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Civil and Environmental Engineering - Open Access Policy Deposits

There are 1176 publications in this collection, published between 1981 and 2024. Showing 1001 - 1050.

Kaneko, T; Brouwer, J; Samuelsen, GS: Power and temperature control of fluctuating biomass gas fueled solid oxide fuel cell and micro gas turbine hybrid system, 2006

Lawford, Richard; Bosilovich, Mike; Eden, Susanna; Benedict, Sam; Brown, Constance; Gruber, Arnold et al.: U.S. Contributions to the CEOP, 2006

Leal, Elisângela M; Brouwer, Jack: A Thermodynamic Analysis of Electricity and Hydrogen Co-Production Using a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, 2006

Liu, Heping; Randerson, James T; Lindfors, Jamie; Massman, William J; Foken, Thomas: Consequences of Incomplete Surface Energy Balance Closure for CO2 Fluxes from Open-Path CO2/H2O Infrared Gas Analysers, 2006

Meacham, James R; Jabbari, Faryar; Brouwer, Jacob; Mauzey, Josh L; Samuelsen, G Scott: Analysis of stationary fuel cell dynamic ramping capabilities and ultra capacitor energy storage using high resolution demand data, 2006

Moradkhani, Hamid; Hsu, K; Hong, Y; Sorooshian, S: Investigating the impact of remotely sensed precipitation and hydrologic model uncertainties on the ensemble streamflow forecasting, 2006

Morin, Efrat; Goodrich, David C; Maddox, Robert A; Gao, Xiaogang; Gupta, Hoshin V; Sorooshian, Soroosh: Spatial patterns in thunderstorm rainfall events and their coupling with watershed hydrological response, 2006

Mueller, Fabian; Brouwer, Jacob; Jabbari, Faryar; Samuelsen, Scott: Dynamic Simulation of an Integrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System Including Current-Based Fuel Flow Control, 2006

Paytan, Adina; Shellenbarger, Gregory G; Street, Joseph H; Gonneea, Meagan E; Davis, Kristen; Young, Megan B et al.: Submarine groundwater discharge: An important source of new inorganic nitrogen to coral reef ecosystems, 2006

RANDERSON, JT; MASIELLO, CA; STILL, CJ; RAHN, T; POORTER, H; FIELD, CB: Is carbon within the global terrestrial biosphere becoming more oxidized? Implications for trends in atmospheric O2, 2006

Rignot, Eric: Changes in ice dynamics and mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet, 2006

Rignot, Eric; Kanagaratnam, Pannir: Changes in the Velocity Structure of the Greenland Ice Sheet, 2006

Roberts, Rory; Brouwer, Jack; Jabbari, Faryar; Junker, Tobias; Ghezel-Ayagh, Hossein: Control design of an atmospheric solid oxide fuel cell/gas turbine hybrid system: Variable versus fixed speed gas turbine operation, 2006

Roberts, RA; Brouwer, J: Dynamic Simulation of a Pressurized 220kW Solid Oxide Fuel-Cell–Gas-Turbine Hybrid System: Modeled Performance Compared to Measured Results, 2006

Roberts, Rory A; Brouwer, Jack; Liese, Eric; Gemmen, Randall S: Dynamic Simulation of Carbonate Fuel Cell-Gas Turbine Hybrid Systems, 2006

Rodriguez, MA; Carreras-Sospedra, M; Medrano, M; Brouwer, J; Samuelsen, GS; Dabdub, D: Air quality impacts of distributed power generation in the South Coast Air Basin of California 1: Scenario development and modeling analysis, 2006

Vrugt, Jasper A; Gupta, Hoshin V; Dekker, Stefan C; Sorooshian, Soroosh; Wagener, Thorsten; Bouten, Willem: Application of stochastic parameter optimization to the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting model, 2006

Xu, Jianjun; Xiao, Qingnong; Gao, X; Sorooshian, S: Influence of assimilating rainfall derived from WSR‐88D radar on the rainstorm forecasts over the southwestern United States, 2006

Yi, Yaofan; Rao, Ashok; Brouwer, Jacob; Samuelsen, Scott: Ammonia as a Contaminant in the Performance of an Integrated SOFC Reformer System, 2006

Hong, Yang; Hsu, Kuo‐lin; Sorooshian, Soroosh; Gao, Xiaogang: Self‐organizing nonlinear output (SONO): A neural network suitable for cloud patch–based rainfall estimation at small scales, 2005

Larour, E; Rignot, E; Joughin, I; Aubry, D: Rheology of the Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, inferred from satellite radar interferometry data using an inverse control method, 2005

Leal, Elisângela Martins; Jabbari, Faryar; Brouwer, Jacob: Dynamic Numerical Modeling and Experimental Validation of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell, 2005

Leal, Elisângela Martins; Brouwer, Jacob: Thermodynamic Analysis of Production of Hydrogen Using High-Temperature Fuel Cells, 2005

Li, J; Gao, X; Maddox, RA; Sorooshian, S: Sensitivity of North American Monsoon Rainfall to Multisource Sea Surface Temperatures in MM5, 2005

