IDAV Publications
There are 615 publications in this collection, published between 1979 and 2014. Showing 51 - 100.
Tzeng, Stanley; Patney, Anjul; Owens, John D.: Task Management for Irregular-Parallel Workloads on the GPU, 2010
Zhang, Yao; Cohen, Jonathan; Owens, John D.: Fast Tridiagonal Solvers on the GPU, 2010
Abbasinejad, Fatemeh; Kil, Yong J; Sharf, Andri; Amenta, Nina: Rotating Scans for Systematic Error Removal, 2009
Alcantara, Dan A.; Sharf, Andri; Abbasinejad, Fatemeh; Sengupta, Shubhabrata; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Owens, John D. et al.: Real-Time Parallel Hashing on the GPU, 2009
Anderson, John C.; Gosink, Luke; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Joy, Ken: Interactive Visualization of Function Fields by Range-Space Segmentation, 2009
Anderson, John C.: Scientific Visualization Techniques for Volume Fraction Data and Function Fields, 2009
Beutner, Karl; Prasad, Gautam; Fletcher, Evan; DeCarli, Charles; Carmichael, Owen: Estimating Uncertainty in Brain Region Delineations, 2009
Budge, Brian C.; Bernardin, Tony; Stuart, Jeff A.; Sengupta, Shubhabrata; Joy, Ken; Owens, John D.: Out-of-core Data Management for Path Tracing on Hybrid Resources, 2009
Garth, Christoph; Deines, Eduard; Joy, Ken; Childs, Hank; Weber, Gunther H.; Bethel, Wes et al.: Vector Field Visual Data Analysis for Petascale, 2009
Ghosh, Deboshmita; Sharf, Andri; Amenta, Nina: Feature-driven deformation for dense correspondence, 2009
Glavtchev, Vladimir: EU Speed-limit Sign Detection Using a Graphics Processing Unit, 2009
Gosink, Luke; Wu, Kesheng; Bethel, Wes; Owens, John D.; Joy, Ken: Data Parallel Bin-Based Indexing for Answering Queries on Multi-Core Architectures, 2009
Gosink, Luke: Query-Driven Visualization Strategies for the Analysis and Visualization of Complex Datasets, 2009
Gupta, Kshitij; Owens, John D.: Three-Layer Optimizations for Fast GMM Computations on GPU-like Parallel Processors, 2009
Knoblauch, Daniel; Hess-Flores, Mauricio; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Kuester, Falko: Factorization of Correspondence and Camera Error for Unconstrained Dense Correspondence Applications, 2009
Krishnan, Hari; Garth, Christoph; Joy, Ken: Time and Streak Surfaces for Flow Visualization in Large Time-Varying Data Sets, 2009
Neff, Michael; Kim, Yejin: Interactive Editing of Motion Style Using Drives and Coorelations, 2009
Patney, Anjul; Ebeida, Mohamed S.; Owens, John D.: Parallel View-Dependent Tessellation of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces, 2009
Phillips, Everett H.; Zhang, Yao; Davis, Roger L.; Owens, John D.: Rapid Aerodynamic Performance Prediction on a Cluster of Graphics Processing Units, 2009
Pugmire, David; Childs, Hank; Garth, Christoph; Ahern, Sean; Weber, Gunther H.: Scalable Computation of Streamlines on Very Large Datasets, 2009
Rosenbaum, Rene; Hamann, Bernd: Progressive presentation of large hierarchies using Treemaps, 2009
Schwarz, Christopher; Fletcher, Evan; DeCarli, Charles; Carmichael, Owen: Fully-Automated White Matter Hyperintensity Detection With Anatomical Prior Knowledge and Without FLAIR, 2009
Stuart, Jeff A.; Owens, John D.: Message Passing on Data-Parallel Architectures, 2009
Anderson, John C.; Garth, Christoph; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Joy, Ken: Discrete Multi-Material Interface Reconstruction for Volume Fraction Data, 2008
Budge, Brian C.; Anderson, John C.; Joy, Ken: Caustic Forecasting: Unbiased Estimation of Caustic Lighting for Global Illumination, 2008
