Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 105 publications in this collection, published between 1999 and 2024. Showing 1 - 50.
Chaudhuri, Kalyani; Jha, Natasha; Nilayamgode, Mrithyunjayan; Suryanarayana, Revathy: Alcohol Ban and Crime: The ABCs of the Bihar Prohibition, 2024
Lloyd, Simon P; Marin, Emile A: Capital controls and trade policy, 2024
Amlani, Sharif; Kiesel, Spencer; Butters, Ross: Polarization in COVID-19 Vaccine Discussion Networks., 2023
Anelli, Massimo; Basso, Gaetano; Ippedico, Giuseppe; Peri, Giovanni: Emigration and Entrepreneurial Drain, 2023
Bordo, MD; Meissner, CM: Original sin and the great depression, 2023
Caramp, Nicolas; Singh, Sanjay R: Bond Premium Cyclicality and Liquidity Traps, 2023
Caramp, Nicolas; Silva, Dejanir H: Fiscal policy and the monetary transmission mechanism, 2023
East, Chloe N; Miller, Sarah; Page, Marianne; Wherry, Laura R: Multigenerational Impacts of Childhood Access to the Safety Net: Early Life Exposure to Medicaid and the Next Generation's Health., 2023
Lusher, Lester; Yang, Wenni; Carrell, Scott E: Congestion on the information superhighway: Inefficiencies in economics working papers, 2023
Peri, Giovanni; Zaiour, Reem: Changes in international immigration and internal native mobility after COVID-19 in the USA, 2023
Seo, Jinyoung: Nowhere to Hide: Time-Varying Inflation Risk and Bond-Stock Correlation, 2023
Xu, Yuan; Ma, Hong; Feenstra, Robert: Magnification of the ‘China shock’ through the U.S. housing market, 2023
Bitler, Marianne; Cook, Jason; Horn, Danea; Seegert, Nathan: Incomplete program take-up during a crisis: evidence from the COVID-19 shock in one U.S. state, 2022
Bonanno, Giacomo: Filtered Belief Revision: Syntax and Semantics, 2022
Bonanno, Giacomo: Minimax regret with imperfect ex-post knowledge of the state, 2022
Bukowski, Paweł; Clark, Gregory; Gáspár, Attila; Pető, Rita: Social Mobility and Political Regimes: Intergenerational Mobility in Hungary, 1949–2017, 2022
Peri, Giovanni: Knowledge Flows and Productivity, 2022
Baker, Phillip; Russ, Katheryn; Kang, Manho; Santos, Thiago M; Neves, Paulo AR; Smith, Julie et al.: Globalization, first-foods systems transformations and corporate power: a synthesis of literature and data on the market and political practices of the transnational baby food industry, 2021
Becuwe, Stéphane; Blancheton, Bertrand; Meissner, Christopher M: The French (Trade) Revolution of 1860: Intra-Industry Trade and Smooth Adjustment, 2021
Bitler, Marianne P; Carpenter, Christopher S; Horn, Danea: Effects of the Colorectal Cancer Control Program, 2021
Bitler, Marianne; Genetian, Lisa A; Gibson-Davis, Christina; Rangel, Marcos A: Means-Tested Safety Net Programs and Hispanic Families: Evidence from Medicaid, SNAP, and WIC, 2021
Bitler, Marianne; Corcoran, Sean P; Domina, Thurston; Penner, Emily K: Teacher Effects on Student Achievement and Height: A Cautionary Tale, 2021
Boatwright, Monique; Lawrence, Mark; Russell, Cherie; Russ, Katheryn; McCoy, David; Baker, Phillip: The Politics of Regulating Foods for Infants and Young Children: A Case Study on the Framing and Contestation of Codex Standard-Setting Processes on Breast-Milk Substitutes, 2021
Galofré-Vilà, Gregori; Meissner, Christopher M; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David: Austerity and the Rise of the Nazi Party, 2021
Lin, Peter Z; Meissner, Christopher M: Persistent Pandemics, 2021
