IDAV Publications
There are 615 publications in this collection, published between 1979 and 2014. Showing 251 - 300.
Rocke, David; Woodruff, David: Multivariate Outlier Detection and Cluster Identification, 2003
Rocke, David; Dai, Jian: Sampling and Subsampling for Cluster Analysis in Data Mining, with Applications to Sky Survey Data, 2003
Rosa, Gabriel; Lum, Eric; Ma, Kwan-Liu; Ono, Kenji: An Interactive Volume Visualization System for Transient Flow Analysis, 2003
Scheuermann, Gerik; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken; Kollmann, Wolfgang: Localizing Vector Field Topology, 2003
Staadt, Oliver G.: Multiresolution Surface and Volume Representations, 2003
Staadt, Oliver G.; Walker, Justin E.; Nuber, Christof; Hamann, Bernd: A Survey and Performance Analysis of Software Platforms for Interactive Cluster-Based Multi-Screen Rendering, 2003
Teoh, Soon Tee; Ma, Kwan-Liu: PaintingClass: Interactive Construction, Visualization and Exploration of Decision Trees, 2003
Teoh, Soon Tee; Ma, Kwan-Liu; Wu, Felix S.: A Visual Exploration Process for the Analysis of Internet Routing Data, 2003
Teoh, Soon Tee; Ma, Kwan-Liu; Wu, Felix S.; Massey, Dan; Zhao, Xiaoliang; Pei, Dan et al.: Visual-based Anomaly Detection for BGP Orign AS Change Events, 2003
Tzeng, Fan-Yin; Ma, Kwan-Liu; Lum, Eric: A Novel Interface for Higher-Dimensional Classification of Volume Data, 2003
Vivodtzev, Fabien; Linsen, Lars; Bonneau, Georges-Pierre; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken; Olshausen, B. A.: Hierachical Isosurface Segmentation Based on Discrete Curvature, 2003
Vora Purohit, Parul; Rocke, David: Discriminant Models for High-Throughput Proteomics Mass Spectrometer Data, 2003
Weber, Gunther H.; Scheuermann, Gerik; Hamann, Bernd: Detecting Critical Regions in Scalar Fields, 2003
Weber, Gunther H.; Kreylos, Oliver; Ligocki, Terry J.; Shalf, John M.; Hagen, Hans; Hamann, Bernd et al.: Extraction of Crack-Free Isosurfaces from Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data, 2003
Weber, Gunther H.; Oehler, Martin; Kreylos, Oliver; Shalf, John M.; Bethel, Wes; Hamann, Bernd et al.: Parallel Cell Projection Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data, 2003
Weber, Gunther H.: Visualization of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data and Topology-based Exploration of Volume Data, 2003
Weber, Gunther H.; Schneider, Marco; Wilson, Daniel W.; Hagen, Hans; Hamann, Bernd; Kutter, Bruce L.: Visualization of Experimental Earthquake Data, 2003
Wiley, David F.: Approximation and Visualization of Scientific Data Using Higher-order Elements, 2003
Wiley, David F.; Childs, Hank; Gregorski, Benjamin F.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Contouring Curved Quadratic Elements, 2003
Wiley, David F.; Bertram, Martin; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken; Max, Nelson; Scheuermann, Gerik: Hierarchical spline approximation, 2003
Algazi, Ralph; Duda, Richard O; Duraiswami, R.; Gumerov, A.; Tang, Z.: Approximating the Head-Related Transfer Function using Simple Geometric Models fo the Head and Torso, 2002
Algazi, Ralph; Duda, Richard O; Thompson, Dennis M.: The Use of Head-and-Torso Models for Improved Spatial Sound Synthesis, 2002
Amenta, Nina; Choi, Sunghee: Blocked Randomized Incremental Constructions, 2002
Amenta, Nina; Choi, Sunghee; Jump, Maria E.; Kolluri, Ravi Krishna; Wahl, Thomas: Finding Alpha-Helices in Skeletons, 2002
Angel, Eric J.; Algazi, Ralph; Duda, Richard O: On the Design of Canonical Sound Localization Environments, 2002
