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There are 778 publications in this collection, published between 1990 and 2023. Showing 301 - 350.

Kapovich, Michael; Kollár, János: Fundamental groups of links of isolated singularities, 2011

Kapovich, Michael: RAAGs in Ham, 2011

Kuperberg, Greg: Knottedness is in NP, modulo GRH, 2011

Kuperberg, Greg: Norms as a function of p are linearly independent in finite dimensions, 2011

Marchand, Katy; Mulherkar, Jaideep; Nachtergaele, Bruno: Entropy rate calculations of algebraic measures, 2011

Movshev, M. V.; Schwarz, A.; Xu, Renjun: Homology of Lie algebra of supersymmetries and of super Poincare Lie algebra, 2011

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Ng, Stephen; Starr, Shannon: Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels for $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ Symmetric Spin Chains, 2011

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Vershynina, Anna; Zagrebnov, Valentin A.: Lieb-Robinson Bounds and Existence of the Thermodynamic Limit for a Class of Irreversible Quantum Dynamics, 2011

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Scholz, Volkher B.; Werner, Reinhard F.: Local approximation of observables and commutator bounds, 2011

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Sims, Robert: Much Ado About Something: Why Lieb-Robinson bounds are useful, 2011

O'Rourke, Sean; Renfrew, David; Soshnikov, Alexander: Fluctuations of Matrix Entries of Regular Functions of Sample Covariance Random Matrices, 2011

O'Rourke, Sean; Renfrew, David; Soshnikov, Alexander: On Fluctuations of Matrix Entries of Regular Functions of Wigner Matrices with Non-Identically Distributed Entries, 2011

Omar, Mohamed; Osserman, Brian: Strong nonnegativity and sums of squares on real varieties, 2011

Osserman, Brian; Bigas, Montserrat Teixidor i: Linked alternating forms and linked symplectic Grassmannians, 2011

Osserman, Brian: A simple characteristic-free proof of the Brill-Noether theorem, 2011

Osserman, Brian: Special determinants in higher-rank Brill-Noether theory, 2011

Pizzo, Alessandro; Renfrew, David; Soshnikov, Alexander: Fluctuations of Matrix Entries of Regular Functions of Wigner Matrices, 2011

Pizzo, Alessandro; Renfrew, David; Soshnikov, Alexander: On Finite Rank Deformations of Wigner Matrices, 2011

Romik, Dan; Śniady, Piotr: Jeu de taquin dynamics on infinite Young tableaux and second class particles, 2011

Schwemmer, Michael A; Lewis, Timothy J: Effects of dendritic load on the firing frequency of oscillating neurons, 2011

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Formulas and Asymptotics for the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process, 2011

Vogler, Zeke; Temple, Blake: A Proof of Convergence for Numerical Approximations Generated by the Locally Inertial Godunov Method in General Relativity, 2011

Xia, Qinglan; Xu, Shaofeng: On the Ramified Optimal Allocation Problem, 2011

Baldoni, Velleda; Berline, Nicole; De Loera, Jesús A.; Köppe, Matthias; Vergne, Michèle: Computation of the highest coefficients of weighted Ehrhart quasi-polynomials of rational polyhedra, 2010

Baldoni, Velleda; Berline, Nicole; Köppe, Matthias; Vergne, Michèle: Intermediate Sums on Polyhedra: Computation and Real Ehrhart Theory, 2010

Berenstein, Arkady; Kapovich, Michael: Stability inequalities and universal Schubert calculus of rank 2, 2010

Bonezzi, Roberto; Latini, Emanuele; Waldron, Andrew: Gravity, Two Times, Tractors, Weyl Invariance and Six Dimensional Quantum Mechanics, 2010

Bruns, Winfried; Hemmecke, Raymond; Ichim, Bogdan; Koeppe, Matthias; Soeger, Christof: Challenging computations of Hilbert bases of cones associated with algebraic statistics, 2010

Chapman, Kevin M.; Mulase, Motohico; Safnuk, Brad: The Kontsevich constants for the volume of the moduli of curves and topological recursion, 2010

Cherney, David; Latini, Emanuele; Waldron, Andrew: Quaternionic Kaehler Detour Complexes & N=2 Supersymmetric Black Holes, 2010

Coutand, Daniel; Shkoller, Steve: Well-posedness in smooth function spaces for the moving-boundary 3-D compressible Euler equations in physical vacuum, 2010

Denton, Tom; Hivert, Florent; Schilling, Anne; Thiéry, Nicolas M.: On the representation theory of finite J-trivial monoids, 2010

Dixon, Matthew; Bai, Zhaojun; Brush, Charles; Chung, Francis; Dogrul, Emin; Kadir, Tariq: Error Control of Iterative Linear Solvers for Integrated Groundwater Models, 2010

Du, Rosena R. X.; Liu, Fu: Factorizations of cycles and multi-noded rooted trees, 2010

Fannjiang, Albert: Exact Localization and Superresolution with Noisy Data and Random Illumination, 2010

Fannjiang, Albert C.: The MUSIC Algorithm for Sparse Objects: A Compressed Sensing Analysis, 2010

Hermi, Lotfi; Saito, Naoki: On Rayleigh-Type Formulas for a Non-local Boundary Value Problem Associated with an Integral Operator Commuting with the Laplacian, 2010

Hildebrand, Robert; Köppe, Matthias: A new Lenstra-type Algorithm for Quasiconvex Polynomial Integer Minimization with Complexity 2^O(n log n), 2010

Hunter, Blake; Strohmer, Thomas: Performance Analysis of Spectral Clustering on Compressed, Incomplete and Inaccurate Measurements, 2010

Kapovich, Michael: Non-coherence of arithmetic hyperbolic lattices, 2010

Köppe, Matthias: On the complexity of nonlinear mixed-integer optimization, 2010

Movshev, Michael; Schwarz, Albert; Xu, Renjun: Homology of Lie algebra of supersymmetries, 2010

Mulase, Motohico; Penkava, Michael: Topological recursion for the Poincare polynomial of the combinatorial moduli space of curves, 2010

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Sims, Robert: Lieb-Robinson Bounds in Quantum Many-Body Physics, 2010

O'Rourke, Sean; Soshnikov, Alexander: Products of Independent Non-Hermitian Random Matrices, 2010

Osserman, Brian: Brill-Noether loci with fixed determinant in rank 2, 2010

Osserman, Brian: Linked Hom spaces, 2010

Rains, Eric M.; Vazirani, Monica J.: Deformations of permutation representations of Coxeter groups, 2010

Shinault, Gregory; Tracy, Craig A.: Asymptotics for the Covariance of the Airy_2 process, 2010

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Formulas for ASEP with Two-Sided Bernoulli Initial Condition, 2010

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