Garth, Christoph; Krishnan, Hari; Tricoche, Xavier; Bobach, T.; Joy, Ken: Generation of Accurate Integral Surfaces in Time-Dependent Vector Fields, 2008
Garth, Christoph; Wiebel, Alexander; Tricoche, Xavier; Joy, Ken; Scheuermann, Gerik: Lagrangian Visualization of Flow-Embedded Surface Structures, 2008
Garth, Christoph; Tricoche, Xavier; Wiebel, Alexander; Joy, Ken: On the Role of Domain-specific Knowledge in the Visualization of Technical Flows, 2008
Gosink, Luke; Anderson, John C.; Bethel, Wes; Joy, Ken: Query-Driven Visualization of Time-Varying Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data, 2008
Muyan-Ozcelik, Pinar; Owens, John D.; Xia, Junyi; Samant, Sanjiv S.: Fast Deformable Registration on the GPU: A CUDA Implementation of Demons, 2008
Patney, Anjul; Owens, John D.: Real-Time Reyes-Style Adaptive Surface Subdivision, 2008
Silberstein, Mark; Schuster, Assaf; Geiger, Dan; Patney, Anjul; Owens, John D.: Efficient Computation of Sum-products on GPUs Through Software-Managed Cache, 2008
Anderson, John C.; Gosink, Luke; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Joy, Ken: Feature Identification and Extraction in Function Fields, 2007
Bennett, Janine; Pascucci, Valerio; Joy, Ken: Genus Oblivious Cross Parameterization: Robust Topological Management of Inter-surface Maps, 2007
Bethel, Wes; Johnson, Chris; Joy, Ken; Ahern, Sean; Pascucci, Valerio; Childs, Hank et al.: SciDAC Visualizatiopn and Analytics Center for Enabling Technology, 2007
Deines, Eduard; Michel, Frank; Bertram, Martin; Mohring, Jan; Hagen, Hans: Simulation, Visualization, and Virtual Reality based Modeling of Room Acoustics, 2007
Garth, Christoph; Gerhardt, Florian; Tricoche, Xavier; Hagen, Hans: Efficient Computation and Visualization of Coherent Structures in Fluid Flow Applications, 2007
Gosink, Luke; Anderson, John C.; Bethel, Wes; Joy, Ken: Variable Interactions in Query Driven Visualization, 2007
Joy, Ken; Miller, Mark; Childs, Hank; Bethel, Wes; Clyne, John; Ostrouchov, George et al.: Frameworks for Visualization at the Extreme Scale, 2007
Lefohn, Aaron; Sengupta, Shubhabrata; Owens, John D.: Resolution Matched Shadow Maps, 2007
Michel, Frank; Deines, Eduard; Bertram, Martin; Garth, Christoph; Hagen, Hans: Listener-based Analysis of Surface Importance for Acoustic Metrics, 2007
Moerschell, Adam: Distributed Texture Memory in a Multi-GPU Environment, 2007
Owens, John D.; Luebke, David; Govindaraju, Naga; Harris, Mark; Krüger, Jens; Lefohn, Aaron et al.: A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware, 2007
Pharr, Matt; Lefohn, Aaron; Kolb, Craig; Lalonde, Paul; Foley, Tim; Berry, Geoff: Programmable Graphics: The future of Interactive Rendering, 2007
Schlemmer, Michael; Heringer, Manuel; Morr, Florian; Hotz, Ingrid; Hering-Bertram, Martin; Garth, Christoph et al.: Moment Invariants for the Analysis of 2D Flow Fields, 2007
Sengupta, Shubhabrata; Harris, Mark; Zhang, Yao; Owens, John D.: Scan Primitives for GPU Computing, 2007
Wiebel, Alexander; Garth, Christoph; Scheuermann, Gerik: Computation of Localized Flow for Steady and Unsteady Vector Fields and Its Applications, 2007
Ahlborn, Benjamin A.; Kreylos, Oliver; Hamann, Bernd; Staadt, Oliver G.: A Foveal Inset for Large Display Environments, 2006
Childs, Hank: An Analysis Framework Addressing the Scale and Legibility of Large Scientific Data Sets, 2006
Childs, Hank; Miller, Mark: Beyond Meat Grinders: An Analysis Framework Addressing the Scale and Complexity of Large Data Sets, 2006