There are 778 publications in this collection, published between 1990 and 2023. Showing 51 - 100.
Okado, M; Sakamoto, R; Schilling, A; Scrimshaw, T: Type Dn(1) rigged configuration bijection, 2017
Osserman, Brian: Connectedness of Brill-Noether loci via degenerations, 2017
Schilling, A; Thiery, NM; White, G; Williams, N: Braid moves in commutation classes of the symmetric group, 2017
Strohmer, Thomas; Wei, Ke: Painless Breakups -- Efficient Demixing of Low Rank Matrices, 2017
Thomases, Becca; Guy, Robert D: The role of body flexibility in stroke enhancements for finite-length undulatory swimmers in viscoelastic fluids, 2017
Tracy, Craig A; Widom, Harold: Blocks in the asymmetric simple exclusion process, 2017
Zhang, Shun; Guy, Robert D; Lasheras, Juan C; del Álamo, Juan C: Self-organized mechano-chemical dynamics in amoeboid locomotion of Physarum fragments, 2017
Adams, Hieab HH; Hibar, Derrek P; Chouraki, Vincent; Stein, Jason L; Nyquist, Paul A; Rentería, Miguel E et al.: Novel genetic loci underlying human intracranial volume identified through genome-wide association, 2016
Aliev, Iskander; De Loera, Jesus A.; Oertel, Timm; O'Neill, Christopher: Sparse solutions of linear Diophantine equations, 2016
Baldoni, V; Berline, N; De Loera, JA; Köppe, M; Vergne, M: Intermediate sums on polyhedra II: bidegree and poisson formula, 2016
Bassett, Robert; Casey, Michael; Wets, Roger J-B: Log-Concave Duality in Estimation and Control, 2016
Biello, Joseph A; Thomases, Becca: Equilibrium circulation and stress distribution in viscoelastic creeping flow, 2016
Borgwardt, S; De Loera, JA; Finhold, E: Edges versus circuits: a hierarchy of diameters in polyhedra, 2016
Bullimore, Mathew; Dimofte, Tudor; Gaiotto, Davide; Hilburn, Justin; Kim, Hee-Cheol: Vortices and Vermas, 2016
Cha, Matthew; Naaijkens, Pieter; Nachtergaele, Bruno: The complete set of infinite volume ground states for Kitaev's abelian quantum double models, 2016
Chen, P.; Fannjiang, A.; Liu, G.: Phase Retrieval by Linear Algebra, 2016
De Loera, Jesús; Dutra, Brandon; Köppe, Matthias: Approximating the maximum of a polynomial over a polytope: Handelman decomposition and continuous generating functions, 2016
De Loera, JA; La Haye, RN; Montejano, A; Oliveros, D; Roldán-Pensado, E: A rainbow Ramsey analogue of Rado’s theorem, 2016
De Loera, Jesús A; Petrović, Sonja; Stasi, Despina: Random sampling in computational algebra: Helly numbers and violator spaces, 2016
De Loera, Jesus; Haddock, Jamie; Needell, Deanna: A Sampling Kaczmarz-Motzkin Algorithm for Linear Feasibility, 2016
Deride, Julio; Jofré, Alejandro; Wets, Roger J-B: Solving deterministic and stochastic equilibrium problems via augmented Walrasian, 2016
Dimofte, Tudor: Perturbative and nonperturbative aspects of complex Chern-Simons Theory, 2016
Fannjiang, Albert: Compressive Spectral Estimation with Single-Snapshot ESPRIT: Stability and Resolution, 2016
Fefferman, Charles; Israel, Arie; Luli, Garving K.: Finitness Principles for Smooth Selection, 2016
Fefferman, Charles; Israel, Arie; Luli, Garving K.: Interpolation of data by smooth non-negative functions, 2016
Fujiwara, Koji; Kapovich, Michael: On quasihomomorphisms with noncommutative targets, 2016
Gover, A. Rod; Waldron, Andrew: A Calculus for Conformal Hypersurfaces and new higher Willmore energy functionals, 2016
Gover, A. Rod; Waldron, Andrew: Renormalized Volume, 2016
Gover, A. Rod; Waldron, Andrew: Renormalized Volumes with Boundary, 2016
Granero-Belinchón, Rafael; Shkoller, Steve: A model for Rayleigh-Taylor mixing and interface turn-over, 2016
Gravner, Janko; Sivakoff, David; Slivken, Erik: Neighborhood growth dynamics on the Hamming plane, 2016
Hass, Joel: Isoperimetric Regions in Nonpositively Curved Manifolds, 2016
Hong, Chun Yu; Köppe, Matthias; Zhou, Yuan: Equivariant Perturbation in Gomory and Johnson's Infinite Group Problem. V. Software for the continuous and discontinuous 1-row case, 2016
Hong, Chun Yu; Köppe, Matthias; Zhou, Yuan: Software for cut-generating functions in the Gomory--Johnson model and beyond, 2016
Jana, Indrajit; Soshnikov, Alexander: ESD of singular values of random band matrices; Marchenko-Pastur law and more, 2016
Kapovich, Michael: Discreteness is undecidable, 2016
Köppe, Matthias; Zhou, Yuan: Equivariant Perturbation in Gomory and Johnson's Infinite Group Problem. VI. The Curious Case of Two-Sided Discontinuous Functions, 2016
Köppe, Matthias; Zhou, Yuan: On the notions of facets, weak facets, and extreme functions of the Gomory-Johnson infinite group problem, 2016
Köppe, Matthias; Zhou, Yuan: Toward computer-assisted discovery and automated proofs of cutting plane theorems, 2016
Li, Yezheng; Biello, Joseph A; Li, Yerong: Multiple-scale analysis on the radiation within the coupled KdV equations, 2016
Li, Xiaodong; Ling, Shuyang; Strohmer, Thomas; Wei, Ke: Rapid, Robust, and Reliable Blind Deconvolution via Nonconvex Optimization, 2016
Ling, Shuyang; Strohmer, Thomas: Self-Calibration via Linear Least Squares, 2016
Moreno, Jonathan D; Lewis, Timothy J; Clancy, Colleen E: Parameterization for In-Silico Modeling of Ion Channel Interactions with Drugs, 2016
Nakatsukasa, Yuji; Freund, Roland W: Computing Fundamental Matrix Decompositions Accurately via the Matrix Sign Function in Two Iterations: The Power of Zolotarev's Functions, 2016
Okado, Masato; Sakamoto, Reiho; Schilling, Anne; Scrimshaw, Travis: Type $D_n^{(1)}$ rigged configuration bijection, 2016
Rhodes, J; Schilling, A; Silva, PV: Random walks on semaphore codes and delay de Bruijn semigroups, 2016
Rhodes, John; Schilling, Anne; Silva, Pedro V.: The semaphore codes attached to a Turing machine via resets and their various limits, 2016
Rhodes, J; Schilling, A; Silva, PV: The semaphore codes attached to a Turing machine via resets and their various limits, 2016
Romik, Dan: Differential equations and exact solutions in the moving sofa problem, 2016