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There are 118 publications in this collection, published between 2003 and 2023. Showing 51 - 100.

de Miguel Magro, Tania: Un paseo por Toledo: entrevista a Alfonso Ruiz de Aguirre sobre su novela EL Baño de La Cava, 2013

del Toro, José César: Schuessler, Michael K. y Miguel Capistrán, coord. México se escribe con J: Una historia de la cultura gay (2010). México: Editorial Planeta, 2010. Print. 271 pp., 2013

Donoso, Isaac: Adam Lifshey. The Magellan Fallacy. Globalization and the Emergence of Asian and African Literature in Spanish. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2012. Print. 323 pp., 2013

Dunstan, Ines: The maid as political spy in Argentine literature and historiography: the Rosas-Perón nexus (1846-1964), 2013

Fernández, Daniel R.: Brian L. Price. Cult of Defeat in Mexico’s Historical Fiction: Failure, Trauma, and Loss. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Print. 200 pp., 2013

Foster, David William: Masculinity As Privileged Human Agency In H. G. Oesterheld’s El Eternauta, 2013

Galvão, Jozelda F.: Leminski, Paulo. Ensaios e anseios crípticos. Campinas, Brasil: Editora da Unicamp, 2011. Print. 329 pp., 2013

Gasquet, Axel: El motivo árabe en el modernismo y posmodernismo argentino: Ángel Estrada, Arturo Capdevilla y Álvaro Melián Lafinur, 2013

Hagimoto, Koichi: Tinajero, Araceli. Kokoro: una mexicana en Japón. Madrid: Verbum, 2012. Print. 166 pp., 2013

Lifshey, Adam: Rizo, Elisa, ed. Caminos y veredas: narrativas de Guinea Ecuatorial. Mexico City: UNAM, 2011. Print. 164 pp., 2013

López-Calvo, I; Iwasaki, F: The affinity of the eye: Writing Nikkei in Peru, 2013

LÓPEZ‐CALVO, IGNACIO: The Death of the Author through False Translation in Mario Bellatin's Orientalised Japan, 2013

Martínez, Egla: The Struggle for Historical Collective Memory and Epistemic Creativity from Below, 2013

Moreira, Paulo: Namorato, Luciana and César Ferreira, eds. The Word Accordingto Clarice Lispector – Critical Approaches. Lima: Centro de Estudios Literarios Antonio Cornejo Polar / Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2011. Print. 228pp., 2013

Navia, María José: Vieira, Patrícia. Seeing Politics Otherwise. Vision in Latin American and Iberian Fiction. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011. Print. 198 pp., 2013

Park, Paula C.: José García Villa’s Silent Tongue Tie: Hispanic Resonances in Filipino American Literature, 2013

Pulitano, Elvira: Re-storying Justice: Questions of Citizenship, Home, and Belonging in Amy Serrano’s The Sugar Babies (2007), 2013

Roberts-Camps, Traci: The Female Body as Spectacle: Ángel de fuego and La mujer del pueblo: Otilia Rauda by Dana Rotberg, 2013

Rosauro, Elena: Construir y reconstruir la historia: las prácticas artísticas de Carla Herrera-Prats y Eduardo Molinari, 2013

Suárez, José I.: Kathleen López. Chinese Cubans: A Transnational History. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2013. 339 pages., 2013

Sueldo, Martín Ariel: Cumbia literaria: apuntes para un ideologema en la literatura argentina del siglo XXI, 2013

Zimmer, Zac: Fence as Tragedy, Fence as Farce: Primitive Accumulation in Redoble por Rancas, 2013

Akaloo, Nasima: Ricci, Cristián H. Literatura periférica en castellano y catalán: el caso marroquí. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas- Universidad de Minnesota Press, 2010. Print. 96 pages., 2012

Birns, Nicholas: López-Calvo, Ignacio, Latino Los Angeles in Film and Fiction. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2011. Print. 239 pages., 2012

Birns, Nicholas: Tricontinental Modernities: Vargas Llosa's Late Turn against Imperialism in El sueño del celta, 2012

Boero Vargas, Mario: El factor teológico – clerical en la obra Nocturno de Chile de Roberto Bolaño: tránsitos entre Sebastián Urrutia Lacroix y José Miguel Ibáñez Langlois, 2012

Camps, Martín: Mark D. Anderson. Disaster Writing: The Cultural Politics of Catastrophe in Latin America. Charlottesville and London: U of Virginia P, 2011. Print. 241 pages, 2012

Dussel, Enrique D.: Transmodernity and Interculturality: An Interpretation from the Perspective of Philosophy of Liberation, 2012

Gómez-Barris, Macarena: Mapuche Hunger Acts: Epistemology of the Decolonial, 2012

Gonzalez de Allen, Gertrude: From the Caribbean to the U.S.: Afro-Latinity in Changing Contexts, 2012

Grosfoguel, Ramón: Decolonizing Western Uni-versalisms: Decolonial Pluri-versalism from Aimé Césaire to the Zapatistas, 2012

Guardiola-Rivera, Oscar: Notes After the End of the World: Freedom, Common Will and Decolonization, 2012

Henry, Paget: Enrique Dussel and Afro-Caribbean Ethics, 2012

Irizarry, Roberto: Vanguardia, raza y nación: una lectura de la negritud de la novela mexicana Panchito Chapopote y del estridentismo a la luz del modernismo brasileño y de Macunaíma, 2012

Lee, Ana Paulina: The Afterlives of Chico Rei, 2012

Lee-Distefano, Debbie: Riger Tsurumi, Rebecca. The Closed Hand: Images of the Japanese in Modern Peruvian Literature. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue UP, 2012. Print. Pages 313., 2012

Lopez-Calvo, Ignacio: Disaster Writing: The Cultural Politics of Catastrophe in Latin America, 2012

López‐Calvo, Ignacio: Essays on Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Peruvian Literature and Culture ‐ by Hart, Stephen M. and Wood, David, 2012


Lopez-Calvo, Ignacio: Time Travel in the Latin American and Caribbean Imagination. Re-reading History, 2012

Maldonado-Torres, Nelson. Guest Editor: Decoloniality at Large: Towards a Trans-Americas and Global Transmodern Paradigm (Introduction to Second Special Issue of “Thinking through the Decolonial Turn”), 2012

Martín Alcoff, Linda: Enrique Dussel’s Transmodernism, 2012

Pérez Hernández, Nayra: Alrededor de dos poéticas femeninas guineoecuatorianas: Raquel Ilonbé y María Nsué, 2012

Walsh, Catherine: “Other” Knowledges, “Other” Critiques: Reflections on the Politics and Practices of Philosophy and Decoloniality in the “Other” America, 2012

White, Jared S.: Álvarez-Blanco, Palmar and Toni Dorca, eds. Contornos de la narrativa española actual (2000-2010). Un diálogo entre creadores y críticos. Madrid: Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2011. Print. 318 pages., 2012

de Castro, Juan E.: Corral, Wilfrido H. Cartografía occidental de la novela hispanoamericana. Quito: Centro Cultural Benjamín Carrión, 2010., 2011

Dussel, Enrique: From Critical Theory to the Philosophy of Liberation: Some Themes for Dialogue, 2011

Gordon, Lewis R.: Shifting the Geography of Reason in an Age of Disciplinary Decadence, 2011

Lopez-Calvo, Ignacio: Cipango, 2011

Maldonado-Torres, Nelson. Guest Editor: Thinking through the Decolonial Turn: Post-continental Interventions in Theory, Philosophy, and Critique—An Introduction, 2011

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