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There are 778 publications in this collection, published between 1990 and 2023. Showing 401 - 450.

Herman, Matthew A.; Strohmer, Thomas: High-Resolution Radar via Compressed Sensing, 2008

Hivert, Florent; Schilling, Anne; Thiéry, Nicolas M.: Hecke group algebras as quotients of affine Hecke algebras at level 0, 2008

Kapovich, Michael: Arithmetic aspects of self-similar groups, 2008

Kapovich, Michael; Potyagailo, Leonid; Vinberg, Ernest: Noncoherence of some lattices in Isom(<b>H</b><sup>n</sup>), 2008

Köppe, Matthias; Ryan, Christopher Thomas; Queyranne, Maurice: Rational Generating Functions and Integer Programming Games, 2008

Liu, Fu: Combinatorial bases for multilinear parts of free algebras with double compatible brackets, 2008

Liu, Fu: A note on lattice-face polytopes and their Ehrhart polynomials, 2008

Morris, Ben: Improved mixing time bounds for the Thorp shuffle and L-reversal chain, 2008

Morris, Ben: Spectral gap for the interchange process in a box, 2008

Needell, D.; Tropp, J. A.; Vershynin, R.: Greedy Signal Recovery Review, 2008

Osserman, Brian: Deformations and automorphisms: a framework for globalizing local tangent and obstruction spaces, 2008

Rudelson, Mark; Vershynin, Roman: The least singular value of a random square matrix is O(n^{-1/2}), 2008

Schwarz, Albert; Shapiro, Ilya: Twisted de Rham cohomology, homological definition of the integral and "Physics over a ring", 2008

Soshnikov, Alexander: On Resolvent Identities in Gaussian Ensembles at the Edge of the Spectrum, 2008

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Asymptotics in ASEP with Step Initial Condition, 2008

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: The Dynamics of the One-Dimensional Delta-Function Bose Gas, 2008

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: A Fredholm Determinant Representation in ASEP, 2008

Xia, Qinglan: The geodesic problem in quasimetric spaces, 2008

Xia, Qinglan: Numerical simulation of optimal transport paths, 2008

Cheng, C. H. Arthur; Coutand, Daniel; Shkoller, Steve: On the Motion of Vortex Sheets with Surface Tension in the 3D Euler Equations with Vorticity, 2007

Cruikshank, Scott J; Lewis, Timothy J; Connors, Barry W: Synaptic basis for intense thalamocortical activation of feedforward inhibitory cells in neocortex, 2007

De Loera, Jesús A.; Haws, David C.; Köppe, Matthias: Ehrhart polynomials of matroid polytopes and polymatroids, 2007

De Loera, J. A.; Lee, J.; Margulies, S.; Onn, S.: Expressing Combinatorial Optimization Problems by Systems of Polynomial Equations and the Nullstellensatz, 2007

De Loera, Jesus A.; Liu, Fu; Yoshida, Ruriko: A Generating Function for all Semi-Magic Squares and the Volume of the Birkhoff Polytope, 2007

De Loera, Jesús A.; Kim, Edward D.; Onn, Shmuel; Santos, Francisco: Graphs of Transportation Polytopes, 2007

Eisenschmidt, Elke; Hemmecke, Raymond; Köppe, Matthias: Computation of Atomic Fibers of Z-Linear Maps, 2007

Erdős, László; Schlein, Benjamin; Yau, Horng-Tzer: Semicircle law on short scales and delocalization of eigenvectors for Wigner random matrices, 2007

Grainge, Ian; Bregu, Migena; Vazquez, Mariel; Sivanathan, Viknesh; Ip, Stephen CY; Sherratt, David J: Unlinking chromosome catenanes in vivo by site‐specific recombination, 2007

Gravner, Janko; Griffeath, David: Modeling snow crystal growth III: three-dimensional snowfakes, 2007

Hallowell, K.; Waldron, A.: Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Super-Lichnerowicz Algebras, 2007

Hass, Joel; Nowik, Tahl: Invariants of Knot Diagrams, 2007

Hass, Joel; Nowik, Tahl: Unknot diagrams requiring a quadratic number of Reidemeister moves to untangle, 2007

Hodge, Andrew R.; Mulase, Motohico: Hitchin integrable systems, deformations of spectral curves, and KP-type equations, 2007

Kapovich, Michael: Energy of harmonic functions and Gromov's proof of Stallings' theorem, 2007

Kapovich, Michael: Homological dimension and critical exponent of Kleinian groups, 2007

Kapovich, Michael: Kleinian groups in higher dimensions, 2007

Kapovich, Michael: On sequences of finitely generated discrete groups, 2007

Michoel, Tom; Nachtergaele, Bruno; Spitzer, Wolfgang: Transport of interface states in the Heisenberg chain, 2007

Mulase, Motohico: Geometry of Character Varieties of Surface Groups, 2007

Mulherkar, Jaideep; Nachtergaele, Bruno; Sims, Robert; Starr, Shannon: Isolated Eigenvalues of the Ferromagnetic Spin-J XXZ Chain with Kink Boundary Conditions, 2007

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Raz, Hillel; Schlein, Benjamin; Sims, Robert: Lieb-Robinson Bounds for Harmonic and Anharmonic Lattice Systems, 2007

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Sims, Robert: Locality Estimates for Quantum Spin Systems, 2007

Needell, Deanna; Vershynin, Roman: Signal Recovery from Incomplete and Inaccurate Measurements via Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, 2007

Needell, Deanna; Vershynin, Roman: Uniform Uncertainty Principle and signal recovery via Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, 2007

Okado, Masato; Schilling, Anne: Existence of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals for nonexceptional types, 2007

Peche, Sandrine; Soshnikov, Alexander: Wigner random matrices with non-symmetrically distributed entries, 2007

Rudelson, Mark; Vershynin, Roman: The Littlewood-Offord Problem and invertibility of random matrices, 2007

Schilling, Anne: Combinatorial structure of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals of type D_n(1), B_n(1), A_{2n-1}(2), 2007

Schlein, Benjamin: Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates, 2007

Schultens, Jennifer: Covering spaces and the Kakimizu complex, 2007

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