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Faculty Publications

The Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing

The UC Irvine Program in Nursing Science was established in 2007.  In 2016, the William and Sue Gross Family Foundation committed $40 million to UC Irvine to establish a nursing school and assist in the construction of a new building. The School of Nursing provides academic and professional education in the discipline of nursing.

The School of Nursing prepares graduates for basic clinical and advanced practice roles. It also prepares them for educational, administrative and research positions across the healthcare delivery system, as well as faculty positions in academic institutions. Degrees offered include B.S., M.S., and PhD in Nursing Science.

There are 1306 publications in this collection, published between 1979 and 2025. Showing 1001 - 1050.

Nyamathi, Adeline; de Castro, Viviane; McNeese-Smith, Donna; Nyamathi, Kamala; Shoptaw, Steven; Marfisee, Mary et al.: Alcohol Use Reduction Program in Methadone Maintained Individuals with Hepatitis C Virus Infection, 2008

Nyamathi, Adeline; Vatsa, Manju; Khakha, Deepika C; McNeese-Smith, Donna; Leake, Barbara; Fahey, John L: HIV Knowledge Improvement Among Nurses in India: Using a Train-the-Trainer Program, 2008

Nyamathi, Adeline; Singh, Vijay Pal; Lowe, Ann; Khurana, Anil; Taneja, Divya; George, Sheba et al.: Knowledge and Attitudes about HIV/AIDS among Homoeopathic Practitioners and Educators in India, 2008

Nyamathi, Adeline; Dixon, Elizabeth L; Shoptaw, Steven; Marfisee, Mary; Gelberg, Lillian; Williams, Stephanie et al.: Profile of lifetime methamphetamine use among homeless adults in Los Angeles, 2008

Orr, Elizabeth LR; Lacourse, Michael G; Cohen, Michael J; Cramer, Steven C: Cortical activation during executed, imagined, and observed foot movements, 2008

Radom-Aizik, Shlomit; Zaldivar, Frank; Leu, Szu-Yun; Galassetti, Pietro; Cooper, Dan M: Effects of 30 min of aerobic exercise on gene expression in human neutrophils, 2008

Riegel, Barbara; Moser, Debra K; Rayens, Mary Kay; Carlson, Beverly; Pressler, Susan J; Shively, Martha et al.: Ethnic Differences in Quality of Life in Persons With Heart Failure, 2008

Schneider, Margaret; Dunton, Genevieve Fridlund; Cooper, Dan M: Physical activity and physical self-concept among sedentary adolescent females: An intervention study, 2008

Seery, Mark D; Silver, Roxane Cohen; Holman, E Alison; Ence, Whitney A; Chu, Thai Q: Expressing thoughts and feelings following a collective trauma: immediate responses to 9/11 predict negative outcomes in a national sample., 2008

Stein, Judith A; Dixon, Elizabeth L; Nyamathi, Adeline M: Effects of Psychosocial and Situational Variables on Substance Abuse Among Homeless Adults, 2008

Suvak, Michael; Maguen, Shira; Litz, Brett T; Silver, Roxane Cohen; Holman, E Alison: Indirect exposure to the September 11 terrorist attacks: Does symptom structure resemble PTSD?, 2008

Takahashi, Craig D; Der-Yeghiaian, Lucy; Le, Vu; Motiwala, Rehan R; Cramer, Steven C: Robot-based hand motor therapy after stroke, 2008

Updegraff, John A; Silver, Roxane Cohen; Holman, E Alison: Searching for and Finding Meaning in Collective Trauma: Results From a National Longitudinal Study of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, 2008

Wenzel, Lari; Bowen, Deborah; Habbal, Rana; Leighton, Nancy; Vu, Thuy; Anton-Culver, Hoda: Testing Targeted Approaches to Enhance Cancer Genetics Network Minority Recruitment within Asian Populations, 2008

Westhout, Franklin D; Paré, Laura S; Delfino, Ralph J; Cramer, Steven C: Slope of the intracranial pressure waveform after traumatic brain injury, 2008

