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SSOE Research Symposium Dean's Awards

There are 126 publications in this collection, published between 2014 and 2024. Showing 51 - 100.

Lopez, Luis; Hiramatsu, Yoshitaka; Wilson, Jonathan; Castellon, Carlos: Remote Heart Rate Monitor, 2021

Muskat, Heath; Lawson, Kelsey; Mejia, Adriana; Ahmed, Inkiad; Pasha Eftekharian, Sherwin: Agitation and Temperature Control Agitation and Temperature Control of Sample Wells in Bio-Layer Interferometry, 2021

Thorne, Michael; Victoria, Armando; Huynh, Alex; Acosta-Alvarenga, Alexander; Villasenor, Christopher: Automated Colorimetric Bioassay, 2021

Urrutia Avila, Ashley; Jin, Mei; Kannan, Madhumita; Nguyen, Henry; Wang, Joshua; King, Christine et al.: Feminora: Redesign of the Vaginal Speculum, 2021

Wang, Isabelle; Tang, Johnathan; Sevaston, Carissa; Trinh, Bryan; Zhu, Kevin: Smart Mirror RORRIM, 2021

Wong, Brandon; Wong, Alan Nicholas; Zhao, Andrew; Cumming, Ian Marc; Judd, Briggs; Brusa, Joshua Dylan et al.: 2021 UCI CanSat Winter Design Review Poster, 2021

Aziz, Rasheed; Martinez, Mitchell; Nguyen, Tan; Sandoval, Sergio; Umboh, Richard; Wagner, Griffith et al.: UCI Rocket Project, 2019

Dickinson , Jacob Carl; Medina-Ramos, Jossue; Ogikubo, Masaki; Zhou, Hengen: Beehive Health Monitoring System, 2019

Dizon, Brian; Guinto, Tristan; Jang, Kaylx; Truong, Brian; Demsky , Brian: Radblock: The Radio that Avoids Advertisements, 2019

Dorff , Stuart; Lai, Crystal; Barnhart , Lindsay; Dollan, Thomas: Visions Without Collisions: Magic Sleeve, 2019

Lo, Brandon; Mohanraj, Harshithaa; Ngo, Brandon; Phan, Daniel: Sign Language Translator, 2019

Orozco, Nicholas A.; Rodriguez, Carolina A.; Ramirez, Sergio; Guerrero, Leslie J.; Rocha, Edgar I.; Montes, Bryan: Multifunctional Solar Updraft Tower, 2019

Pereida, Jose; Khacherian, Christopher; Cho, Han Jin; Isabelle, Cecilia; Tran, Phuc Ly Hong; Vu, Frank et al.: Astrobotics - Automated Single Slot Computer Chip Tester, 2019

Soroka, Emiko; Huynh, Amy; Hylak, Joseph; Browne, Owen; Madrigal, Edwin; Cheng, Jonathan et al.: CanSat UCI: Winter Design Review 2019, 2019

Tea, Sydney; Cohen, Ryan; Gopal, Juhi; Karimi, Tina; Hassan, Syed: Portable Fetal pH Analyzer: pHetal Meter, 2019

Yeung, Nathan; Sevilla , Marlon; Chen , Brian; Dao, Adrienne; Hernandez, Erick; Reuter, Andrew et al.: 2019 AIAA Design/Build/Fly, 2019

Alonso, Juan M.; Macias, Manuel; Guerrero, Itzel; Manandhar, Samyam; Alkharafi, Abdulmohsen; Li, Antheia: Environmentally Conscious Structural Design Cordoba Cultural Complex, 2018

Bucher, Brandt; Azeemuddin, Syed; Aquino, Rudy: CounterAttack: Automated Casino Loss-Prevention System, 2018

Davis , McKell; Lieberman, Ethan; Minar, Sydney; Lublin, Derek; Schmidt, Alex: Syroto Bioprinter, 2018

Doss, Mark; Farshidfard , Pooyan; Njuguna, Elizabeth; Nguyen, Pauline; Ngyen, Tuong; Shen, Aiqian: Environmentally Sustainable Energy Storage, 2018

Li, Calvin; Ramales, Cesar D.; Chough, Heejun; Tran, Brendon B.; Yang, Mai T.: Fabrication of Nanopatterns on a Curved Polymer Cornea Device, 2018

Liao, Aaron; Choi, Michael; Andrews, Julian; Phan, Kevin: Autonomous Racecar -, 2018

Luu, Ryan; Macias, Carlos; Torres, Karen; Sadeghian, Kevin; Sevilla, Marlon; Pagdonsolan, Michael et al.: 2018 AIAA Design/Build/Fly (Low Aspect Ratio Plate Aircraft), 2018

Pham, Bao; Staton , Jeffrey; Lee, Tyler; Nguyen , David; Yu , Haocheng; Davis , Branson et al.: Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle, 2018

