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Undergraduate Publication  Library Prize for Undergraduate Research

The UCLA Library Prize for Undergraduate Research recognizes and honors excellence in undergraduate research at UCLA.

The inspiration for the UCLA Library Prize for Undergraduate Research came from Ruth Simon, lover of books and libraries.

Simon earned her BA in English at UCLA and served as UCLA's campus counsel for many years until her retirement in 2003. Her many memories of her college years include countless hours spent in the undergraduate library, studying for classes and exams or enjoying classic works of English literature.

Guided by her passion for reading and research and wishing to share her love of libraries, Simon established the Ruth Simon Library Prize for Undergraduate Research, the first endowment of its kind at UCLA, to inspire and reward UCLA undergraduates for outstanding library research now and for generations yet to come.

For more information about the Library Prize, including submission guidelines, please visit

There are 76 publications in this collection, published between 2014 and 2024. Showing 51 - 76.

Caguimbal, Gregory; Chun, Thomas; Jones, Hunter; Rafeedi, Fadi; Samuel, -: Rack Attack, 2017

Contreras, Liset: Chicanxs and Medicine: A History of Ailments, 2017

El Melik, Ruba: From Nobiin to Rutana: The Role of Arabization In Creating Sudanese Language Ideologies, 2017

Lopez, Zaith: Precarity and Liminality among Jornaleros in Southern California: Structural Vulnerability, Porous Spaces and the Struggle for Being, 2017

Qin, Christine: The New Pro-Choice: Legalizing Assisted Suicide, 2017

Uhlyarik, Adrienne; Patel, Deven; Sheldon, Alexa: Raiding and Foraging Behavior of Megaponera analis in the Dja Biosphere Reserve of Cameroon, 2017

Uyemura, Bradley: Canine Crackdown: Unreliable Drug Sniffs Threaten Civil Liberties and Equal Law Enforcement, 2017

LeGresley, Megan: Nature's Games: Will the Global Medical Community Triumph Over Zika Virus?, 2016

Phan, Christopher: Music as Medicine: A Literature Review and Project Proposal for "Ethnomusic Therapy" and Medical Ethnomusicology, 2016

Rother, Katherine: The Declining Trend of Child Support Cases in Monterey County, California: An Ethnographic Study Exploring the Dynamics of Case Closures, 2016

Sundelson, Anne: Putin's Dirty Little Secret: HIV/AIDS in the Russian Federation, 2016

An, Jing: Beltrami Energy Based Partitioning Model for Image Segmentation, 2015

Ha, Yiming: A Clash of Perceptions: Deceit in the Ming-Japan Negotiation During the Imjin War, 2015

Mally, Alison H: Medical Denialism: Where Must Society Draw the Line?, 2015

Pack, Brenda: 238 U/232Th zircon geochronology for the most recent eruptions of El Chichón volcano (Chiapas, Mexico), 2015

Schmall, Magdalyn; Hefzi, Neda; Bensley, Lucas: The Black Prisoners Project, 2015

Stinson, Michael: A Good Death: The Rebirth of Sir Walter Raleigh, 2015

Zeng, Ann: Numeral-Classifier Reduplication in Beijing Mandarin, 2015

Cromartie, Amy: Iranian Long Spouted Vessels of the Third and Second Millennium BCE: Contextualizing an Enigmatic Vessel , 2014

Fuong, Holly; Bulut, Yasemin; Keeley, Kathryn N: Hetero-specific Alarm Call Eavesdropping in Non-vocal, Whitebellied Copper-striped Skinks (Emoia cyanura), 2014

Green, Mariko: With Liberty and Justice for All: The Costs and Benefits of DNA Databases, 2014

Lusher, Samantha: cyber!Gothic: The Gothic Future from Frankenstein to Text-based Online Gaming, 2014

Qin, Christine R: Priestesses and Power: The Potency and Privilege of Prostitution, 2014

Richman, Sasha: Le Dernier Tango à Paris: une sensation multiforme ("Last Tango in Paris: A Multifaceted Phenomenon"), 2014

Rose, Charlotte: John Ruskin’s Fors Clavigera: The Hero as Educator, 2014

Sybert, Stephanie N: Taiko in Brazil: Japanese Cultural Diaspora and Hybridization Through Percussion Music, 2014

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