Yozbatiran, Nuray; Alonso-Alonso, Miguel; See, Jill; Demirtas-Tatlidede, Asli; Pascual-Leone, Alvaro; Cramer, Steven C: Safety and behavioral effects of a single session of high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in chronic stroke, 2008

Yozbatiran, Nuray; Der-Yeghiaian, Lucy; Cramer, Steven C: A Standardized Approach to Performing the Action Research Arm Test, 2008

Belayev, Ludmila; Khoutorova, Larissa; Zhao, Karen L; Zuo, Fang M; Salzman, Andrew; Davidoff, Allen W et al.: A novel therapeutic strategy improves functional recovery after MCAo stroke in rats, 2007

Cooper, Dan Michael; Radom-Aizik, Shlomit; Schwindt, Christina; Zaldivar, Frank: Dangerous exercise: lessons learned from dysregulated inflammatory responses to physical activity, 2007

Cramer, Steven C; Parrish, Todd B; Levy, Robert M; Stebbins, Glenn T; Ruland, Sean D; Lowry, David W et al.: An assessment of brain function predicts functional gains in a clinical stroke trial, 2007

Cramer, Steven C; Koroshetz, Walter J; Finklestein, Seth P: The Case for Modality-Specific Outcome Measures in Clinical Trials of Stroke Recovery-Promoting Agents, 2007

Cramer, Steven C; Orr, Elizabeth LR; Cohen, Michael J; Lacourse, Michael G: Effects of motor imagery training after chronic, complete spinal cord injury, 2007

Cramer, Steven C: The EXCITE Trial: A Major Step Forward for Restorative Therapies in Stroke, 2007

Cramer, Steven C; Parrish, Todd B; Levy, Robert M; Stebbins, Glenn T; Ruland, Sean D; Lowry, David W et al.: Predicting Functional Gains in a Stroke Trial, 2007

Cramer, Steven C; Der-Yeghiaian, Lucy; See, Jill; Le, Vu; Takahashi, Craig D: Robot-based hand motor therapy after stroke, 2007

Dracup, KA; Evangelista, LS; Hamilton, MA; Erickson, V; Hage, A; Moriguchi, J et al.: Effects of a home-based exercise program on clinical outcomes in heart failure., 2007

Dracup, Kathleen; Evangelista, Lorraine S; Hamilton, Michele A; Erickson, Virginia; Hage, Antoine; Moriguchi, Jamie et al.: Effects of a home-based exercise program on clinical outcomes in heart failure, 2007

Dunton, Genevieve Fridlund; Schneider, Margaret; Cooper, Dan M: An investigation of psychosocial factors related to changes in physical activity and fitness among female adolescents, 2007

Evangelista, Lorraine S; Heber, David; Li, Zhaoping; Hamilton, Michele; Fonarow, Gregg C: Beneficial effects of weight loss associated with a high protein diet on cardiovascular risk profile, functional status and quality of life in obese heart failure patients: A feasibility study, 2007

Evangelista, LS; Dracup, K; Evangelista, L; Hamilton, MA; Erickson, V; Hage, A et al.: Effects of a Home-Based Exercise Program on Clinical Outcomes in Advanced Heart Failure, 2007

Gil-Rivas, Virginia; Silver, Roxane Cohen; Holman, E Alison; McIntosh, Daniel N; Poulin, Michael: Parental response and adolescent adjustment to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks., 2007

Griffis, Charles A; Irwin, Michael R; Martinez-Maza, Otoniel; Doering, Lynn; Nyamathi, Adeline; Kaufman, Robert et al.: Pain-Related Activation of Leukocyte Cellular Adhesion Molecules: Preliminary Findings, 2007

Hawkins, Nikki A; McIntosh, Daniel N; Silver, Roxane Cohen; Holman, E Alison: Early Responses to School Violence, 2007

