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Aims and Scope

GAIA publishes monographs, edited volumes, and occasionally articles. Although GAIA is a project of the University of California, we aim to build a global community of scholars among our authors and readers. We encourage English-language submissions from scholars across the world. The GAIA editorial program is open to scholars in global and international studies and all area studies, but we are especially interested in work that merges the strengths of traditional area studies with new global and transnational approaches.

Some representative areas of interest include

  • emerging topics in comparative global and transnational studies (e.g., religion; human rights; flows of people, resources, and culture), especially across traditional regional divides;
  • exemplary works of social theory and history by leading scholars from the global South; and
  • “state of the field” assessments in area and global studies, including assessments of specific disciplinary formations and research ethics.
We especially seek to promote research on these topics arising out of African studies and smaller regional specializations (e.g., Korean, Southeast Asian, and Eurasian studies). Innovative survey works of comparative literary and cultural criticism are welcome.

The Repository includes digital versions of eleven titles that were first published in print as part of UC Berkeley's International and Area Studies Research Monograph Series.

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