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Civil and Environmental Engineering - Open Access Policy Deposits

There are 1176 publications in this collection, published between 1981 and 2024. Showing 501 - 550.

Kinnon, Michael Mac; Shaffer, Brendan; Carreras-Sospedra, Marc; Dabdub, Donald; Samuelsen, GS; Brouwer, Jacob: Air quality impacts of fuel cell electric hydrogen vehicles with high levels of renewable power generation, 2016

Lanning, Joel; Benzoni, Gianmario; Uang, Chia-Ming: Using Buckling-Restrained Braces on Long-Span Bridges. I: Full-Scale Testing and Design Implications, 2016

Lanning, Joel; Benzoni, Gianmario; Uang, Chia-Ming: Using Buckling-Restrained Braces on Long-Span Bridges. II: Feasibility and Development of a Near-Fault Loading Protocol, 2016

Lemnitzer, Anne; Cappa, Riccardo; Yniesta, Samuel; Brandenberg, Scott: Centrifuge Testing of Model Levees atop Peat: Experimental Data, 2016

Li, Jingjing; Hsu, Kuo-Lin; AghaKouchak, Amir; Sorooshian, Soroosh: Object-Based Assessment of Satellite Precipitation Products, 2016

Luo, Yiqi; Ahlström, Anders; Allison, Steven D; Batjes, Niels H; Brovkin, Victor; Carvalhais, Nuno et al.: Toward more realistic projections of soil carbon dynamics by Earth system models, 2016

Marchante, Nicolas Valle; Brouwer, Jack: Mass-Action Kinetics Approach to Concurrent H2 and CO Electrochemistry in a Patterned SOFC Anode, 2016

McLarty, Dustin; Brouwer, Jack; Ainscough, Chris: Economic analysis of fuel cell installations at commercial buildings including regional pricing and complementary technologies, 2016

Mehring, Andrew S; Hatt, Belinda E; Kraikittikun, Diana; Orelo, Barbara D; Rippy, Megan A; Grant, Stanley B et al.: Soil invertebrates in Australian rain gardens and their potential roles in storage and processing of nitrogen, 2016

Morlighem, M; Bondzio, J; Seroussi, H; Rignot, E; Larour, E; Humbert, A et al.: Modeling of Store Gletscher's calving dynamics, West Greenland, in response to ocean thermal forcing, 2016

Nguyen, Gia; Sahlin, Simon; Andreasen, Søren Juhl; Shaffer, Brendan; Brouwer, Jack: Dynamic modeling and experimental investigation of a high temperature PEM fuel cell stack, 2016

Nguyen, Phu; Thorstensen, Andrea; Sorooshian, Soroosh; Hsu, Kuolin; AghaKouchak, Amir; Sanders, Brett et al.: A high resolution coupled hydrologic–hydraulic model (HiResFlood-UCI) for flash flood modeling, 2016

Qin, Hui; Xie, Xiongyao; Vrugt, Jasper A; Zeng, Kun; Hong, Gai: Underground structure defect detection and reconstruction using crosshole GPR and Bayesian waveform inversion, 2016

Ramanathan, V; Allison, J; Auffhammer, M; Auston, D; Barnosky, AD; Chiang, L et al.: Chapter 1. Bending the Curve: Ten Scalable Solutions for Carbon Neutrality and Climate Stability, 2016

Razeghi, Ghazal; Carreras-Sospedra, Marc; Brown, Tim; Brouwer, Jack; Dabdub, Donald; Samuelsen, Scott: Episodic air quality impacts of plug-in electric vehicles, 2016

Razeghi, Ghazal; Brouwer, Jack; Samuelsen, Scott: A spatially and temporally resolved model of the electricity grid – Economic vs environmental dispatch, 2016

Rignot, E; Fenty, I; Xu, Y; Cai, C; Velicogna, I; Cofaigh, CÓ et al.: Bathymetry data reveal glaciers vulnerable to ice‐ocean interaction in Uummannaq and Vaigat glacial fjords, west Greenland, 2016