Moradkhani, Hamid; Sorooshian, Soroosh; Gupta, Hoshin V; Houser, Paul R: Dual state–parameter estimation of hydrological models using ensemble Kalman filter, 2005

Moradkhani, Hamid; Hsu, Kuo‐Lin; Gupta, Hoshin; Sorooshian, Soroosh: Uncertainty assessment of hydrologic model states and parameters: Sequential data assimilation using the particle filter, 2005

Morin, Efrat; Maddox, Robert A; Goodrich, David C; Sorooshian, Soroosh: Radar Z–RRelationship for Summer Monsoon Storms in Arizona, 2005

Morin, Efrat; Goodrich, David C; Maddox, Robert A; Gao, Xiaogang; Gupta, Hoshin V; Sorooshian, Soroosh: Rainfall modeling for integrating radar information into hydrological model, 2005

Raymond, Charles; Neumann, Thomas A; Rignot, Eric; Echelmeyer, Keith; Rivera, Andrés; Casassa, Gino: Retreat of Glaciar Tyndall, Patagonia, over the last half-century, 2005

Rignot, E; Casassa, G; Gogineni, S; Kanagaratnam, P; Krabill, W; Pritchard, H et al.: Recent ice loss from the Fleming and other glaciers, Wordie Bay, West Antarctic Peninsula, 2005

Shamir, Eylon; Imam, Bisher; Gupta, Hoshin V; Sorooshian, Soroosh: Application of temporal streamflow descriptors in hydrologic model parameter estimation, 2005

Shamir, Eylon; Imam, Bisher; Morin, Efrat; Gupta, Hoshin V; Sorooshian, Soroosh: The role of hydrograph indices in parameter estimation of rainfall–runoff models, 2005

Yi, Y; McDonell, VG; Brouwer, J; Fujiwara, M; Adachi, M: Emissions sensors for high temperature fuel cell applications, 2005

Yi, Yaofan; Rao, Ashok D; Brouwer, Jacob; Samuelsen, G Scott: Fuel flexibility study of an integrated 25kW SOFC reformer system, 2005

Yilmaz, Koray K; Hogue, Terri S; Hsu, Kuo-lin; Sorooshian, Soroosh; Gupta, Hoshin V; Wagener, Thorsten: Intercomparison of Rain Gauge, Radar, and Satellite-Based Precipitation Estimates with Emphasis on Hydrologic Forecasting, 2005

Ajami, Newsha K; Gupta, Hoshin; Wagener, Thorsten; Sorooshian, Soroosh: Calibration of a semi-distributed hydrologic model for streamflow estimation along a river system, 2004

Committee, The ISMASS: Recommendations for the collection and synthesis of Antarctic Ice Sheet mass balance data, 2004

Crisp, D; Atlas, RM; Breon, F-M; Brown, LR; Burrows, JP; Ciais, P et al.: The Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) mission, 2004

Freeh, Joshua E; Pratt, Joseph W; Brouwer, Jacob: Development of a Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell/Gas Turbine Hybrid System Model for Aerospace Applications, 2004

Larour, E; Rignot, E; Aubry, D: Modelling of rift propagation on Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, and sensitivity to climate change, 2004

Larour, Eric; Rignot, Eric; Aubry, Denis: Processes involved in the propagation of rifts near Hemmen Ice Rise, Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, 2004

Liu, Yuqiong; Gupta, Hoshin V; Sorooshian, Soroosh; Bastidas, Luis A; Shuttleworth, William J: Exploring parameter sensitivities of the land surface using a locally coupled land‐atmosphere model, 2004

Moradkhani, Hamid; Hsu, Kuo-lin; Gupta, Hoshin V; Sorooshian, Soroosh: Improved streamflow forecasting using self-organizing radial basis function artificial neural networks, 2004

Payne, Antony J; Vieli, Andreas; Shepherd, Andrew P; Wingham, Duncan J; Rignot, Eric: Recent dramatic thinning of largest West Antarctic ice stream triggered by oceans, 2004

Rignot, E; Casassa, G; Gogineni, P; Krabill, W; Rivera, A; Thomas, R: Accelerated ice discharge from the Antarctic Peninsula following the collapse of Larsen B ice shelf, 2004

Rignot, E; Braaten, D; Gogineni, SP; Krabill, WB; McConnell, JR: Rapid ice discharge from southeast Greenland glaciers, 2004

Shepherd, Andrew; Wingham, Duncan; Rignot, Eric: Warm ocean is eroding West Antarctic Ice Sheet, 2004

Thomas, R; Rignot, E; Casassa, G; Kanagaratnam, P; Acuña, C; Akins, T et al.: Accelerated Sea-Level Rise from West Antarctica, 2004

van der Werf, Guido R; Randerson, James T; Collatz, G James; Giglio, Louis; Kasibhatla, Prasad S; Arellano, Avelino F et al.: Continental-Scale Partitioning of Fire Emissions During the 1997 to 2001 El Niño/La Niña Period, 2004

Xu, Jianjun; Gao, X; Xiao, Qingnong; Sorooshian, S: Investigate the impacts of assimilating satellite rainfall estimates on rainstorm forecast over southwest United States, 2004

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