Department of Psychology - Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 428 publications in this collection, published between 2003 and 2024. Showing 351 - 400.
Rebar, Amanda L; Loftus, Andrea M; Hagger, Martin S: Cognitive control and the non-conscious regulation of health behavior, 2015
Scott, Sarah M; Wallander, Jan L; Depaoli, Sarah; Elliott, Marc N; Grunbaum, Jo Anne; Tortolero, Susan R et al.: Gender role orientation is associated with health-related quality of life differently among African-American, Hispanic, and White youth., 2015
Scott, Rose M; Richman, Joshua C; Baillargeon, Renée: Infants understand deceptive intentions to implant false beliefs about identity: New evidence for early mentalistic reasoning, 2015
Scott, Rose M; Roby, Erin: Processing Demands Impact 3-Year-Olds’ Performance in a Spontaneous-Response Task: New Evidence for the Processing-Load Account of Early False-Belief Understanding, 2015
Scott, Sarah M; Wallander, Jan L; Cameron, Linda: Protective Mechanisms for Depression among Racial/Ethnic Minority Youth: Empirical Findings, Issues, and Recommendations, 2015
Scott, SM; Wallander, JL; Cameron, L: Protective Mechanisms for Depression among Racial/Ethnic Minority Youth: Empirical Findings, Issues, and Recommendations, 2015
Shaw, Kathleen; Baart, Martijn; Depowski, Nicole; Bortfeld, Heather: Infants’ Preference for Native Audiovisual Speech Dissociated from Congruency Preference, 2015
Shaw, Kathleen E; Bortfeld, Heather: Sources of Confusion in Infant Audiovisual Speech Perception Research, 2015
Sigurdson, Johannes Foss; Undheim, AM; Wallander, JL; Lydersen, S; Sund, AM: The long-term effects of being bullied or a bully in adolescence on externalizing and internalizing mental health problems in adulthood, 2015
Wallander, Jan L: Commentary: Dennis D. Drotar Distinguished Research Award: Reflections on People and Contexts Influencing a Research Career, 2015
Windle, Michael; Wiesner, Margit; Elliott, Marc N; Wallander, Jan L; Kanouse, David E; Schuster, Mark A: The Abbreviated Dimensions of Temperament Survey: Factor Structure and Construct Validity Across Three Racial/Ethnic Groups, 2015
Zawadzki, Matthew J; Smyth, Joshua M; Costigan, Heather J: Real-Time Associations Between Engaging in Leisure and Daily Health and Well-Being, 2015
Zawadzki, Matthew J: Rumination is independently associated with poor psychological health: Comparing emotion regulation strategies, 2015
Baart, Martijn; Vroomen, Jean; Shaw, Kathleen; Bortfeld, Heather: Degrading phonetic information affects matching of audiovisual speech in adults, but not in infants, 2014
Baillargeon, Renée; Scott, Rose M; He, Zijing; Sloane, Stephanie; Setoh, Peipei; Jin, Kyong-sun et al.: Psychological and sociomoral reasoning in infancy, 2014
Becker, Julia C; Zawadzki, Matthew J; Shields, Stephanie A: Confronting and Reducing Sexism: A Call for Research on Intervention, 2014
Berg, Cynthia A; Wiebe, Deborah J; Suchy, Yana; Hughes, Amy E; Anderson, Jessica H; Godbey, Elida I et al.: Individual Differences and Day-to-Day Fluctuations in Perceived Self-Regulation Associated With Daily Adherence in Late Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes, 2014
Chen, Stephen H; Hua, Michelle; Zhou, Qing; Tao, Annie; Lee, Erica H; Ly, Jennifer et al.: Parent–Child Cultural Orientations and Child Adjustment in Chinese American Immigrant Families, 2014
Cundiff, Jessica L; Zawadzki, Matthew J; Danube, Cinnamon L; Shields, Stephanie A: Using Experiential Learning to Increase the Recognition of Everyday Sexism as Harmful: The WAGES Intervention, 2014
Damaske, Sarah; Smyth, Joshua M; Zawadzki, Matthew J: Has work replaced home as a haven? Re-examining Arlie Hochschild's Time Bind proposition with objective stress data, 2014
Epperson, Anna E; Song, Anna V; Wallander, Jan L; Markham, Christine; Cuccaro, Paula; Elliott, Marc N et al.: Associations Among Body Size, Body Image Perceptions, and Weight Loss Attempts Among African American, Latino, and White Youth: A Test of a Mediational Model, 2014
Fava, Eswen; Hull, Rachel; Bortfeld, Heather: Dissociating Cortical Activity during Processing of Native and Non-Native Audiovisual Speech from Early to Late Infancy, 2014
Fava, Eswen; Hull, Rachel; Baumbauer, Kyle; Bortfeld, Heather: Hemodynamic responses to speech and music in preverbal infants, 2014
Fortenberry, Katherine T; Berg, Cynthia A; King, Pamela S; Stump, Tammy; Butler, Jorie M; Pham, Phung K et al.: Longitudinal Trajectories of Illness Perceptions Among Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes, 2014
Fradkin, C; Wallander, JL; Elliott, MN; Tortolero, S; Cuccaro, P; Schuster, MA: Associations Between Socioeconomic Status and Obesity in Diverse, Young Adolescents: Variation Across Race/Ethnicity and Gender, 2014
