There are 778 publications in this collection, published between 1990 and 2023. Showing 451 - 500.
Strohmer, Thomas; Vershynin, Roman: A randomized Kaczmarz algorithm with exponential convergence, 2007
Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Integral Formulas for the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process, 2007
Vershynin, Roman: Some problems in asymptotic convex geometry and random matrices motivated by numerical algorithms, 2007
Ali, Giuseppe; Hunter, John K.: Orientation Waves in a Director Field With Rotational Inertia, 2006
Cheng, C. H. Arthur; Coutand, Daniel; Shkoller, Steve: Navier-Stokes equations interacting with a nonlinear elastic fluid shell, 2006
Cheng, C. H. Arthur; Coutand, Daniel; Shkoller, Steve: Navier-Stokes equations interacting with a nonlinear elastic solid shell, 2006
Dieng, Momar; Tracy, Craig A.: Application of Random Matrix Theory to Multivariate Statistics, 2006
Erdos, Laszlo; Schlein, Benjamin; Yau, Horng-Tzer: Rigorous Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation, 2006
Etingof, Pavel; Rains, Eric: New deformations of group algebras of Coxeter groups, II, 2006
Etingof, Pavel; Latour, Frederic; Rains, Eric: On central extensions of preprojective algebras, 2006
Farrell, Brendan; Strohmer, Thomas: Inverse-Closedness of a Banach Algebra of Integral Operators on the Heisenberg Group, 2006
Fourier, Ghislain; Schilling, Anne; Shimozono, Mark: Demazure structure inside Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals, 2006
Gover, A. R.; Hallowell, K.; Waldron, A.: Higher Spin Gravitational Couplings and the Yang--Mills Detour Complex, 2006
Grochenig, Karlheinz; Strohmer, Thomas: Pseudodifferential Operators on Locally Compact Abelian Groups and Sjoestrand's Symbol Class, 2006
Hass, Joel; Rubinstein, J. Hyam; Thompson, Abigail: Knots and k-width, 2006
Johnson, Jesse; Thompson, Abigail: On tunnel number one knots that are not (1,n), 2006
Kapovich, Michael: Convex projective structures on Gromov--Thurston manifolds, 2006
Kapovich, Michael; Potyagailo, Leonid; Vinberg, Ernest: Noncoherence of some lattices in Isom(Hn), 2006
Kapovich, Michael; Kumar, Shrawan; Millson, John J.: Saturation and Irredundancy for Spin(8), 2006
Kapovich, Michael: Triangle inequalities in path metric spaces, 2006
Kontsevich, Maxim; Schwarz, Albert; Vologodsky, Vadim: Integrality of instanton numbers and p-adic B-model, 2006
Kuperberg, Greg: From the Mahler conjecture to Gauss linking integrals, 2006
Michalakis, Spyridon; Nachtergaele, Bruno: Entanglement in Finitely Correlated Spin States, 2006
Mulase, Motohico; Safnuk, Brad: Mirzakhani's recursion relations, Virasoro constraints and the KdV hierarchy, 2006
Nachtergaele, Bruno; Sims, Robert: A Multi-Dimensional Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Theorem, 2006
Nachtergaele, Bruno; Ogata, Yoshiko; Sims, Robert: Propagation of Correlations in Quantum Lattice Systems, 2006
Nachtergaele, Bruno: Quantum Spin Systems after DLS1978, 2006
Rains, Eric M.: The action of S_n on the cohomology of M_{0,n}(R), 2006
Rains, Eric M.: The homology of real subspace arrangements, 2006
Rains, Eric M.: Limits of elliptic hypergeometric integrals, 2006
Rains, Eric M.; Vazirani, Monica J.: Quadratic transformations of Macdonald and Koornwinder polynomials, 2006
Rudelson, Mark; Vershynin, Roman: Sparse reconstruction by convex relaxation: Fourier and Gaussian measurements, 2006
Schneider, Abraham R; Lewis, Timothy J; Rinzel, John: Effects of correlated input and electrical coupling on synchrony in fast-spiking cell networks, 2006
Schwarz, Albert; Vologodsky, Vadim: Frobenius transformation, mirror map and instanton numbers, 2006
Schwarz, Albert: Space and time from translation symmetry, 2006
Schwarz, A.; Shapiro, I.: Supergeometry and Arithmetic Geometry, 2006
Thompson, Abigail: Invariants of curves in RP^2 and R^2, 2006
Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Nonintersecting Brownian excursions, 2006
van de Bult, Fokko J.; Rains, Eric M.; Stokman, Jasper V.: Properties of generalized univariate hypergeometric functions, 2006
Vershynin, Roman: Beyond Hirsch Conjecture: walks on random polytopes and smoothed complexity of the simplex method, 2006
Vershynin, Roman: Random sets of isomorphism of linear operators on Hilbert space, 2006
Ali, Giuseppe; Hunter, John K.: Diffractive Nonlinear Geometrical Optics for Variational Wave Equations and the Einstein Equations, 2005
Bartholdi, Laurent; Enriquez, Benjamin; Etingof, Pavel; Rains, Eric: Groups and Lie algebras corresponding to the Yang-Baxter equations, 2005
Bose, Amitabha; Lewis, Timothy J; Wilson, Richard JA: Two-oscillator model of ventilatory rhythmogenesis in the frog, 2005
Coutand, Daniel; Shkoller, Steve: On the interaction between quasilinear elastodynamics and the Navier-Stokes equations, 2005
Coutand, Daniel; Shkoller, Steve: Well-posedness of the free-surface incompressible Euler equations with or without surface tension, 2005
De Loera, Jesús A.; McAllister, Tyrrell B.: On the Computation of Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients and the Dilation Effect, 2005
Deka, Lipika; Schilling, Anne: New fermionic formula for unrestricted Kostka polynomials, 2005
Etingof, Pavel; Rains, Eric: Central extensions of preprojective algebras, the quantum Heisenberg algebra, and 2-dimensional complex reflection groups, 2005
Etingof, Pavel; Henriques, Andre; Kamnitzer, Joel; Rains, Eric: The cohomology ring of the real locus of the moduli space of stable curves of genus 0 with marked points, 2005