There are 242 publications in this collection, published between 1993 and 2019. Showing 201 - 242.
Schilling, Anne; Sternberg, Philip: Finite-Dimensional Crystals B^{2,s} for Quantum Affine Algebras of type D_{n}^{(1)}, 2004
Shi, Nigie: Time-Dependent Solutions of a Discrete Schrodinger's Equation, 2004
Wolowski, Lech: Noise Induced Dissipation in Discrete-Time Classical and Quantum Dynamical Systems, 2004
Yoshida, Ruriko: Barvinok's Rational Functions: Algorithms and Applications to Optimization, Statistics, and Algebra, 2004
Abbott, J.: Low Temperature Results for the Heisenberg XXZ and XY Models, 2003
De Loera, Jesus; Haws, David; Hemmecke, Raymond; Huggins, Peter; Sturmfels, Bernd; Yoshida, Ruriko: Short Rational Functions for Toric Algebra and Applications, 2003
De Loera, Jesús A.; McAllister, Tyrrell B.: Vertices of Gelfand-Tsetlin Polytopes, 2003
Fannjiang, A.; Nonnenmacher, S.; Wolowski, L.: Dissipation time and decay of correlations, 2003
Jin, Wenlong: Kinematic Wave Models of Network Vehicular Traffic, 2003
Kim, Dongseok: Graphical Calculus on Representations of Quantum Lie Algebras, 2003
Kozitsky, Yu.; Oleszczuk, P.; Wolowski, L.: Infinite Order Differential Operators in Spaces of Entire Functions, 2003
Mazzag, Barbara "Bori" C.: Mathematical models in biology, 2003
McAllister, Tyrrell B.; Woods, Kevin M.: The Minimum Period of the Ehrhart Quasi-polynomial of a Rational Polytope, 2003
Nachtergaele, Bruno; Spitzer, Wolfgang; Starr, Shannon: Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels, 2003
Walsh, Genevieve: Great circle links in the three-sphere, 2003
Ahmed, M.; De Loera, J.; Hemmecke, R.: Polyhedral Cones of Magic Cubes and Squares, 2002
Carrión-Álvarez, Miguel; Corneli, Joseph; Walsh, Genevieve; Beheshti, Shabnam: Double bubbles in the 3-torus, 2002
Dieng, Momar; Schwarz, Albert: Differential and complex geometry of two-dimensional noncommutative tori, 2002
Fannjiang, Albert; Wolowski, Lech: Noise induced dissipation in Lebesgue-measure preserving maps on $d-$dimensional torus, 2002
Kim, Tommy Kunhung: A Modified Smagorinsky Subgrid Scale Model for the Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow, 2002
Nachtergaele, Bruno; Spitzer, Wolfgang L; Starr, Shannon: On the dynamics of interfaces in the ferromagnetic XXZ chain under weak perturbations, 2002
Navasca, Carmeliza Luna: Local Solutions of the Dynamic Programming Equations and the Hamilton Jacobi Bellman PDE, 2002
Scott, Michael Brian: General Relativistic Shock-Waves Propagating at the Speed of Light, 2002
Whitlow, Darryl: Finite volume methods for incompressible flow, 2002
Brown, David H.: Stochastic spatial models of plant diseases, 2001
Evans, Tyler J.: Cohomology of Restricted Lie Algebras, 2001
Evans, Tyler J.; Fuchs, Dmitry: On the restricted Lie algebra structure for the Witt Lie algebra in finite characteristic, 2001
Henry, Jennifer: On generating a diminimal set of polyhedral maps on the torus, 2001
Pack, Lawrence; Puri, Ram Anand: A General Method for Obtaining a Lower Bound for the Ground State Entropy Density of the Ising Model With Short Range Interactions, 2001
Starr, Shannon: Some properties for the low-lying spectrum of the ferromagnetic, quantum XXZ spin system, 2001
Nachtergaele, Bruno; Starr, Shannon: Droplet States in the XXZ Heisenberg Chain, 2000
Bolina, Oscar; Contucci, Pierluigi; Nachtergaele, Bruno; Starr, Shannon: A continuum approximation for the excitations of the (1,1,...,1) interface in the quantum Heisenberg model, 1999
Bolina, Oscar; Contucci, Pierluigi; Nachtergaele, Bruno; Starr, Shannon: Finite-volume excitations of the 111 interface in the quantum XXZ model, 1999
Chan, Youn-Sha; Fannjiang, Albert C.; Paulino, Glaucio H.: Integral Equations with Hypersingular Kernels -- Theory and Applications to Fracture Mechanics, 1999
Jin, Wen-Long: A method for computing quadratic Brunovsky forms, 1999
Vaughn, Rick: Planar Soap Bubbles, 1998
Fuchs, Dmitry; Lang, Lynelle: Massey products and deformations, 1996
Kimura, Masato; Mulase, Motohico: Commutative Algebras of Ordinary Differential Operators with Matrix Coefficients, 1996
Penkava, Michael: Infinity Algebras and the Homology of Graph Complexes, 1996
Penkava, Michael: L-infinity algebras and their cohomology, 1995
Penkava, Michael; Schwarz, Albert: $A_\infty$ Algebras and the Cohomology of Moduli Spaces, 1994
Palmer, John; Beatty, Morris; Tracy, Craig A.: Tau functions for the Dirac operator on the Poincare' disk, 1993