Fradkin, Chris; Wallander, Jan L; Yamakawa, Yoshimi; Schwebel, David C; Chien, Alyna; Le, Yen-Chi L et al.: Quality of Life Among Asian American Youth, 2014
Hagger, MS; Hardcastle, SJ; Chater, A; Mallett, C; Pal, S; Chatzisarantis, NLD: Autonomous and controlled motivational regulations for multiple health-related behaviors: between- and within-participants analyses, 2014
Hagger, Martin S: Avoiding the “déjà-variable” phenomenon: social psychology needs more guides to constructs, 2014
Hagger, Martin S; Rentzelas, Panagiotis; Chatzisarantis, Nikos LD: Effects of individualist and collectivist group norms and choice on intrinsic motivation, 2014
Hagger, Martin S; Rentzelas, Panagiotis; Koch, Severine: Evaluating Group Member Behaviour Under Individualist and Collectivist Norms, 2014
Hagger, Martin S; Hardcastle, Sarah J: Interpersonal style should be included in taxonomies of behavior change techniques, 2014
Hagger, Martin S; Chatzisarantis, Nikos LD: It is premature to regard the ego-depletion effect as “Too Incredible”, 2014
Hardcastle, Sarah J; Ray, Hannah; Beale, Louisa; Hagger, Martin S: Why sprint interval training is inappropriate for a largely sedentary population, 2014
Keatley, David A; Clarke, David D; Ferguson, Eamonn; Hagger, Martin S: Effects of pretesting implicit self-determined motivation on behavioral engagement: evidence for the mere measurement effect at the implicit level, 2014
Lee, Erica H; Zhou, Qing; Ly, Jennifer; Main, Alexandra; Tao, Annie; Chen, Stephen H: Neighborhood Characteristics, Parenting Styles, and Children’s Behavioral Problems in Chinese American Immigrant Families, 2014
Main, Alexandra; Wiebe, Deborah J; Croom, Andrea R; Sardone, Katie; Godbey, Elida; Tucker, Christy et al.: Associations of Parent–Adolescent Relationship Quality With Type 1 Diabetes Management and Depressive Symptoms in Latino and Caucasian Youth, 2014
Michael, Shannon L; Wentzel, Kathryn; Elliott, Marc N; Dittus, Patricia J; Kanouse, David E; Wallander, Jan L et al.: Parental and Peer Factors Associated with Body Image Discrepancy among Fifth-Grade Boys and Girls, 2014
Pollonini, Luca; Olds, Cristen; Abaya, Homer; Bortfeld, Heather; Beauchamp, Michael S; Oghalai, John S: Auditory cortex activation to natural speech and simulated cochlear implant speech measured with functional near-infrared spectroscopy, 2014
Schuster, Mark A; Elliott, Marc N; Bogart, Laura M; Klein, David J; Feng, Jeremy Y; Wallander, Jan L et al.: Changes in Obesity Between Fifth and Tenth Grades: A Longitudinal Study in Three Metropolitan Areas, 2014
Scott, Rose M; Baillargeon, Renée: How fresh a look? A reply to Heyes, 2014
Scott, Rose M: Post hoc versus predictive accounts of children’s theory of mind: A reply to Ruffman, 2014
Smyth, Joshua M; Zawadzki, Matthew J; Santuzzi, Alecia M; Filipkowski, Kelly B: Examining the effects of perceived social support on momentary mood and symptom reports in asthma and arthritis patients, 2014
Vartanian, Lenny R; Smyth, Joshua M; Zawadzki, Matthew J; Heron, Kristin E; Coleman, Sulamunn RM: Early adversity, personal resources, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating, 2014
Wallander, Jan L; Bann, Carla M; Biasini, Fred J; Goudar, Shivaprasad S; Pasha, Omrana; Chomba, Elwyn et al.: Development of children at risk for adverse outcomes participating in early intervention in developing countries: a randomized controlled trial, 2014
Wallander, Jan L; Bann, Carla; Chomba, Elwyn; Goudar, Shivaprasad S; Pasha, Omrana; Biasini, Fred J et al.: Developmental trajectories of children with birth asphyxia through 36months of age in low/low–middle income countries, 2014
Wallander, Jan L; Biasini, Fred J; Thorsten, Vanessa; Dhaded, Sangappa M; de Jong, Desiree M; Chomba, Elwyn et al.: Dose of early intervention treatment during children’s first 36 months of life is associated with developmental outcomes: an observational cohort study in three low/low-middle income countries, 2014
Walle, Eric A; Campos, Joseph J: The Development of Infant Detection of Inauthentic Emotion, 2014
Walle, Eric A; Campos, Joseph J: Infant Language Development Is Related to the Acquisition of Walking, 2014
Wiebe, Deborah J; Chow, Chong Man; Palmer, Debra L; Butner, Jonathan; Butler, Jorie M; Osborn, Peter et al.: Developmental Processes Associated With Longitudinal Declines in Parental Responsibility and Adherence to Type 1 Diabetes Management Across Adolescence, 2014
Zawadzki, Matthew J; Shields, Stephanie A; Danube, Cinnamon L; Swim, Janet K: Reducing the Endorsement of Sexism Using Experiential Learning, 2014