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Department of Urban Planning - Open Access Policy Deposits

There are 362 publications in this collection, published between 1986 and 2024. Showing 201 - 250.

Haselhoff, Kim; Ong, Paul M.: Issue 2: Southern Californians Vested in Community, 2005

Haselhoff, Kim; Ong, Paul M.: Issue 7: Museum Attendance, Population Shifts, and Changing Tastes, 2005

Haselhoff, Kim; Ong, Paul M.; Graham, Matthew: Issue 8: So Cal Residents Expect Major Quake in Next Five Years, 2005

Haselhoff, Kim; Ong, Paul M.; Wong, Norman: Issue 9: Terrorism Concern High in Southern California, 2005

Haselhoff, Kim; Ong, Paul M.: Latinos and So Cal Local Government, 2005

Haselhoff, Kim; Ong, Paul M.: So Cal Survey 2005 Technical Paper, 2005

Kang, Jerry; Cuff, Dana: Pervasive Computing: Embedding the Public Sphere, 2005

Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Gottlieb, Robert: The Day that People Filled the Freeway: Re-Envisioning the Arroyo Seco Parkway, and the Urban Environment in Los Angeles, 2005

Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Liggett, Robin; Sung, Hyun-Gun; Boudreaux, Marcelle; Ratzkin, Rebecca: Death on the Crosswalk: A Study of Pedestrian-Automobile Collisions in Los Angeles, 2005

Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Gottlieb, Robert: A Road as a Route and Place: The Evolution and Transformation of the Arroyo Seco Parkway, 2005

Mondschein, Andrew; Blumenberg, Evelyn; Taylor, Brian D.: Cognitive Mapping, Travel Behavior, and Access to Opportunity, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Houston, Douglas: CALWORKS Sanction Patterns in Four Counties - A Technical Analysis, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Houston, Douglas: CalWORKs Sanction Patterns in Four Counties: A Technical Analysis, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Haselhoff, Kim: Issue 1: Residents Split on the State of the Region's Economy, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Haselhoff, Kim: Issue 10: Perceptions of Congestion Not Universal, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Haselhoff, Kim: Issue 11: Barriers to Transit Use, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Haselhoff, Kim: Issue 13: Southern California's Housing Problem, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Haselhoff, Kim: Issue 3: SoCal Residents Not as Trusting as Rest of Nation, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Haselhoff, Kim: Issue 4: Roadblocks to Smart Growth, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Haselhoff, Kim: Issue 5: High Interest in Hybrid Cars, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Haselhoff, Kim: Issue 6: Residents Say Local Government isn't Doing Enough for the Poor, 2005

Ong, Paul M.: Outsourcing Southern California Information Sheet, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Stoll, Michael A.; Haselhoff, Kim; Valenzuela, Abel: Policy Brief 1: Falling Short on Helping the Poor, 2005

Ong, Paul M.; Haselhoff, Kim: Southern California Latinos Information Sheet, 2005

Raphael, Steve; Stoll, Michael A.: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Massachusetts Workforce Development System Using No-Shows as a Non-Experimental Comparison Group, 2005

Stoll, Michael A.: Job Sprawl, Spatial Mismatch and Black Employment Disadvantage, 2005

Does the Built Environment Influence Physical Activity? Examining the Evidence, 2005

Crane, Randall: Central-local transfers in Kenya - Options for incremental reform, 2004

Houston, Douglas; Bagdasaryan, Sofya; Ong, Paul M.: Arts and Cultural Institutions in Los Angeles: Patterns of Utilization, 2004

Liggett, Robin; Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Iseki, Hiroyuki: Protecting Against Transit Crime: The Importance of the Built Environment, 2004

Ong, Paul M.; Rickles, Jordan: Analysis of the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency's Enforcement of Wage and Hour Laws, 2004

Ong, Paul M.: Socioeconomic Status of American Indian Adults in Los Angeles, 2004

Shoup, Donald C.: Eco Passes: An Evaluation of Employer-Based Transit Programs, 2004

Shoup, Donald C.: The Ideal Source of Local Public Revenue, 2004

Vargas, Marcos; Ong, Paul M.: Strengthening the Voice of California's New Workers: Labor and Community Efforts to Improve Worker Health and Safety, 2004

Blumenberg, Evelyn; Miller, Douglas; Schweitzer, Lisa; Garrett, Mark; Kitkis, Karen; Manville, Michael et al.: California Transportation Needs Assessment: The Transportation Barriers and Needs of Welfare Recipients and Low-Wage Workers, 2003

Blumenberg, Evelyn: En-gendering Effective Planning: Spatial Mismatch, Low-Income Women, and Transportation Policy, 2003

Blumenberg, Evelyn A.: En-gendering Effective Planning: Spatial Mismatch, Low-Income Women, and Transportation Policy, 2003

Blumenberg, Evelyn A.; Shiki, Kimiko: How Welfare Recipients Travel on Public Transit, and Their Accessibility to Employment Outside Large Urban Centers, 2003

Blumenberg, Evelyn A.; Shiki, Kimiko: Spatial Mismatch Outside of Large Urban Areas: An Analysis of Welfare Recipients in Fresno County, California, 2003

Blumenberg, Evelyn; Shiki, Kimiko: Spatial Mismatch Outside of Large Urban Areas: An Analysis of Welfare Recipients in Fresno County, California, 2003

Cervero, Robert; Gottlieb, Robert; Hall, Peter V.; Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Sciara, Gian-Claudia; Wachs, Martin: ACCESS Magazine Spring 2003, 2003

Garrett, Mark; Taylor, Brian D.: Reconsidering Social Equity in Public Transit, 2003

Goldman, Todd; Wachs, Martin: A Quiet Revolution in Transportation Finance: The Rise of Local Option Transportation Taxes, 2003

Li, Jianling; Wachs, Martin: The Effects of Federal Transit Subsidy Policy on Investment Decisions: The Case of San Francisco's Geary Corridor, 2003

Liggett, Robin S; Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Iseki, Hiroyuki: Bus Stop - Environment Connection: Do Characteristics of the Built Environment Correlate with Bus Stop Crime?, 2003

Liggett, Robin; Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Iseki, Hiroyuki: Journeys to Crime: Assessing the Effects of a Light Rail Line on Crime in the Neighborhoods, 2003

Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Gottlieb, Robert: Putting Pleasure Back in the Drive: Reclaiming Urban Parkways for the 21st Century, 2003

McConville, Shannon; Ong, Paul M.: The Trajectory of Poor Neighborhoods in Southern California, 1970 - 2000, 2003

Ong, Paul M.; McConville, Shannon: Access to Employment-Based Insurance Among Welfare Recipients in Los Angeles County: Offering, Eligibility and Participation, 2003

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