ISCHANDER, MARIAM; ZALDIVAR, FRANK; ELIAKIM, ALON; NUSSBAUM, ELIEZER; DUNTON, GENEVIEVE; LEU, SZU-YUN et al.: Physical Activity, Growth, and Inflammatory Mediators in BMI-Matched Female Adolescents, 2007

Kleim, Jeffrey A; Kleim, Erin D; Cramer, Steven C: Systematic assessment of training-induced changes in corticospinal output to hand using frameless stereotaxic transcranial magnetic stimulation, 2007

Koniak-Griffin, Deborah; Nyamathi, Adeline; Tallen, Louise; González-Figueroa, Evelyn; Dominick, Ernestina: Breaking the Silence: What Homeless 18- to 24-Year-Olds Say about HIV Vaccine Trials, 2007

Liang, Michael TC; Bassin, Stanley; Dutto, Darren; Braun, William; Wong, Nathan; Pontello, Andria M et al.: Bone Mineral Density and Leg Muscle Strength in Young Caucasian, Hispanic, and Asian Women, 2007

Lithgow, Diana; Nyamathi, Adeline; Elashoff, David; Martinez-Maza, Otoniel; Covington, Chandice: C-reactive Protein in Nipple Aspirate Fluid Associated With Gail Model Factors, 2007

McMurray, Robert G; Zaldivar, Frank; Galassetti, Pietro; Larson, Jennifer; Eliakim, Alon; Nemet, Dan et al.: Cellular Immunity and Inflammatory Mediator Responses to Intense Exercise in Overweight Children and Adolescents, 2007

McNeese-Smith, Donna; Nyamathi, Adeline; Longshore, Douglas; Wickman, Mary; Robertson, Scott; Obert, Jeanne et al.: Processes and outcomes of substance abuse treatment between two programs for clients insured under managed care., 2007

Novak, BJ; Blake, DR; Meinardi, S; Rowland, FS; Pontello, A; Cooper, DM et al.: Exhaled methyl nitrate as a noninvasive marker of hyperglycemia in type 1 diabetes, 2007

Nyamathi, Adeline; Koniak-Griffin, Deborah; Greengold, Barbara Ann: Development of nursing theory and science in vulnerable populations research., 2007

Nyamathi, Adeline; Hudson, Angela; Mutere, Malaika; Christiani, Ashley; Sweat, Jeff; Nyamathi, Kamala et al.: Drug use and barriers to and facilitators of drug treatment for homeless youth., 2007

Nyamathi, Adeline; Stein, Judith A; Schumann, Anja; Tyler, Darlene: Latent Variable Assessment of Outcomes in a Nurse-Managed Intervention to Increase Latent Tuberculosis Treatment Completion in Homeless Adults, 2007

Nyamathi, Adeline M; Suhadev, Mohanarani; Swaminathan, Soumya; Fahey, John L: Perceptions of a Community Sample about Participation in Future HIV Vaccine Trials in South India, 2007

Nyamathi, Adeline; Smith, Donna McNeese; Shoptaw, Steven; Mutere, Malaika; Cohen, Allan; Amrani, Israel et al.: Perceptions of methadone maintained clients about barriers and facilitators to help-seeking behavior., 2007

Nyamathi, Adeline; Covington, Chandice; Mutere, Malaika: Vulnerable populations in Thailand: giving voice to women living with HIV/AIDS., 2007

Ozdemir, Vural; Williams-Jones, Bryn; Cooper, Dan M; Someya, Toshiyuki; Godard, Batrice: Mapping translational research in personalized therapeutics: from molecular markers to health policy, 2007

Pike, Nancy A; Evangelista, Lorraine S; Doering, Lynn V; Koniak-Griffin, Deborah; Lewis, Alan B; Child, John S: Health-related quality of life: a closer look at related research in patients who have undergone the Fontan operation over the last decade., 2007

Radom-Aizik, Shlomit; Kaminski, Naftali; Hayek, Shlomo; Halkin, Hillel; Cooper, Dan M; Ben-Dov, Issahar: Effects of exercise training on quadriceps muscle gene expression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 2007

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