Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 108 publications in this collection, published between 1974 and 2024. Showing 51 - 100.
Panagia, Davide: On the Political Ontology of the Dispositif, 2019
Peters, Margaret E: Crossroads: Comparative Immigration Regimes in a World of Demographic Change, 2019
Peters, Margaret E: Immigration and International Law, 2019
Peters, Margaret E; Kage, Rieko; Rosenbluth, Frances; Tanaka, Seiki: Labor markets and cultural values: Evidence from Japanese and American views about caregiving immigrants, 2019
Peters, Margaret E: Trade Battles: Activism and the Politicization of International Trade Policy. By Tamara Kay and R. L. Evans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. 264p. $99.00 cloth, $29.95 paper., 2019
Peters, Margaret E: Trump, Trade, and Immigration, 2019
Ross, Michael L: What Do We Know About Export Diversification in Oil-Producing Countries?, 2019
Tavits, Margit; Pérez, Efrén O: Language influences mass opinion toward gender and LGBT equality, 2019
Christensen, Darin; Garfias, Francisco: Can You Hear Me Now? How Communication Technology Affects Protest and Repression, 2018
Davide Panagia,: The Data Sensorium, 2018
Fong, Christian; Hazlett, Chad; Imai, Kosuke: Covariate balancing propensity score for a continuous treatment: Application to the efficacy of political advertisements, 2018
Hazlett, Chad J; Berinsky, Adam J: Stress‐testing the affect misattribution procedure: Heterogeneous control of affect misattribution procedure effects under incentives, 2018
Panagia, Davide: Rancière’s Sentiments, 2018
Abstract: In Rancière’s Sentiments Davide Panagia explores Jacques Rancière’s aesthetics of politics as it informs his radical democratic theory of participation. Attending to diverse practices of everyday living and doing—of form, style, and scenography—in Rancière’s writings,...
Ferwerda, Jeremy; Hainmueller, Jens; Hazlett, Chad J: Kernel-Based Regularized Least Squares in R ( KRLS ) and Stata ( krls ), 2017
Osgood, Iain; Peters, Margaret: Escape Through Export? Women-Owned Enterprises, Domestic Discrimination, and Global Markets, 2017
Posner, Daniel N: When and why do some social cleavages become politically salient rather than others?, 2017
Ross, Michael L; Hazlett, Chad; Mahdavi, Paasha: Global progress and backsliding on gasoline taxes and subsidies, 2017
Ross, Michael L: What Do We Know About Economic Diversification in Oil-Producing Countries?, 2017
Adida, Claire L; Ferree, Karen E; Posner, Daniel N; Robinson, Amanda Lea: Who’s Asking? Interviewer Coethnicity Effects in African Survey Data, 2016
Berinsky, Adam J; de Kadt, Daniel; Orkin, Kate; Posner, Daniel N: Disengaged by Choice? A Research Agenda for Understanding Low Urban Youth Turnout in South Africa, 2016
Kramon, Eric; Posner, Daniel N: Ethnic Favoritism in Education in Kenya, 2016
Panagia, Davide: Rita Felski. The Limits of Critique . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. 232 pp., 2016
Ross, Michael L; Voeten, Erik: Oil and International Cooperation, 2016
Trager, Robert F: The Diplomacy of War and Peace, 2016
Barreto, Matt A; Collingwood, Loren: Group-based appeals and the Latino vote in 2012: How immigration became a mobilizing issue, 2015
Berge, Lars Ivar Oppedal; Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Galle, Simon; Miguel, Edward; Posner, Daniel N; Tungodden, Bertil et al.: How Strong Are Ethnic Preferences?, 2015
Dienstag, Joshua Foa: Blade Runner’s humanism: Cinema and representation, 2015
Dionne, Kim Yi; DeWitt, Darin; Stone, Michael; Chwe, Michael Suk-Young: The May 1 Marchers in Los Angeles, 2015
McCauley, John F; Posner, Daniel N: African Borders as Sources of Natural Experiments Promise and Pitfalls<a href="#fn1">*</a>, 2015
Peters, Margaret E: Open Trade, Closed Borders Immigration in the Era of Globalization, 2015
Bergman, Elizabeth; Segura, Gary; Barreto, Matt: Immigration Politics and Electoral Consequences: Anticipating the Dynamics of Latino Vote in the 2014 Election, 2014
Goldstein, Judith L; Peters, Margaret E: Nativism or Economic Threat: Attitudes Toward Immigrants During the Great Recession, 2014
Lieberman, Evan S; Posner, Daniel N; Tsai, Lily L: Does Information Lead to More Active Citizenship? Evidence from an Education Intervention in Rural Kenya, 2014
O’Neill, Barry: Policy folklists and evolutionary theory, 2014
Peters, Margaret E: Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Immigration Policy Making in the United States, 2014
Ross, Michael L: What Have We Learned about the Resource Curse?, 2014
Hill, Seth J; Lo, James; Vavreck, Lynn; Zaller, John: How Quickly We Forget: The Duration of Persuasion Effects From Mass Communication, 2013
Ross, Michael L: What Have We Learned about the Resource Curse?, 2013
Trager, Robert F: How the scope of a demand conveys resolve, 2013
COLLINGWOOD, LOREN; BARRETO, MATT A; DONOVAN, TODD: Early Primaries, Viability and Changing Preferences for Presidential Candidates, 2012
Stein, AA: Measuring National Wealth and Goodness: The more we know, the more we know how little we know, 2012
Jan de Leeuw; Jeffrey Lewis: Principal Component Analysis of Categorical Data, with Applications to Roll-Call Analysis, 2011
Stein, AA: The Creation of Clubs: The BRIC, 2008
Stein, AA: G8 Outreach and the Absence of Hothouse International Institutions, 2008
Stein, AA: Objective, Subjective, and Socially Constructed Groupings in International Politics, 2008
Stein, AA: Relative Success, Failure, and the Hierarchy of Nations, 2008
Stein, AA: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Declinism, 2008
Habyarimana, James; Humphreys, Macartan; Posner, Daniel N.; Weinstein, Jeremy M.: Why does ethnic diversity undermine public goods provision?, 2007
de Leeuw, Jan; Lewis, Jeffrey: Principal Component Analysis of Categorical Data, with Applications to Roll-Call Analysis, 2006
Wilkinson, David; Tsirel, Sergey V.: Analysis of Power-Structure Fluctuations in the “Longue Durée” of the South Asian World System, 2005