Talebi, Nicholas; Montenegro, Marlayna; Conroy, Dalton; Callaghan , Caitlin; Gonzalez, Matthew; Chavez, Michael: MPOWRD 2.0  - Rehabilitation Wheelchair, 2018

Tec, Andrew; Schilling, Chanceleir; Takwa, Khaled; Chong, Woo Yoong; Alkhatib, Mazen; Tizani, Arwa et al.: HyperXite III, 2018

Tran, Tiffany; Arabi, Farah; Hong, Kelly; Lee, Autumn: RoboEye: Robotic Guide for the Sight-Impaired, 2018

Tran, Andrew; Freeman, Winston; Yamamoto, Scott; Elliott-Jones, Justyn: Survivor Detection Location Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, 2018

Vasquez , Evelyn; Zhuang, Lucy; Dinh, Truc; Nguyen, Nini; Wan , Zhen; Nguyen, Alex: Gamified Respiratory Therapy Device, 2018

Agrawal , Akshita; Akkenapally, Shreya; Patel, Dimple; Pronda, Maaikee; Sathialingam, Eashani; Trieu, Kevin: Vesta Imager: Handheld Imager for Rapid Burn Wound Assessment, 2017

Canler, Patrick; Kingman, Connor; Phillips, Peter; Friedman, Phillip; Ellington, John; Smith, Jared et al.: Autonomous Boat Project, 2017

Cao, Stefan; Yu, Andrew; Vang, Linda; Nguyen, Tony: Walk Texter, 2017

Cho, Steve; Ishikawa, Takahiro; Wegener, Michael: Garbage Processing Unit (GPU), 2017

Dam, Andrew; Donga, Dishant; Fernando, Leslie; Mai, Natalie; Nguyen , Paul; Shah, Prachi: 3D Visualization & Modeling for Epilepsy, 2017

Kirkley , Ethan; Hunt, Cameron; Khechadoorian, Zepyoor; Wong, Kevin: Krobohand: A 3D Printed Robotic Prosthetic Hand, 2017

Kudva, Aditya; Bhatnagar, Shrishti; Shah, Anand; Strack , Dacoda: No Tool Left Behind, 2017

Lee, Dustin; Alvarez, Cristen; Lu, Ivy; Magnanelli, Grant; Yuen, Chelsea: Aldrich Park Stream Restoration, 2017

Martinez, Ulises; Chao, Lai; Tong, Thompson; Althaqeb, Abdulaziz; Islam, Noura: San Vicente Energy Storage Facility Project: An Environmentally Friendly Solution to Energy Storage, 2017

Moody, Tucker; Pareja, Ian; Hnat, Andrew; Datu, Christian; de Los Angeles, Derek; Morales, Ivette et al.: Renew 3D Print, 2017

Robinson, Zachary; Varela, Nuria Perez; Doering, Stella; Le, Tuyetnhi; Valdez, Martin; Trieu, Brandon: Rapid Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke Evaluator (RHISE), 2017

Shankar, Adith Narayan; Dominguez, Ana; Asgarinejad, Arash; Long, Anthony; Mudiyanse, Arjuna Ravisha Rathnayake; Tizani, Arwa et al.: Hyperxite: Changing the Future of Transportation, 2017

Tran, Andrew; Alcaria, Reigan; Collins, Jude; Lee, Jong Seon: Pulse: An Implementation of Emotionally-Aware VR Gaming, 2017

Cetrola, Claudia; Shivkumar, Sneha; Noel, Erik; Henrikson, Katrina; Zomorodian, Sepehr: AVA by Dispensus, 2016

Chang, Baldwin; Matibag, Meghan; Foley, Anthony: Proximity Detection for Autism Research, 2016

Cheng, Aaron; Cobos, Gabrielle; Crowley, Michael; Miller, Robert; Schellerup, Allen; Stansberry , John: Fuel Cell Data Center: Renewably Powering the Internet, 2016

Gantz , Jacob; Guerrero, Patricio; Andrews, Juliana; Nguyen , David; Harvey , James; Guzma, Margarito et al.: HyperXite is FAST, The Future of Affordable and Sustainable Transportation, 2016

Gosla, Amin; Hoang, Preston; Robles, Marco; Ganesh, Priyanka; Dhariwal, Guriqbal: Detection of tissue optical index for portable noninvasive chemotherapy monitoring, 2016

Ma, Haoran; Liao , Jinliang; Chen, Xiao; Zhang, Alan: iLost -- Bluetooth Indoor Navigation System, 2016

Saeby , Oliver; Mangosong, Ryan; Papp, Charlotte; Long, Joshua; Lee, Patrick; Rogers, Haley: Arsenic Treatment of Groundwater, 2016

Adamski, Aaron; Opra, Alex; Lam, Charles; Bui, Steven: Project Synapse: A Portable, Affordable, and User-Friendly EEG Device to Monitor and Study Neural Activity During Sleep, 2015

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