Russ, Katheryn; Baker, Phillip; Byrd, Michaela; Kang, Manho; Siregar, Rizki Nauli; Zahid, Hammad et al.: What You Don’t Know About the Codex Can Hurt You: How Trade Policy Trumps Global Health Governance in Infant and Young Child Nutrition, 2021
Clark, Gregory; Cummins, Neil; Curtis, Matthew: Twins Support the Absence of Parity-Dependent Fertility Control in Pretransition Populations, 2020
Feenstra, Robert C; Xu, Mingzhi; Antoniades, Alexis: What is the Price of Tea in China? Goods Prices and Availability in Chinese Cities, 2020
Nielsen Arendt, Jacob; Bolvig, Iben; Foged, Mette; Hasager, Linea; Peri, Giovanni: Language Training and Refugees' Integration, 2020
Bonanno, Giacomo: Credible Information, Allowable Information and Belief Revision - Extended Abstract, 2019
Bonanno, Giacomo: The Economics of Uncertainty and Insurance, 2019
Bonanno, Giacomo; van der Hoek, Wiebe; Perea, Andrés: Introduction to the Special Issue on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT12), 2019
Bonanno, Giacomo: Uncertainty, Risk and Information, 2019
Bonanno, Giacomo: Uncertainty, Risk and Information. An economic analysis, 2019
Abstract: This textbook incorporates the author’s previous book "The Economics of Uncertainty and Insurance" and extends it with the addition of several new chapters on risk sharing, asymmetric information, adverse selection, signaling and moral hazard. It...
Chu, CY Cyrus; Kan, Kamhon; Lin, Jou Chun: Variations of wealth resemblance by family relationship types in modern Chinese families, 2019
Diewert, Erwin; Feenstra, Robert C: Estimating the Benefits of New Products, 2019
Feenstra, Robert C; Ma, Hong; Xu, Yuan: US exports and employment, 2019
Hjort, Jonas; Moreira, Diana; Rao, Gautam; Santini, Juan Francisco: How Research Affects Policy: Experimental Evidence from 2,150 Brazilian Municipalities, 2019
Lundberg, Shelly; Stearns, Jenna: Women in Economics: Stalled Progress, 2019
Bertoletti, Paolo; Etro, Federico; Simonovska, Ina: International Trade with Indirect Additivity, 2018
Bonanno, Giacomo: Behavior and deliberation in perfect-information games: Nash equilibrium and backward induction, 2018
Bonanno, Giacomo; Tsakas, Elias: Common belief of weak-dominance rationality in strategic-form games: A qualitative analysis, 2018
Bonanno, Giacomo; van der Hoek, Wiebe; Perea, Andrés: Introduction to the Special Section on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT12), 2018
Jenkins, Jade M; Duncan, Greg J; Auger, Anamarie; Bitler, Marianne; Domina, Thurston; Burchinal, Margaret: Boosting school readiness: Should preschool teachers target skills or the whole child?, 2018
Ross, Cody T; Mulder, Monique Borgerhoff; Oh, Seung-Yun; Bowles, Samuel; Beheim, Bret; Bunce, John et al.: Correction to: ‘Greater wealth inequality, less polygyny: rethinking the polygyny threshold model’, 2018
Bitler, Marianne P; Gelbach, Jonah B; Hoynes, Hilary W: Can Variation in Subgroups' Average Treatment Effects Explain Treatment Effect Heterogeneity? Evidence from a Social Experiment, 2017
Bitler, Marianne P; Carpenter, Christopher S: Effects of State Cervical Cancer Insurance Mandates on Pap Test Rates, 2017
Bonanno, Giacomo: Decision Making, 2017
Abstract: This text provides an introduction to the topic of rational decision making as well as a brief overview of the most common biases in judgment and decision making. "Decision Making" is relatively short (300 pages)...
Bonanno, Giacomo; Tsakas, Elias: Qualitative analysis of common belief of rationality in strategic-form games, 2017
Feenstra, Robert C: Statistics to Measure Offshoring and its Impact, 2017