Bremer, Peer Timo; Porumbescu, Serban D.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Automatic Semi-Regular Mesh Construction from Adaptive Distance Fields, 2002
Bremer, Peer Timo; Porumbescu, Serban D.; Kuester, Falko; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken; Ma, Kwan-Liu: Virtual Clay Modeling using Adaptive Distance Fields, 2002
Chen, George; Hofsetz, Christian; Liu, Yang; Max, Nelson; Ng, Kim; Hong, Li et al.: Light Field Duality: Concepts and Applications, 2002
Choi, Sunghee; Amenta, Nina: Delaunay Triangulation Programs on Surface Data, 2002
Co, Christopher S.: Hierarchical Clustering for Volumetric Scalar Fields, 2002
Durbin, Blythe; Hardin, Johanna; Hawkins, Douglas; Rocke, David: A Variance-Stabilizing Transformation for Gene-Expression Microarray Data, 2002
Gregorski, Benjamin F.; Sigeti, David E.; Ambrosiano, J. J.; Graham, G.; Wolinsky, M.; Duchaineau, Mark A.: Approximating Material Interfaces During Data Simplifications, 2002
Gregorski, Benjamin F.; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Lindstrom, Peter; Pascucci, Valerio; Joy, Ken: Interactive View-Dependent Rendering Of Large Isosurfaces, 2002
Gregorski, Benjamin F.: Recursive Tetrahedral Meshes for Scientific Visualization,, 2002
Jankun-Kelly, T. J.; Ma, Kwan-Liu: Focus+Context Display of the Visualization Exploration Process, 2002
Jankun-Kelly, T. J.; Ma, Kwan-Liu; Gertz, Michael: A Model for the Visualization Exploration Process, 2002
Jankun-Kelly, T. J.; Ma, Kwan-Liu: VisSheet Redux: Redesigning a Visualization Exploration Spreadsheet for the Web, 2002
Jeremic, Boris; Scheuermann, Gerik; Frey, Jan; Yang, Zhaohui; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken et al.: Tensor Visualization in Computational Geomechanics, 2002
Jones, Geoffrey; Rocke, David: Multivariate Survival Analysis with Doubly-Censored Data: Application to the Assessment of Accutane Treatment for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, 2002
Joy, Ken; Legakis, Justin; MacCracken, Ron: Data Structures for Multiresolution Representation of Unstructured Meshes, 2002
Khailany, Brucek; Dally, William J.; Chang, Andrew; Kapasi, Ujval J.; Namkoong, Jinyung; Towles, Brian: VLSI Design and Verification of the Imagine Processor, 2002
Klingner, Jeff; Amenta, Nina: Case Study: Visualization of Evolutionary Trees, 2002
Kreylos, Oliver; Hamann, Bernd; Max, Nelson; Bethel, Wes; Crivelli, Silvia Noemi: Interactive Protein Manipulation, 2002
Kreylos, Oliver; Tesdall, Allen M.; Hamann, Bernd; Hunter, J.; Joy, Ken: Interactive Visualization and Steering of CFD Simulations, 2002
Kreylos, Oliver; Bethel, Wes; Ligocki, Terry J.; Hamann, Bernd: Virtual-reality-based interactive exploration of multiresolution data, 2002
Lefohn, Aaron; Whitaker, Ross T.: A GPU-Based, Three-Dimensional Level Set Solver with Curvature Flow, 2002
Linsen, Lars; Prautzsch, Hartmut: Fan Clouds - An Alternative To Meshes, 2002
Linsen, Lars; Gray, Jevan; Pascucci, Valerio; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Hierarchical Large-scale Volume Representation with 3rd-root-of-2 Subdivision and Trivariate B-spline Wavelets, 2002
Linsen, Lars; Pascucci, Valerio; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Hierarchical Representation of Time-varying Volume Data with 4th-root-of-2 Subdivision and Quadrilinear B-spline Wavelets, 2002
Lum, Eric; Ma, Kwan-Liu: Feature-Enhanced Visualization of Multidimensional, Multivariate Volume Data Using Non-photorealistic Rendering Techniques, 2002