Rignot, E; Xu, Y; Menemenlis, D; Mouginot, J; Scheuchl, B; Li, X et al.: Modeling of ocean‐induced ice melt rates of five west Greenland glaciers over the past two decades, 2016

Sadegh, M; Vrugt, JA; Gupta, HV; Xu, C: The soil water characteristic as new class of closed-form parametric expressions for the flow duration curve, 2016

Saphores, Jean-Daniel: The Effectiveness of Incentives to Promote the Household Ownership of Alternative Fuel Vehicles in California, 2016

Scheuchl, B; Mouginot, J; Rignot, E; Morlighem, M; Khazendar, A: Grounding line retreat of Pope, Smith, and Kohler Glaciers, West Antarctica, measured with Sentinel‐1a radar interferometry data, 2016

Schodlok, MP; Menemenlis, D; Rignot, EJ: Ice shelf basal melt rates around Antarctica from simulations and observations, 2016

Stewardson, MJ; Datry, T; Lamouroux, N; Pella, H; Thommeret, N; Valette, L et al.: Variation in reach-scale hydraulic conductivity of streambeds, 2016

Su, Yiming; Adeleye, Adeyemi S; Huang, Yuxiong; Zhou, Xuefei; Keller, Arturo A; Zhang, Yalei: Corrigendum: Direct Synthesis of Novel and Reactive Sulfide-modified Nano Iron through Nanoparticle Seeding for Improved Cadmium-Contaminated Water Treatment., 2016

Su, Yiming; Adeleye, Adeyemi S; Huang, Yuxiong; Zhou, Xuefei; Keller, Arturo A; Zhang, Yalei: Direct Synthesis of Novel and Reactive Sulfide-modified Nano Iron through Nanoparticle Seeding for Improved Cadmium-Contaminated Water Treatment, 2016

Swann, Abigail LS; Hoffman, Forrest M; Koven, Charles D; Randerson, James T: Plant responses to increasing CO2 reduce estimates of climate impacts on drought severity, 2016

Szabo, Sylvia; Nicholls, Robert J; Neumann, Barbara; Renaud, Fabrice G; Matthews, Zoe; Sebesvari, Zita et al.: Making SDGs Work for Climate Change Hotspots, 2016

Szabo, Sylvia; Brondizio, Eduardo; Renaud, Fabrice G; Hetrick, Scott; Nicholls, Robert J; Matthews, Zoe et al.: Population dynamics, delta vulnerability and environmental change: comparison of the Mekong, Ganges–Brahmaputra and Amazon delta regions, 2016

Thorstensen, A; Nguyen, P; Hsu, K; Sorooshian, S: Assessment of assimilating SMOS soil moisture information into a distributed hydrologic model, 2016

Torres-Duarte, Cristina; Adeleye, Adeyemi S; Pokhrel, Suman; Mädler, Lutz; Keller, Arturo A; Cherr, Gary N: Developmental effects of two different copper oxide nanomaterials in sea urchin (Lytechinus pictus) embryos, 2016

University of California, Irvine; Morlighem, Mathieu; Rignot, Eric; Willis, Josh: Improving Bed Topography Mapping of Greenland Glaciers Using NASA’s Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) Data, 2016

Vaghefi, SA; Jafari, MA; Zhu, J; Brouwer, J; Lu, Y: A Hybrid Physics-Based and Data Driven Approach to Optimal Control of Building Cooling/Heating Systems, 2016

Vandenberg‐Rodes, Alexander; Moftakhari, Hamed R; AghaKouchak, Amir; Shahbaba, Babak; Sanders, Brett F; Matthew, Richard A: Projecting nuisance flooding in a warming climate using generalized linear models and Gaussian processes, 2016

Vereecken, H; Schnepf, A; Hopmans, JW; Javaux, M; Or, D; Roose, T et al.: Modeling Soil Processes: Review, Key Challenges, and New Perspectives, 2016

Vrugt, Jasper A: Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation using the DREAM software package: Theory, concepts, and MATLAB implementation, 2016

