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IDAV Publications

There are 615 publications in this collection, published between 1979 and 2014. Showing 351 - 400.

Laney, Daniel E.; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Max, Nelson: A Selective Refinement Approach for Computing the Distance Function of Curves, 2001

Lefohn, Aaron; Ovchinnikov, Misha; Voth, Greg: A Multistate Empirical Valence Bond Approach to a Polarizable and Flexible Water Model, 2001

Lum, Eric; Ma, Kwan-Liu: Non-Photorealistic Rendering using Watercolor Inspired Textures and Illumination, 2001

Lum, Eric; Ma, Kwan-Liu; Clyne, John: Texture Hardware Assisted Rendering of Time-Varying Volume Data, 2001

Ma, Kwan-Liu; Parker, Steven: Parallel Software Rendering for Large-Scale Volume Visualization, 2001

Ma, Kwan-Liu; Lum, Eric: Visualization Techniques for Time-Varying Volume Data, 2001

Meredith, Jeremy S; Ma, Kwan-Liu: Multiresolution View-Dependent Splat Based Volume Rendering of Large Irregular Data, 2001

Muraki, S.; Ogata, Masato; Ma, Kwan-Liu; Koshizuka, K.; Kajihara, K.; Liu, X. et al.: Next Generation Supercomputing using PC Clusters with Volume Graphics Hardware Devices, 2001

Pinskiy, Dimitriy V.; Brugger, Eric S.; Ahern, S.; Hamann, Bernd: Constructing isosurfaces in a localized fashion using an underlying octree data structure, 2001

Pinskiy, Dimitriy V.; Brugger, Eric S.; Childs, Hank; Hamann, Bernd: An octree-based multiresolution approach supporting interactive rendering of very large volume data sets, 2001

Rocke, David; Woodruff, David: Discussion of `Multivariate Outlier Detection and Robust Covariance Matrix Estimation, 2001

Rocke, David; Durbin, Blythe: A Model for Measurement Error for Gene Expression Arrays, 2001

Schaetzl, Rene; Hagen, Hans; Barnes, James C.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Data-Dependent Triangulation in the Plane with Adaptive Knot Placement, 2001

Scheuermann, Gerik; Bobach, T.; Hagen, Hans; Mahrous, Karim; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken et al.: A Tetrahedra-Based Stream Surface Algorithm, 2001

Scheuermann, Gerik; Frey, Jan; Hagen, Hans; Hamann, Bernd; Jeremic, Boris; Joy, Ken: Visualization of Seismic Soil Structure Interaction Simulations, 2001

Schussman, Greg; Max, Nelson: Hierarchichal Perspective Volume Rendering using Triangle Fans, 2001

Staadt, Oliver G.; Näf, M.; Lamboray, Edouard; Würmlin, S.: JAPE: A Prototyping System for Collaborative Virtual Environments, 2001

Staadt, Oliver G.: Multiresolution Representation and Compression of Surfaces and Volumes, 2001

Weber, Gunther H.; Kreylos, Oliver; Ligocki, Terry J.; Shalf, John M.; Hagen, Hans; Hamann, Bernd et al.: Extraction of Crack-free Isosurfaces from Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data, 2001

Weber, Gunther H.; Kreylos, Oliver; Ligocki, Terry J.; Shalf, John M.; Hagen, Hans; Hamann, Bernd et al.: High-Quality Volume Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data, 2001

Weber, Gunther H.; Hagen, Hans; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken; Ligocki, Terry J.; Ma, Kwan-Liu et al.: Visualization of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data, 2001

Wiley, David F.; Bertram, Martin; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken; Max, Nelson; Scheuermann, Gerik: Hierarchical Spline Approximation, 2001

Amenta, Nina; Kolluri, Ravi Krishna: Accurate and Efficient Unions of Balls, 2000

Amenta, Nina; Bern, Marshall; Eppstein, David; Teng, Shang-Hua: Regression Depth and Center Points, 2000

Amenta, Nina; Choi, Sunghee; Dey, Tamal; Leekha, Naveen: A Simple Algorithm for Homeomorphic Surface Reconstruction, 2000

Bertram, Martin; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Bicubic Subdivision-Surface wavelets for Large-Scale Isosurface Representation and Visualization, 2000

Bertram, Martin: Multiresolution Modeling for Scientific Visualization, 2000

Bertram, Martin; Barnes, James C.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken; Pottmann, Helmut; Wushour, Dilinur: Piecewise Optimal Triangulation for the Approximation of Scattered Data in the Plane, 2000

Bertram, Martin; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Wavelets on Planar Tessellations, 2000

Bonnell, Kathleen S.; Schikore, Daniel A.; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Constructing Material Interfaces from Data Sets with Volume-Fraction Information, 2000

Bonnell, Kathleen S.: Material Interface Reconstruction, 2000

Bremer, Peer Timo; Kreylos, Oliver; Hamann, Bernd; Wolter, F.-E.: Simplification of Closed Triangulated Surfaces, 2000

Conkey, Jason; Joy, Ken: Using Isosurface Methods for Visualizing the Envelope of a Swept Trivariate Solid, 2000

Dai, Jian; Rocke, David: A GIS-Based Approach to Spatial Allocation of Area Source Solvent Emissions, 2000

Dai, Jian; Rocke, David: Modeling Spatial Variation in Area Source Emissions�A Poisson Regression Approach, 2000

Duraiswami, R.; Duda, Richard O; Algazi, Ralph; Davis, L.; Gumerov, A.; Liu, Q-H et al.: Creating Virtual Spatial Audio Via Scientific Computing and Computer Vision, 2000

Gregorski, Benjamin F.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Approximating Material Interfaces During Data Simplication, 2000

Gregorski, Benjamin F.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Reconstruction of B-Spline Surfaces from Scattered Data Points, 2000

Gregorski, Benjamin F.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Reconstuction of Surfaces from Scattered Data Points, 2000

Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken; Kuester, Falko: Interactive Two-Handed Virtual Design, 2000

Hofsetz, Christian; Ma, Kwan-Liu: Mutli-threaded Rendering of Unstructured-Grid Volume Data on the SGI Origin 2000, 2000

Jankun-Kelly, T. J.; Ma, Kwan-Liu: A Spreadsheet Interface for Visualization Exploration, 2000

Konkle Schussman, Shirley Ellen: Representation and Understanding of Scientific Data, 2000

Kreylos, Oliver; Hamann, Bernd: Data Structures for optimizing linear spline Approximations, 2000

Kreylos, Oliver; Hamann, Bernd; Ligocki, Terry J.; Bethel, Wes: Interactive Exploration of Scientific Data Using Virtual Reality Methods, 2000

Kreylos, Oliver; Ma, Kwan-Liu; Hamann, Bernd: A Multi-Resolution Interactive Previewer for Volumetric Data on Arbitary Meshes, 2000

Kuester, Falko; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken; Uva, Antony E.: 3DIVS: 3-Dimensional Immersive Virtual Sculpting, 2000

Kuester, Falko; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken; Ma, Kwan-Liu: The Designers Workbench: Towards Real-Time Immersive Modeling, 2000

Kuester, Falko; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Interactive Two-Handed Terrain and Set Design in Immersive Environments, 2000

LaMar, Eric C.; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Multiresolution Techniques for Interactive Texture-Based Rendering of Arbitrarily Oriented Cutting Planes, 2000

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