IDAV Publications
There are 615 publications in this collection, published between 1979 and 2014. Showing 451 - 500.
Kreylos, Oliver; Hamann, Bernd: On Simulated Annealing and the Construction of Linear Spline Approximations for Scattered Data, 1999
Kuester, Falko; Hamann, Bernd: The Designer Workbench Project: Semi-Immersive Interactive Modeling, 1999
LaMar, Eric C.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: High-Quality Rendering of Smooth Isosurfaces, 1999
LaMar, Eric C.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Multiresolution Techniques for Interactive Texture-Based Volume Visualization, 1999
Liverani, Alfredo; Kuester, Falko; Hamann, Bernd: Towards Interactive Finite Element Analysis of Shell Structures in Virtual Reality, 1999
Ma, Kwan-Liu: Image Graps- A Novel Interface for Visual Data Exploration, 1999
Ma, Kwan-Liu: Parallel Rendering of 3D AMR Data on the SGI/Cray T3E, 1999
Ma, Kwan-Liu; Crockett, Tom W.: Parallel Visualization of Large-Scale Aerodynamic Calculations: A Case Study on T3E, 1999
Madrigal, Claudia; Joy, Ken: Generating the Envelope of a Swept Trivariate Solid, 1999
Max, Nelson; Crawfis, Roger; Becker, Barry: Applications of Texture Mapping to Volume and Flow Visualization, 1999
Max, Nelson; Deussen, Oliver; Keating, Brett: Hierarchical Image-Based Rendering using Texture Mapping Hardware, 1999
Schussman, Shirley; Bertram, Martin; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Hierarchical Data Representation Based on Planar Voronoi Diagrams, 1999
Seibold, Wolfgang; Joy, Ken: Near-Optimal Adaptive Polygonalization, 1999
Shen, H.; Chiang, L.-J.; Ma, Kwan-Liu: A Fast Volume Rendering Algorithm for Time-varying Fields Using a Time-Space Partition (TSP) Tree, 1999
Trotts, Isaac J.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Simplification of Tetrahedral Meshes with Error Bounds, 1999
Uva, Antony E.; Monno, G.; Hamann, Bernd: A New Method for the Repair of CAD Data with Discontinuites, 1999
Wang, Wencheng; Wu, En-Hua; Max, Nelson: A Selective Rendering Method for Data Visualization, 1999
Weber, Gunther H.: Interactive Visualization of Vector Fields Using Tetrahedral Hierarchies, 1999
Weber, Gunther H.; Heckel, Bjoern; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken: Procedural Generation of Triangulation-Based Visualizations, 1999
Wynn, Chris W.; Barnes, James C.; Hamann, Bernd; Miller, Mark: Multiresolution and Adaptive Rendering Techniques for Structured, Curvilinear Data, 1999
Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Amenta, Nina; Sharir, Micha: Largest Placement of One Convex Polygon Inside Another, 1998
Algazi, Ralph; Avadhanam, Niranjan; Estes, Robert R.: Quality Measurement and Use of Pre-processing in Image Compression, 1998
Amenta, Nina; Bern, Marshall; Eppstein, David: The Crust and the Beta-Skeleton: Combinatorial Curve Reconstruction, 1998
Amenta, Nina; Bern, Marshall; Kamvysselis, Manolis: A New Voronoi-Based Surface Reconstruction Algorithm, 1998
Brown, C. P.; Duda, Richard O: A Structural Model for Binaural Sound Synthesis, 1998
Dai, Jian: Calibration and Test of a Discrete Choice Model with Endogenous Choice Sets, 1998
Downs, George W.; Rocke, David; Barsoom, Peter N.: Managing the Evolution of Multilateralism, 1998
Duda, Richard O; Martens, W. L.: Range Dependence of the Response of a Spherical Head Model, 1998
El-Fallah, Adel; Ford, Gary: On Mean Curvature Diffusion in Nonlinear Image £ltering, 1998
Gieng, Tran S.; Hamann, Bernd; Joy, Ken; Schussman, Greg; Trotts, Isaac J.: Constructing Hierarchies for Triangle Meshes, 1998
Glaser, David; Rocke, David; Kaplan, Frederick S.: Catastrophic Falls in Patients Who Have Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, 1998
Gross, Markus; Kobbelt, L. P.; Pfister, H. P.; Staadt, Oliver G.: Hierarchical Methods for Computer Graphics, 1998
Hamann, Bernd; Tsai, P.-Y.: Decomposing Trimmed Surfaces Using the Voronoi Diagram and a Scan Line Algorithm, 1998
Hamann, Bernd; Jordan, Benjamin: Triangulations from repeated bisection, 1998
Heckel, Bjoern; Uva, Antony E.; Hamann, Bernd: Clustering-based generation of hierarchical surface models, 1998
Heckel, Bjoern; Hamann, Bernd: ObVis: A Generic Framework for Information Visualization, 1998
Heckel, Bjoern; Hamann, Bernd: Visualization of cluster hierarchies, 1998
Hoover, Kelli; Alaniz, Susan A.; Yee, Julie L.; Rocke, David; Hammock, Bruce D.; Duffey, Sean S.: Dietary Protein and Chlorogenic Acid Effect on Baculoviral Disease of Noctuid (lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Larvae, 1998
Hoover, Kelli; Yee, Julie L.; Schultz, Christine M.; Rocke, David; Hammock, Bruce D.; Duffey, Sean S.: Effects of Plant Identity and Chemical Constituents on the Efficacy of a Baculovirus Against Heliothis Virescens, 1998
Iannotti, Joseph P.; Klimkeiwicz, John J.; Rocke, David; Sawyer, Jeffrey R.: Mechanism for Superior Subluxation of the Glenohumeral Joint in Patients Who Have Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, 1998
Jean, B. A.; Hamann, Bernd: An efficient surface-surface intersection algorithm using adaptive surface triangulations and space partitioning trees, 1998
Kaplan, Frederick S.; Sawyer, Jeffrey R.; Connors, Susan; Keough, Karen; Shore, Eileen; Gannon, Francis et al.: Urinary Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor: A Biochemical Marker for Preosseous Fibroproliferative Lesions in Patients Who Have Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, 1998
Leistikow, Bruce N.; Martin, Daniel C.; Jacobs, Jeffrey; Rocke, David: Smoking as a Risk Factor for Injury Death: A Meta-analysis of Cohort Studies, 1998
Max, Nelson: My Six Years to Evert a Sphere, 1998
Max, Nelson: Visualizing Hilbert Curves, 1998
Miyahara, M.; Kotani, K.; Algazi, Ralph: Objective Picture Quality Scale (PQS) For Image Coding, 1998
Patten, J.; Ma, Kwan-Liu: A Graph-based Interface for Representing Volume Visualization Results, 1998
Rocke, David: Constructive Statistics: Estimators, Algorithms, and Asymptotics, 1998
Rocke, David: Laboratory Quality Control, 1998
Rocke, David: A Perspective on Statistical Tools for Data Mining Applications, 1998