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There are 365 publications in this collection, published between 1987 and 2024. Showing 101 - 150.

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Sims, Robert: On the dynamics of lattice systems with unbounded on-site terms in the Hamiltonian, 2014

Saito, Naoki; Woei, Ernest: Tree simplification and the 'plateaux' phenomenon of graph Laplacian eigenvalues, 2014

Schilling, Anne; Scrimshaw, Travis: Crystal structure on rigged configurations and the filling map, 2014

Schilling, Anne: Richard Stanley through a crystal lens and from a random angle, 2014

Schwarz, Albert: Quantum curves, 2014

Segal, Mark R; Xiong, Hao; Capurso, Daniel; Vazquez, Mariel; Arsuaga, Javier: Reproducibility of 3D chromatin configuration reconstructions, 2014

Thompson, Paul M; Stein, Jason L; Medland, Sarah E; Hibar, Derrek P; Vasquez, Alejandro Arias; Renteria, Miguel E et al.: The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data, 2014

Aguilar, Cesar O.; Krener, Arthur J.: Model Predictive Regulation, 2013

Bachmann, Sven; Nachtergaele, Bruno: On gapped phases with a continuous symmetry and boundary operators, 2013

Baldoni, Velleda; Berline, Nicole; De Loera, Jesús; Dutra, Brandon; Köppe, Matthias; Vergne, Michèle: Coefficients of Sylvester's Denumerant, 2013

De Loera, JA; Dutra, B; Köppe, M; Moreinis, S; Pinto, G; Wu, J: Software for exact integration of polynomials over polyhedra, 2013

De Loera, J. A.; Lee, J.; Margulies, S.; Miller, J.: Weak Orientability of Matroids and Polynomial Equations, 2013

Dumitrescu, Olivia; Mulase, Motohico: Quantum curves for Hitchin fibrations and the Eynard-Orantin theory, 2013

Fujiwara, Koji; Kapovich, Michael: On quasihomomorphisms with noncommutative targets, 2013

Guy, Robert D.; Philip, Bobby; Griffith, Boyce E.: Geometric multigrid for an implicit-time immersed boundary method, 2013

Hunter, John K.; Ifrim, Mihaela; Tataru, Daniel; Wong, Tak Kwong: Long time Solutions for a Burgers-Hilbert Equation via a Modified Energy Method, 2013

Kapovich, M: Dirichlet fundamental domains and topology of projective varieties, 2013

Kapovich, Michael; Leeb, Bernhard; Porti, Joan: Dynamics on flag manifolds: domains of proper discontinuity and cocompactness, 2013

Kapovich, M: Noncoherence of arithmetic hyperbolic lattices, 2013

Liu, Xiaojun; Mulase, Motohico; Sorkin, Adam: Quantum curves for simple Hurwitz numbers of an arbitrary base curve, 2013

Mikhailov, Andrei; Schwarz, Albert; Xu, Renjun: Cohomology ring of the BRST operator associated to the sum of two pure spinors, 2013

Millson, John J.; Kapovich, Michael: On representation varieties of 3-manifold groups, 2013

Movshev, M. V.; Schwarz, A.: Generalized Chern-Simons action and maximally supersymmetric gauge theories, 2013

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Sims, Robert; Stolz, Gunter: An Area Law for the Bipartite Entanglement of Disordered Oscillator Systems, 2013

Romik, Dan: Connectivity patterns in loop percolation I: the rationality phenomenon and constant term identities, 2013

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: The asymmetric simple exclusion process with an open boundary, 2013

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: On the diagonal susceptibility of the 2D Ising model, 2013

Ayyer, Arvind; Romik, Dan: New enumeration formulas for alternating sign matrices and square ice partition functions, 2012

Bachmann, Sven; Nachtergaele, Bruno: Product vacua with boundary states and the classification of gapped phases, 2012

Basu, Amitabh; Hildebrand, Robert; Köppe, Matthias: Equivariant Perturbation in Gomory and Johnson's Infinite Group Problem. I. The One-Dimensional Case, 2012

Basu, Amitabh; Hildebrand, Robert; Köppe, Matthias: Equivariant Perturbation in Gomory and Johnson's Infinite Group Problem. II. The Unimodular Two-Dimensional Case, 2012

Basu, Amitabh; De Loera, Jesus; Junod, Mark: On Chubanov's method for Linear Programming, 2012

Coward, Alexander; Hass, Joel: Topological and physical knot theory are distinct, 2012

Dumitrescu, Olivia; Mulase, Motohico; Safnuk, Brad; Sorkin, Adam: The spectral curve of the Eynard-Orantin recursion via the Laplace transform, 2012

Hemmecke, Raymond; Köppe, Matthias; Weismantel, Robert: Graver basis and proximity techniques for block-structured separable convex integer minimization problems, 2012

Kapovich, Michael: Dirichlet fundamental domains and complex-projective varieties, 2012

Kapovich, M: RAAGs in Ham, 2012

Lenart, Cristian; Naito, Satoshi; Sagaki, Daisuke; Schilling, Anne; Shimozono, Mark: A uniform model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals I: Lifting the parabolic quantum Bruhat graph, 2012

Morse, Jennifer; Schilling, Anne: A combinatorial formula for fusion coefficient, 2012

Mulase, Motohico: The Laplace transform, mirror symmetry, and the topological recursion of Eynard-Orantin, 2012

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Vershynina, Anna; Zagrebnov, Valentin A.: Non-equilibrium states of a photon cavity pumped by an atomic beam, 2012

Nachtergaele, Bruno; Sims, Robert; Stolz, Günter: Quantum harmonic oscillator systems with disorder, 2012

Tracy, Craig A.; Widom, Harold: The Bose Gas and Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process on the Half-Line, 2012

Bachmann, Sven; Michalakis, Spyridon; Nachtergaele, Bruno; Sims, Robert: Automorphic Equivalence within Gapped Phases of Quantum Lattice Systems, 2011

Bachmann, Sven; Nachtergaele, Bruno: Product vacua with boundary states, 2011

Basu, Amitabh; Hildebrand, Robert; Köppe, Matthias: Algorithmic and Complexity Results for Cutting Planes Derived from Maximal Lattice-Free Convex Sets, 2011

Basu, Amitabh; Hildebrand, Robert; Köppe, Matthias; Molinaro, Marco: A (k+1)-Slope Theorem for the k-Dimensional Infinite Group Relaxation, 2011

Basu, Amitabh; Hildebrand, Robert; Köppe, Matthias: The Triangle Closure is a Polyhedron, 2011

De Loera, Jesus; Dutra, Brandon; Koeppe, Matthias; Moreinis, Stanislav; Pinto, Gregory; Wu, Jianqiu: Software for Exact Integration of Polynomials over Polyhedra, 2011

DeLoera, Jesus; Kemper, Yvonne; Klee, Steven: $h$-vectors of small matroid complexes, 2011

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