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Faculty Publications

There are 697 publications in this collection, published between 1976 and 2024. Showing 251 - 300.

COUTIN, SUSAN BIBLER: Enduring Uncertainty: Deportation, Punishment and Everyday Life. Ines Hasselberg. New York: Berghahn, 2016. 186 pp., 2017

Guerra, Nancy; Duryea, Suzanne: Prevention of Aggression, Violence, and Mental Health Problems in Childhood and Adolescence: Innovative and Sustainable Approaches from Around the World: Introduction and Overview, 2017

Hipp, John R; Kane, Kevin: Cities and the larger context: What explains changing levels of crime?, 2017

Hipp, John R; Kim, Young-An: Erratum to: Measuring Crime Concentration Across Cities of Varying Sizes: Complications Based on the Spatial and Temporal Scale Employed, 2017

Hipp, John R; Branic, Nicholas: Fast and slow change in neighbourhoods: characterization and consequences in Southern California, 2017

Hipp, John R; Kim, Young-An: Measuring Crime Concentration Across Cities of Varying Sizes: Complications Based on the Spatial and Temporal Scale Employed, 2017

Hipp, John R; Kane, Kevin; Kim, Jae Hong: Recipes for neighborhood development: A machine learning approach toward understanding the impact of mixing in neighborhoods, 2017

Hipp, John R; Boessen, Adam: The Shape of Mobility: Measuring the Distance Decay Function of Household Mobility, 2017

Hipp, John R; Wo, James C; Kim, Young-An: Studying neighborhood crime across different macro spatial scales: The case of robbery in 4 cities, 2017

Hipp, John R; Wickes, Rebecca: Violence in Urban Neighborhoods: A Longitudinal Study of Collective Efficacy and Violent Crime, 2017

Homyak, Peter M; Allison, Steven D; Huxman, Travis E; Goulden, Michael L; Treseder, Kathleen K: Effects of Drought Manipulation on Soil Nitrogen Cycling: A Meta‐Analysis, 2017

John R. Hipp,; Charis E. Kubrin,: From Bad to Worse: How Changing Inequality in Nearby Areas Impacts Local Crime, 2017

Jose, R; Hipp, J: Mental illness as an ecological factor of neighborhood crime, 2017

Kane, Kevin; Hipp, John R; Kim, Jae Hong: Analyzing Accessibility Using Parcel Data: Is There Still an Access–Space Trade-Off in Long Beach, California?, 2017

Lakon, Cynthia M; Wang, Cheng; Butts, Carter T; Jose, Rupa; Hipp, John R: Cascades of emotional support in friendship networks and adolescent smoking, 2017

Lens, Michael; Sugie, Naomi: Daytime Locations in Spatial Mismatch: Job Accessibility and Employment at Reentry From Prison., 2017

Martiny, Jennifer BH; Martiny, Adam C; Weihe, Claudia; Lu, Ying; Berlemont, Renaud; Brodie, Eoin L et al.: Microbial legacies alter decomposition in response to simulated global change, 2017

Maurer, Bill: Blockchains Are a Diamond's Best Friend ZELIZER FOR THE BITCOIN MOMENT, 2017

Maurer, WM: Money as Token and Money as Record in Distributed Accounts, 2017

Maurer, Bill: Money from Nothing: Indebtedness and Aspiration in South Africa, 2017

Newbury, Joanne B; Arseneault, Louise; Caspi, Avshalom; Moffitt, Terrie E; Odgers, Candice L; Baldwin, Jessie R et al.: In the eye of the beholder: Perceptions of neighborhood adversity and psychotic experiences in adolescence, 2017

Odgers, Candice L; Russell, Michael A: Violence exposure is associated with adolescents' same‐ and next‐day mental health symptoms, 2017

Owens, Emily G: Testing the School‐to‐Prison Pipeline, 2017

Piontak, Joy Rayanne; Russell, Michael A; Danese, Andrea; Copeland, William E; Hoyle, Rick H; Odgers, Candice L: Violence exposure and adolescents' same-day obesogenic behaviors: New findings and a replication, 2017

Rea, Stephen C; Dalinghaus, Ursula; Nelms, Taylor C; Maurer, Bill: RIDING THE RAILS OF MOBILE PAYMENTS Financial Inclusion, Mobile Phones, and Infrastructure, 2017

