, Francesco; Marone, Federica; Stampanoni, Marco; Mokso, Rajmund et al.: A comparative study of X‐ray tomographic microscopy on shales at different synchrotron facilities: ALS, APS and SLS, 2013
Kantor, Rose S; Wrighton, Kelly C; Handley, Kim M; Sharon, Itai; Hug, Laura A; Castelle, Cindy J et al.: Small Genomes and Sparse Metabolisms of Sediment-Associated Bacteria from Four Candidate Phyla, 2013
Li, Fuyu; Collins, William D; Wehner, Michael F; Leung, L Ruby: Hurricanes in an aquaplanet world: Implications of the impacts of external forcing and model horizontal resolution, 2013
Masson, Y.; Cupillard, P.; Capdeville, Y.; Romanowicz, B.: On the numerical implementation of time-reversal mirrors for tomographic imaging, 2013
Miller, Christopher S; Handley, Kim M; Wrighton, Kelly C; Frischkorn, Kyle R; Thomas, Brian C; Banfield, Jillian F: Short-Read Assembly of Full-Length 16S Amplicons Reveals Bacterial Diversity in Subsurface Sediments, 2013
Moreau, John W; Fournelle, John H; Banfield, Jillian F: Quantifying Heavy Metals Sequestration by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in an Acid Mine Drainage-Contaminated Natural Wetland, 2013
Mosier, Annika C; Justice, Nicholas B; Bowen, Benjamin P; Baran, Richard; Thomas, Brian C; Northen, Trent R et al.: Metabolites Associated with Adaptation of Microorganisms to an Acidophilic, Metal-Rich Environment Identified by Stable-Isotope-Enabled Metabolomics, 2013
Nielsen, Laura C; DePaolo, Donald J: Ca isotope fractionation in a high-alkalinity lake system: Mono Lake, California, 2013
Nielsen, Laura C; De Yoreo, James J; DePaolo, Donald J: General model for calcite growth kinetics in the presence of impurity ions, 2013
O'Brien, T.A.: Observed scaling in clouds and precipitation and scale incognizance in regional to global atmospheric models, 2013
Vasin, Roman N; Wenk, Hans‐Rudolf; Kanitpanyacharoen, Waruntorn; Matthies, Siegfried; Wirth, Richard: Elastic anisotropy modeling of Kimmeridge shale, 2013
Wenk, H-R; Kaercher, P; Kanitpanyacharoen, W; Zepeda-Alarcon, E; Wang, Y: Orientation Relations During the α-ω Phase Transition of Zirconium: In Situ Texture Observations at High Pressure and Temperature, 2013
Wilkins, Michael J; Wrighton, Kelly C; Nicora, Carrie D; Williams, Kenneth H; McCue, Lee Ann; Handley, Kim M et al.: Fluctuations in Species-Level Protein Expression Occur during Element and Nutrient Cycling in the Subsurface, 2013
Hirata, Akira; Fujishima, Kosuke; Yamagami, Ryota; Kawamura, Takuya; Banfield, Jillian F; Kanai, Akio et al.: X-ray structure of the fourth type of archaeal tRNA splicing endonuclease: insights into the evolution of a novel three-unit composition and a unique loop involved in broad substrate specificity, 2012
Li, Fuyu; Rosa, Daniele; Collins, William D; Wehner, Michael F: “Super‐parameterization”: A better way to simulate regional extreme precipitation?, 2012
Nielsen, Laura C; DePaolo, Donald J; De Yoreo, James J: Self-consistent ion-by-ion growth model for kinetic isotopic fractionation during calcite precipitation, 2012
Schmidt, Matthew C; Rocha, Andrea M; Padmanabhan, Kanchana; Shpanskaya, Yekaterina; Banfield, Jill; Scott, Kathleen et al.: NIBBS-Search for Fast and Accurate Prediction of Phenotype-Biased Metabolic Systems, 2012
Shi, Zheming; Wang, Guang‐Cai; Manga, Michael; Wang, Chi‐Yuen: Continental‐scale water‐level response to a large earthquake, 2012
Weinberger, Ariel D; Sun, Christine L; Pluciński, Mateusz M; Denef, Vincent J; Thomas, Brian C; Horvath, Philippe et al.: Persisting viral sequences shape microbial CRISPR-based immunity., 2012
Young, Jacque C; Dill, Brian D; Pan, Chongle; Hettich, Robert L; Banfield, Jillian F; Shah, Manesh et al.: Phage-Induced Expression of CRISPR-Associated Proteins Is Revealed by Shotgun Proteomics in Streptococcus thermophilus, 2012
Bowen, Benjamin P; Fischer, Curt R; Baran, Richard; Banfield, Jillian F; Northen, Trent: Improved genome annotation through untargeted detection of pathway-specific metabolites., 2011
Fujishima, Kosuke; Sugahara, Junichi; Miller, Christopher S; Baker, Brett J; Di Giulio, Massimo; Takesue, Kanako et al.: A novel three-unit tRNA splicing endonuclease found in ultrasmall Archaea possesses broad substrate specificity, 2011
LI, FUYU; COLLINS, WILLIAM D; WEHNER, MICHAEL F; WILLIAMSON, DAVID L; OLSON, JERRY G; ALGIERI, CHRISTOPHER: Impact of horizontal resolution on simulation of precipitation extremes in an aqua‐planet version of Community Atmospheric Model (CAM3), 2011
LI, FUYU; COLLINS, WILLIAM D; WEHNER, MICHAEL F; WILLIAMSON, DAVID L; OLSON, JERRY G: Response of precipitation extremes to idealized global warming in an aqua‐planet climate model: towards a robust projection across different horizontal resolutions, 2011
Yelton, Alexis P; Thomas, Brian C; Simmons, Sheri L; Wilmes, Paul; Zemla, Adam; Thelen, Michael P et al.: A Semi-Quantitative, Synteny-Based Method to Improve Functional Predictions for Hypothetical and Poorly Annotated Bacterial and Archaeal Genes, 2011
Mueller, Ryan S; Denef, Vincent J; Kalnejais, Linda H; Suttle, K Blake; Thomas, Brian C; Wilmes, Paul et al.: Ecological distribution and population physiology defined by proteomics in a natural microbial community, 2010
RANDERSON, JAMES T; HOFFMAN, FORREST M; THORNTON, PETER E; MAHOWALD, NATALIE M; LINDSAY, KEITH; LEE, YEN‐HUEI et al.: Systematic assessment of terrestrial biogeochemistry in coupled climate–carbon models, 2009
Wilmes, Paul; Simmons, Sheri L; Denef, Vincent J; Banfield, Jillian F: The dynamic genetic repertoire of microbial communities, 2009