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The Paul Merage School of Business combines the academic strengths and best traditions of the University of California with the cutting-edge, entrepreneurial spirit of Orange County. The School's thematic approach to business education is: sustainable growth through strategic innovation.

There are 645 publications in this collection, published between 1972 and 2024. Showing 601 - 645.

Kraemer, Kenneth L; Danziger, James N: Computers and Control in the Work Environment, 1984

Graham, John L; Herberger, Jr., Roy A: Negotiators Abroad--Don't Shoot From the Hip, 1983

Pearce, Jone L: Comparing Volunteers and Employees in a Test of Etzioni's Compliance Typology, 1983

Pearce, Jone L; Perry, James L: Federal Merit Pay: A Longitudinal Analysis, 1983

Pearce, Jone L: Job attitude and motivation differences between volunteers and employees from comparable organizations, 1983

Pearce, Jone L; Kuhn, Alfred; Beam, Robert D: The Logic of Organization, 1983

Pearce, Jone: Participation in voluntary associations: How membership in a formal organization changes the rewards of participation, 1983

Pearce, JL: Participation in voluntary associations: How membership in a formal organization changes the rewards of participation, 1983

Kraemer, Kenneth L; King, John Leslie: Introduction to the symposium, 1982

Kraemer, KL; King, JL: Introduction to the symposium, 1982

Kraemer, Kenneth L; King, John Leslie: Management science and information technologies in U.S. local governments: A review of use and impact, 1982

Kraemer, Kenneth L: Telecommunications/ transportation substitution and energy conservation Part 1, 1982

Kraemer, Kenneth L; King, John Leslie: Telecommunications/ transportation substitution and energy conservation Part 2, 1982

Northrop, Alana; Dutton, William H; Kraemer, Kenneth L: The Management of Computer Applications in Local Government, 1982

Pearce, Jone L: Leading and Following Volunteers: Implications for a Changing Society, 1982

Perry, James L; Hanzlik, Carla; Pearce, Jone L: Effectiveness of Merit-Pay-Pool Management, 1982

Kraemer, Kenneth L; King, John Leslie: Computing policies and problems A stage theory approach, 1981

Pearce, Jone L: Bringing Some Clarity to Role Ambiguity Research, 1981

Pearce, JL: Sufficiency of justification: Field test and extension of a hypothesis, 1981

Blake, David H: Interest and Ideology: The Foreign Policy Beliefs of American Businessmen. By Bruce M. Russett and Elizabeth C. Hanson. (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1975. Pp. xiv + 296. $13.00, cloth; $4.95, paper.), 1980

Bromiley, P; Crecine, J.P.: Budget Development in OMB: Aggregate Influences of the Problem and Information Environment, 1980

Dutton, William H; Kraemer, Kenneth L: Automating bias, 1980

Kraemer, KL; King, JL: Letter to the editor, 1980

Pearce, Jone L: Apathy or Self Interest? The Vollinteer's Avoidance of Leadership Roles, 1980

Perry, James L; Kraemer, Kenneth L: Chief Executive Support and Innovation adoption, 1980

Kraemer, Kenneth L; Perry, James L: The Federal Push to Bring Computer Applications to Local Governments, 1979

Kraemer, Kenneth L; Dutton, William H: The Interests Served B Y Technological Reform, 1979

Kraemer, Kenneth L; King, John Leslie: New findings on the transfer of computing applications among cities, 1979

Kraemer, Kenneth L; Colton, Kent W: Overview of the EFT symposium, 1979

Kraemer, Kenneth L; Colton, Kent W: Policy, values, and EFT research: anatomy of a research agenda, 1979


Danziger, James N; Kraemer, Kenneth L; King, John Leslie: An assessment of computer technology in U.S. local governments, 1978

Dutton, William H; Kraemer, Kenneth L: Management utilization of computers in American local governments, 1978

Hackman, J Richard; Pearce, Jone L; Wolfe, Jane Caminis: Effects of changes in job characteristics on work attitudes and behaviors: A naturally occurring quasi-experiment, 1978

King, John Leslie; Kraemer, Kenneth L: Electronic funds transfer as a subject of study in technology, society and public policy, 1978

Kraemer, Kenneth L; Danziger, James N; Dutton, William H: Automated information systems and urban decision making, 1978

Perry, James L; Kraemer, Kenneth L: Innovation attributes, policy intervention, and the diffusion of computer applications among local governments, 1978

Dutton, William H; Kraemer, Kenneth L: Technology and Urban Management, 1977

Kraemer, Kenneth L: Local Government, Information Systems, and Technology Transfer: Evaluating Some Common Assertions about Computer Application Transfer, 1977

Perry, James L; Kraemer, Kenneth L: The chief executive in local government information systems: Catalyst or barrier to innovation?, 1977

Kraemer, Kenneth L; Danziger, James N; Dutton, William H; Mood, Alexander M; Kling, Rob: A future cities survey research design for policy analysis, 1976

Oldham, Greg R; Hackman, J Richard; Pearce, Jone L: Conditions under which employees respond positively to enriched work, 1976

Blake, David H: The Coming Clash (Book Review)., 1973

Blake, David H: Trade Union Foreign Policy (Book Review)., 1973

Blake, David H: Corporate structure and international unionism., 1972

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Paul Merage School of Business

University of CA, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3125

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