Reiter, Keramet; Coutin, Susan Bibler: Crossing Borders and Criminalizing Identity: The Disintegrated Subjects of Administrative Sanctions, 2017

Romero-Olivares, AL; Allison, SD; Treseder, KK: Soil microbes and their response to experimental warming over time: A meta-analysis of field studies, 2017

Sevelius, Jae; Jenness, Valerie: Challenges and opportunities for gender-affirming healthcare for transgender women in prison, 2017

Southworth, Ann: Our Fragmented Profession, 2017

Sugie, Naomi F: Criminal Record Questions, Statistical Discrimination, and Equity in a “Ban the Box” Era, 2017

Sugie, Naomi F; Lens, Michael C: Daytime Locations in Spatial Mismatch: Job Accessibility and Employment at Reentry From Prison., 2017

Thompson, William C; Scurich, Nicholas; Dioso‐Villa, Rachel; Velazquez, Brenda: Evaluating Negative Forensic Evidence: When Do Jurors Treat Absence of Evidence as Evidence of Absence?, 2017

Wang, Cheng; Butts, Carter; Hipp, John; Lakon, Cynthia; Jose, Rupa: Peer Influence, Peer Selection and Adolescent Alcohol Use: a Simulation Study Using a Dynamic Network Model of Friendship Ties and Alcohol Use., 2017

Wickes, Rebecca; Hipp, John; Sargeant, Elise; Mazerolle, Lorraine: Neighborhood Social Ties and Shared Expectations for Informal Social Control: Do They Influence Informal Social Control Actions?, 2017

Amend, Anthony S; Martiny, Adam C; Allison, Steven D; Berlemont, Renaud; Goulden, Michael L; Lu, Ying et al.: Microbial response to simulated global change is phylogenetically conserved and linked with functional potential., 2016

Ashar, Sameer M; Burciaga, Edelina M; Chacón, Jennifer M; Coutin, Susan Bibler; Garza, Alma; Lee, Stephen: Navigating Liminal Legalities Along Pathways To Citizenship: Immigrant Vulnerability and the Role of Mediating Institutions, 2016

Baldwin, Jessie R; Arseneault, Louise; Odgers, Candice; Belsky, Daniel W; Matthews, Timothy; Ambler, Antony et al.: Childhood Bullying Victimization and Overweight in Young Adulthood, 2016

Bien, Ethan: Sanctuary, 2016

Bishin, Benjamin G; Hayes, Thomas J; Incantalupo, Matthew B; Smith, Charles Anthony: Opinion Backlash and Public Attitudes: Are Political Advances in Gay Rights Counterproductive?, 2016

Boggess, Lyndsay N; Hipp, John R: The Spatial Dimensions of Gentrification and the Consequences for Neighborhood Crime, 2016

Bushman, Brad J; Newman, Katherine; Calvert, Sandra L; Downey, Geraldine; Dredze, Mark; Gottfredson, Michael et al.: Youth Violence: What We Know and What We Need to Know, 2016

Carey, Joanna C; Tang, Jianwu; Templer, Pamela H; Kroeger, Kevin D; Crowther, Thomas W; Burton, Andrew J et al.: Temperature response of soil respiration largely unaltered with experimental warming, 2016

Carey, Joanna C; Tang, Jianwu; Templer, Pamela H; Kroeger, Kevin D; Crowther, Thomas W; Burton, Andrew J et al.: Temperature response of soil respiration largely unaltered with experimental warming, 2016

Cauffman, Elizabeth; Skeem, Jennifer; Dmitrieva, Julia; Cavanagh, Caitlin: Comparing the Stability of Psychopathy Scores in Adolescents Versus Adults: How Often Is “Fledgling Psychopathy” Misdiagnosed?, 2016

Chemerinsky, E; Goodwin, M: Compulsory vaccination laws are constitutional, 2016

Chemerinsky, Erwin; Gillman, Howard: What Students Think About Free Speech., 2016

Cole, SA: Davis v. Mississippi (1969), 2016

Cole, Simon A: Scandal, Fraud, and the Reform of Forensic Science: The Case of Fingerprint Analysis, 2016

Cole, Simon A: The Violence of Care: Rape Victims, Forensic Nurses, and Sexual Assault Intervention, 2016

Coutin, Susan Bibler; Vogel, Erica: Migrant Narratives and Ethnographic Tropes, 2016

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