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There are 778 publications in this collection, published between 1990 and 2023. Showing 551 - 600.

Soshnikov, Alexander; Fyodorov, Yan V.: On the Largest Singular Values of Random Matrices with Independent Cauchy Entries, 2004

Soshnikov, Alexander: Poisson Statistics for the Largest Eigenvalues of Wigner Random Matrices with Heavy Tails, 2004

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: The Pearcey Process, 2004

Vershynin, Roman: Frame expansions with erasures: an approach through the non-commutative operator theory, 2004

Vershynin, Roman: Integer cells in convex sets, 2004

Vershynin, Roman: Isoperimetry of waists and local versus global asymptotic convex geometries, 2004

Baldoni-Silva, W.; De Loera, J. A.; Vergne, M.: Counting Integer flows in Networks, 2003

De Loera, JA; Sturmfels, B: Algebraic unimodular counting, 2003

De Loera, Jesus; Haws, David; Hemmecke, Raymond; Huggins, Peter; Sturmfels, Bernd; Yoshida, Ruriko: Short Rational Functions for Toric Algebra and Applications, 2003

De Loera, Jesús A.; McAllister, Tyrrell B.: Vertices of Gelfand-Tsetlin Polytopes, 2003

Deser, S.; Waldron, A.: Arbitrary Spin Representations in de Sitter from dS/CFT with Applications to dS Supergravity, 2003

Fannjiang, A.; Nonnenmacher, S.; Wolowski, L.: Dissipation time and decay of correlations, 2003

Fannjiang, Albert; Solna, Knut: Scaling Limits for Beam Wave Propagation in Atmospheric Turbulence, 2003

Fannjiang, Albert C.: Self-Averaged Scaling Limits for Random Parabolic Waves, 2003

Fannjiang, Albert C.: White-Noise and Geometrical Optics Limits of Wigner-Moyal Equation for Wave Beams in Turbulent Media, 2003

Frenkel, Igor; Khovanov, Mikhail; Schiffmann, Olivier: Homological realization of Nakajima varieties and Weyl group actions, 2003

Grishin, Denis; Strohmer, Thomas: Fast multi-dimensional scattered data approximation with Neumann boundary conditions, 2003

Hass, Joel; Lagarias, Jeffrey C.; Thurston, William P.: Area Inequalities for Embedded Disks Spanning Unknotted Curves, 2003

Janssen, A. J. E. M.; Strohmer, Thomas: Hyperbolic secants yield Gabor frames, 2003

Kapovich, Michael: Representations of polygons of finite groups, 2003

Khovanov, Mikhail: Categorifications of the colored Jones polynomial, 2003

Khovanov, Mikhail: sl(3) link homology, 2003

Kuperberg, Greg; Kuperberg, Krystyna; Kuperberg, Wlodzimierz: Lattice packings with gap defects are not completely saturated, 2003

Kuperberg, Greg: A subexponential-time quantum algorithm for the dihedral hidden subgroup problem, 2003

Michoel, Tom; Nachtergaele, Bruno: Central limit theorems for the large-spin asymptotics of quantum spins, 2003

Michoel, Tom; Nachtergaele, Bruno: The large-spin asymptotics of the ferromagnetic XXZ chain, 2003

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Spitzer, Wolfgang; Starr, Shannon: Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels, 2003

Rains, Eric M.: Transformations of elliptic hypergometric integrals, 2003

Smoller, Joel; Temple, Blake: Cosmology, Black Holes and Shock Waves Beyond the Hubble Length, 2003

Soshnikov, Alexander: Janossy Densities II. Pfaffian Ensembles, 2003

Soshnikov, Alexander: Janossy Densities of Coupled Random Matrices, 2003

Strohmer, Thomas; Heath, Robert: Grassmannian Frames with Applications to Coding and Communication, 2003

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Differential Equations for Dyson Processes, 2003

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: A System of Differential Equations for the Airy Process, 2003

Agol, Ian; Hass, Joel; Thurston, William P.: The Computational Complexity of Knot Genus and Spanning Area, 2002

Ahmed, M.; De Loera, J.; Hemmecke, R.: Polyhedral Cones of Magic Cubes and Squares, 2002

Babson, Eric; Onn, Shmuel; Thomas, Rekha: The Hilbert Zonotope and a Polynomial Time Algorithm for Universal Grobner Bases, 2002

Borodin, Alexei; Soshnikov, Alexander: Janossy Densities I. Determinantal Ensembles, 2002

Bru, Jean-Bernard; Nachtergaele, Bruno; Zagrebnov, Valentin: The equilibrium states for a model with two kinds of Bose condensation, 2002

Contucci, Pierluigi; Nachtergaele, Bruno; Spitzer, Wolfgang L.: The Ferromagnetic Heisenberg XXZ chain in a pinning field, 2002

Coutand, Daniel; Shkoller, Steve: Unique solvability of the free-boundary Navier-Stokes equations with surface tension, 2002

De Loera, Jesus; Onn, Shmuel: The Complexity of Three-Way Statistical Tables, 2002

Dieng, Momar; Schwarz, Albert: Differential and complex geometry of two-dimensional noncommutative tori, 2002

Eppstein, David; Kuperberg, Greg; Ziegler, Günter M.: Fat 4-polytopes and fatter 3-spheres, 2002

Fannjiang, Albert C.: Convergence of Passive Scalars in Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Flows to Kraichnan's Model, 2002

Fannjiang, Albert; Wolowski, Lech: Noise induced dissipation in Lebesgue-measure preserving maps on $d-$dimensional torus, 2002

Fannjiang, Albert C.: Richardson's Laws for Relative Dispersion in Colored-Noise Flows with Kolmogorov-type Spectra, 2002

Hass, Joel; Norbury, Paul; Rubinstein, J. Hyam: Minimal spheres of arbitrarily high Morse index, 2002

Hass, Joel; Lagarias, Jeffrey C.: The Number of Triangles Needed to Span a Polygon Embedded in R^d, 2002

Huerfano, Ruth Stella; Khovanov, Mikhail: Categorification of some level two representations of sl(n), 2002

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