Wiggins, EB; Veraverbeke, S; Henderson, JM; Karion, A; Miller, JB; Lindaas, J et al.: The influence of daily meteorology on boreal fire emissions and regional trace gas variability, 2016

Yang, Zhongwen; Hsu, Kuolin; Sorooshian, Soroosh; Xu, Xinyi; Braithwaite, Dan; Verbist, Koen MJ: Bias adjustment of satellite‐based precipitation estimation using gauge observations: A case study in Chile, 2016

Yang, Tiantian; Gao, Xiaogang; Sorooshian, Soroosh; Li, Xin: Simulating California reservoir operation using the classification and regression‐tree algorithm combined with a shuffled cross‐validation scheme, 2016

Yu, Hongju; Rignot, Eric; Morlighem, Mathieu; Seroussi, Helene: Iceberg calving of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica: Full-Stokes modeling combined with linear elastic fracture mechanics, 2016

Zhao, Lijuan; Huang, Yuxiong; Hu, Jerry; Zhou, Hongjun; Adeleye, Adeyemi S; Keller, Arturo A: 1H NMR and GC-MS Based Metabolomics Reveal Defense and Detoxification Mechanism of Cucumber Plant under Nano-Cu Stress, 2016

Zhao, Lijuan; Huang, Yuxiong; Zhou, Hongjun; Adeleye, Adeyemi S; Wang, Hongtao; Ortiz, Cruz et al.: GC-TOF-MS based metabolomics and ICP-MS based metallomics of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ) fruits reveal alteration of metabolites profile and biological pathway disruption induced by nano copper, 2016

Zhao, Lijuan; Ortiz, Cruz; Adeleye, Adeyemi S; Hu, Qirui; Zhou, Hongjun; Huang, Yuxiong et al.: Metabolomics to Detect Response of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) to Cu(OH)2 Nanopesticides: Oxidative Stress Response and Detoxification Mechanisms, 2016

Aceves-Bueno, Eréndira; Adeleye, Adeyemi S; Bradley, Darcy; Tyler Brandt, W; Callery, Patrick; Feraud, Marina et al.: Citizen Science as an Approach for Overcoming Insufficient Monitoring and Inadequate Stakeholder Buy-in in Adaptive Management: Criteria and Evidence, 2015

AghaKouchak, Amir; Feldman, David; Hoerling, Martin; Huxman, Travis; Lund, Jay: Water and climate: Recognize anthropogenic drought, 2015

Ali, Ashehad A; Xu, Chonggang; Rogers, Alistair; McDowell, Nathan G; Medlyn, Belinda E; Fisher, Rosie A et al.: Global‐scale environmental control of plant photosynthetic capacity, 2015

Askarizadeh, Asal; Rippy, Megan A; Fletcher, Tim D; Feldman, David L; Peng, Jian; Bowler, Peter et al.: From Rain Tanks to Catchments: Use of Low-Impact Development To Address Hydrologic Symptoms of the Urban Stream Syndrome., 2015

Azizian, Morvarid; Grant, Stanley B; Kessler, Adam J; Cook, Perran LM; Rippy, Megan A; Stewardson, Michael J: Bedforms as Biocatalytic Filters: A Pumping and Streamline Segregation Model for Nitrate Removal in Permeable Sediments, 2015

Bauchy, M; Laubie, H; Qomi, MJ Abdolhosseini; Hoover, CG; Ulm, F-J; Pellenq, RJ-M: Fracture toughness of calcium–silicate–hydrate from molecular dynamics simulations, 2015

Bush, SE; Hopkins, FM; Randerson, JT; Lai, C-T; Ehleringer, JR: Design and application of a mobile ground-based observatory for continuous measurements of atmospheric trace gas and criteria pollutant species, 2015

Chen, Y; Randerson, JT; Morton, DC: Tropical North Atlantic ocean-atmosphere interactions synchronize forest carbon losses from hurricanes and Amazon fires, 2015

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