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There are 242 publications in this collection, published between 1993 and 2019. Showing 151 - 200.

Herman, Matthew A.; Strohmer, Thomas: High-Resolution Radar via Compressed Sensing, 2008

Manjarrez-Gutierrez, F.: Circular thin position for knots in the 3-sphere, 2008

Needell, D.; Tropp, J. A.; Vershynin, R.: Greedy Signal Recovery Review, 2008

Clark, Jeremy: Decoherence rates for Galilean covariant dynamics, 2007

De Loera, Jesús A.; Haws, David C.; Köppe, Matthias: Ehrhart polynomials of matroid polytopes and polymatroids, 2007

De Loera, Jesús A.; Kim, Edward D.; Onn, Shmuel; Santos, Francisco: Graphs of Transportation Polytopes, 2007

Hallowell, K.; Waldron, A.: Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Super-Lichnerowicz Algebras, 2007

Hodge, Andrew R.; Mulase, Motohico: Hitchin integrable systems, deformations of spectral curves, and KP-type equations, 2007

Lankham, Isaiah: Patience Sorting and Its Generalizations, 2007

Lee, Jaejeong: A convexity theorem for real projective structures, 2007

Mulherkar, Jaideep; Nachtergaele, Bruno; Sims, Robert; Starr, Shannon: Isolated Eigenvalues of the Ferromagnetic Spin-J XXZ Chain with Kink Boundary Conditions, 2007

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Raz, Hillel; Schlein, Benjamin; Sims, Robert: Lieb-Robinson Bounds for Harmonic and Anharmonic Lattice Systems, 2007

Needell, Deanna; Vershynin, Roman: Signal Recovery from Incomplete and Inaccurate Measurements via Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, 2007

Needell, Deanna; Vershynin, Roman: Uniform Uncertainty Principle and signal recovery via Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, 2007

Pitman, Damien: Splitting pairs and the number of clusters generated by random pair incompatibilities, 2007

Rumanov, Igor: The correspondence between Tracy-Widom (TW) and Adler-Shiota-van Moerbeke (ASvM) approaches in random matrix theory: the Gaussian case, 2007

Suh, Chan-Ho: Normal Surface Theory in Link Diagrams, 2007

Williams, Michael J.: Lens space surgeries & primitive/Seifert type constructions, 2007

Wiseman, Gus: Enumeration of paths and cycles and e-coefficients of incomparability graphs, 2007

Wissman, Brian D.: Global Solutions to the Ultra-Relativistic Euler Equations, 2007

Cheng, C. H. Arthur; Coutand, Daniel; Shkoller, Steve: Navier-Stokes equations interacting with a nonlinear elastic fluid shell, 2006

Choup, Leonard N.: Edgeworth Expansion of the Largest Eigenvalue Distribution Function of GUE and LUE, 2006

Farrell, Brendan; Strohmer, Thomas: Inverse-Closedness of a Banach Algebra of Integral Operators on the Heisenberg Group, 2006

Gover, A. R.; Hallowell, K.; Waldron, A.: Higher Spin Gravitational Couplings and the Yang--Mills Detour Complex, 2006

Johnson, Jesse: Bridge Number and the Curve Complex, 2006

Johnson, Jesse; Thompson, Abigail: On tunnel number one knots that are not (1,n), 2006

Johnson, Jesse: Surface bundles with genus two Heegaard splittings, 2006

McAllister, Tyrrell B.: Degrees of stretched Kostka coefficients, 2006

Michalakis, Spyridon; Nachtergaele, Bruno: Entanglement in Finitely Correlated Spin States, 2006

Mulase, Motohico; Safnuk, Brad: Mirzakhani's recursion relations, Virasoro constraints and the KdV hierarchy, 2006

Sternberg, Philip: Applications of Crystal Bases to Current Problems in Representation Theory, 2006

Sternberg, Philip: On the local structure of doubly laced crystals, 2006

Wilson, Robin T.: Knots with infinitely many incompressible Seifert surfaces, 2006

De Loera, Jesús A.; McAllister, Tyrrell B.: On the Computation of Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients and the Dilation Effect, 2005

Deka, Lipika; Schilling, Anne: New fermionic formula for unrestricted Kostka polynomials, 2005

Dieng, Momar: Distribution Functions for Edge Eigenvalues in Orthogonal and Symplectic Ensembles: Painlev\'e Representations II, 2005

Hallowell, Karl; Waldron, Andrew: Constant Curvature Algebras and Higher Spin Action Generating Functions, 2005

Jerdonek, Christopher: The girth of a Heegaard splitting, 2005

Johnson, Jesse: Heegaard splittings and the pants complex, 2005

Kim, Dongseok; Lee, Jaeun: On Stable embeddability of partitions, 2005

Rutherford, Dan: The Bennequin number, Kauffman polynomial, and ruling invariants of a Legendrian link: the Fuchs conjecture and beyond, 2005

Wiseman, Gus: Set maps, umbral calculus, and the chromatic polynomial, 2005

Ahmed, Maya Mohsin: Magic graphs and the faces of the Birkhoff polytope, 2004

Coutand, Daniel; Shkoller, Steve: On the motion of an elastic solid inside of an incompressible viscous fluid, 2004

De Loera, JA; Haws, D; Hemmecke, R; Huggins, P; Sturmfels, B; Yoshida, R: Short rational functions for toric algebra and applications, 2004

Deka, Lipika; Schilling, Anne: Non-unitary minimal models, Bailey's lemma and N=1,2 superconformal algebras, 2004

Dieng, Momar: Distribution Functions for Edge Eigenvalues in Orthogonal and Symplectic Ensembles: Painlev\'e Representations, 2004

Fannjiang, A.; Nonnenmacher, S.; Wolowski, L.: Relaxation Time of Quantized Toral Maps, 2004

Johnson, Jesse: Locally unknotted spines of Heegaard splittings, 2004

Li, Peng: Green's Function of 3-D Helmholtz Equation for Turbulent Medium: Application to Optics, 2004

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