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There are 778 publications in this collection, published between 1990 and 2023. Showing 751 - 778.

Kuperberg, Greg: Jaeger's Higman-Sims state model and the B_2 spider, 1996

Gordon, Daniel; Kuperberg, Greg; Patashnik, Oren; Spencer, Joel: Asymptotically optimal covering designs, 1995

Gordon, Daniel; Kuperberg, Greg; Patashnik, Oren: New constructions for covering designs, 1995

Kuperberg, Greg: Four symmetry classes of plane partitions under one roof, 1995

Kuperberg, Greg: A volume-preserving counterexample to the Seifert conjecture, 1995

Tóth, Gabor Fejes; Kuperberg, Greg; Kuperberg, Włodzimierz: Highly saturated packings and reduced coverings, 1995

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Fredholm determinants and the mKdV/sinh-Gordon hierarchies, 1995

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: On Orthogonal and Symplectic Matrix Ensembles, 1995

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Proofs of Two Conjectures Related to the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz, 1995

Fuchs, Dmitry; Schwarz, Albert: Matrix Vieta Theorem, 1994

Kuperberg, Greg; Schramm, Oded: Average kissing numbers for non-congruent sphere packings, 1994

Kuperberg, Greg: Self-complementary plane partitions by Proctor's minuscule method, 1994

Kuperberg, Greg: Symmetries of plane partitions and the permanent-determinant method, 1994

Penkava, Michael; Schwarz, Albert: $A_\infty$ Algebras and the Cohomology of Moduli Spaces, 1994

Schwarz, Albert: Superanalogs of symplectic and contact geometry and their applications to quantum field theory, 1994

Thurston, William P.: On proof and progress in mathematics, 1994

Basor, Estelle L.; Tracy, Craig A.: Variance Calculations and the Bessel Kernel, 1993

Harnad, John; Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Hamiltonian Structure of Equations Appearing in Random Matrices, 1993

Palmer, John; Beatty, Morris; Tracy, Craig A.: Tau functions for the Dirac operator on the Poincare' disk, 1993

Schwarz, Albert: Symmetry transformations in Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, 1993

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Fredholm Determinants, Differential Equations and Matrix Models, 1993

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Level-Spacing Distributions and the Bessel Kernel, 1993

Kuperberg, Greg: A low-technology estimate in convex geometry, 1992

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Introduction to Random Matrices, 1992

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Level-Spacing Distributions and the Airy Kernel, 1992

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: Level-Spacing Distributions and the Airy Kernel, 1992

Kuperberg, Greg: The quantum G_2 link invariant, 1991

Kuperberg, Greg: Involutory Hopf algebras and 3-manifold invariants, 1990

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