Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 424 publications in this collection, published between 1988 and 2024. Showing 401 - 424.
Schulz, J-P; Dümenil, L; Polcher, J; Schlosser, CA; Xue, Y: Land Surface Energy and Moisture Fluxes: Comparing Three Models, 1998
Wood, Eric F; Lettenmaier, Dennis P; Liang, Xu; Lohmann, Dag; Boone, Aaron; Chang, Sam et al.: The Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) Phase 2(c) Red–Arkansas River basin experiment: 1. Experiment description and summary intercomparisons, 1998
Xue, Yongkang; Shukla, Jagadish: Model Simulation of the Influence of Global SST Anomalies on Sahel Rainfall, 1998
Chen, TH; Henderson-Sellers, A; Milly, PCD; Pitman, AJ; Beljaars, ACM; Polcher, J et al.: Cabauw Experimental Results from the Project for Intercomparison of Land-Surface Parameterization Schemes, 1997
Schlosser, C Adam; Robock, Alan; Vinnikov, Konstantin Ya; Speranskaya, Nina A; Xue, Yongkang: 18-Year Land-Surface Hydrology Model Simulations for a Midlatitude Grassland Catchment in Valdai, Russia, 1997
Scott, Allen J.: Patterns of Employment in California's Multimedia and Digital Visual Effects Industry: The Form and Logic of an Emerging Local Labor Market, 1997
Xue, Yongkang: Biosphere feedback on regional climate in tropical North Africa, 1997
Xue, Yongkang; Sellers, Piers J; Zeng, Fanrong J; Schlosser, C Adam: Comments on “Use of Midlatitude Soil Moisture and Meteorological Observations to Validate Soil Moisture Simulations with Biosphere and Bucket Models”, 1997
Chen, Fei; Mitchell, Kenneth; Schaake, John; Xue, Yongkang; Pan, Hua‐Lu; Koren, Victor et al.: Modeling of land surface evaporation by four schemes and comparison with FIFE observations, 1996
Mahfou, J-F; et al,: Analysis of results from PILPS-RICE workshop, Part III: Transpiration, 1996
Wetzel, Peter J; Liang, Xu; Irannejad, Parviz; Boone, Aaron; Noilhan, Joel; Shao, Yaping et al.: Modeling vadose zone liquid water fluxes: Infiltration, runoff, drainage, interflow, 1996
Xue, Yongkang: The Impact of Desertification in the Mongolian and the Inner Mongolian Grassland on the Regional Climate, 1996
Xue, Yongkang; Fennessy, Michael J; Sellers, Piers J: Impact of vegetation properties on U.S. summer weather prediction, 1996
Xue, Yongkang; Bastable, Heidi G; Dirmeyer, Paul A; Sellers, Piers J: Sensitivity of Simulated Surface Fluxes to Changes in Land Surface Parameterizations-A Study Using ABRACOS Data, 1996
Xue, Yongkang; Zeng, Fanrong J; Schlosser, C Adam: SSiB and its sensitivity to soil properties—a case study using HAPEX-Mobilhy data, 1996
Robock, Alan; Vinnikov, Konstantin Ya; Schlosser, C Adam; Speranskaya, Nina A; Xue, Yongkang: Use of Midlatitude Soil Moisture and Meteorological Observations to Validate Soil Moisture Simulations with Biosphere and Bucket Models, 1995
Fennessy, MJ; Kinter, JL; Kirtman, B; Marx, L; Nigam, S; Schneider, E et al.: The Simulated Indian Monsoon: A GCM Sensitivity Study, 1994
Scott, Allen J.; Brown, E. Richard: South-Central Los Angeles: Anatomy of an Urban Crisis, 1993
Xue, Yongkang; Shukla, Jagadish: The Influence of Land Surface Properties on Sahel Climate. Part 1: Desertification, 1993
Xue, Y; Sellers, PJ; Kinter, JL; Shukla, J: A Simplified Biosphere Model for Global Climate Studies, 1991
Xue, Yongkang: A two-dimensional coupled biosphere-atmosphere model and its application, 1991
Xue, Yongkang; Liou, Kuo-Nan; Kasahara, Akira: Investigation of Biogeophysical Feedback on the African Climate Using a Two-Dimensional Model, 1990
Liou, Kuo-Nan; Xue, Yongkang: Exploration of the remote sounding of infrared cooling rates due to water vapor, 1988