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Department of Sociology - Open Access Policy Deposits

There are 88 publications in this collection, published between 2009 and 2024. Showing 51 - 88.

Golash-Boza, T: Raced and gendered logics of immigration law enforcement in the United States, 2018

Golash-Boza, Tanya; Navarro, Yajaira Ceciliano: Triple Jeopardy for Dominican Deportees, 2018

Ramírez, A; Golash-Boza, Tanya; Unger, Jennifer; Baezconde-Garbanati, Lourdes: Questioning the Dietary Acculturation Paradox: A Mixed-Methods Study of the Relationship between Food and Ethnic Identity in a Group of Mexican-American Women., 2018

Golash-Boza, Tanya: An Immigration and Customs Enforcement Home Raid before Church, 2017

Patler, Caitlin; Golash‐Boza, Tanya Maria: The fiscal and human costs of immigrant detention and deportation in the United States, 2017

Ramirez, A Susana; Diaz Rios, Lillian K; Valdez, Zulema; Estrada, Erendira; Ruiz, Ariana: Bringing Produce to the People: Implementing a Social Marketing Food Access Intervention in Rural Food Deserts., 2017

Valdez, Zulema; Golash-Boza, Tanya: U.S. racial and ethnic relations in the twenty-first century, 2017

Alvarez, Camila Huerta: Militarization and water: a cross-national analysis of militarism and freshwater withdrawals, 2016

Cobb, Ryon J; Thomas, Courtney S; Pirtle, Whitney N Laster; Darity, William A: Self-identified race, socially assigned skin tone, and adult physiological dysregulation: Assessing multiple dimensions of “race” in health disparities research, 2016

Golash-Boza, Tanya: 2. National Insecurities: The Apprehension of Criminal and Fugitive Aliens, 2016

Golash-Boza, Tanya: A Critical and Comprehensive Sociological Theory of Race and Racism, 2016

Golash-Boza, Tanya: Feeling Like a Citizen, Living As a Denizen, 2016

Golash-Boza, Tanya: ‘Negative credentials,’ ‘foreign-earned’ capital, and call centers: Guatemalan deportees’ precarious reintegration, 2016

Golash-Boza, Tanya: The Parallels between Mass Incarceration and Mass Deportation: An Intersectional Analysis of State Repression, 2016

Pirtle, Whitney N Laster; Brown, Tony N: Inconsistency within Expressed and Observed Racial Identifications, 2016

Polonijo, Andrea N; Carpiano, Richard M; Reiter, Paul L; Brewer, Noel T: Socioeconomic and Racial-ethnic Disparities in Prosocial Health Attitudes, 2016

Reiter, Paul; Brewer, Noel; Carpiano, Richard; Polonijo, Andrea: Socioeconomic and Racial-ethnic Disparities in Prosocial Health Attitudes: The Case of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination for Adolescent Males., 2016

Rogers, Eamonn; Polonijo, Andrea N; Carpiano, Richard M: Getting by with a little help from friends and colleagues: Testing how residents' social support networks affect loneliness and burnout., 2016

Rogers, Eamonn; Carpiano, Richard; Polonijo, Andrea: Getting by with a little help from friends and colleagues: Testing how residents social support networks affect loneliness and burnout., 2016

Valdez, Zulema; Ramírez, A Susana; Estrada, Erendira; Grassi, Kathleen; Nathan, Stephanie: Community Perspectives on Access to and Availability of Healthy Food in Rural, Low-Resource, Latino Communities, 2016

Almeida, Paul: Neoliberal Forms of Capital and The Rise of Social Movement Partyism in Central America, 2015

Christie-Mizell, CA; Laster Pirtle, WN; Tyndall, BD; Merolla, DM: Race–gender differences in the impact of history of heavy drinking on current alcohol consumption during the transition to adulthood, 2015

Golash-Boza, Tanya: Targeting Latino men: mass deportation from the USA, 1998–2012, 2015

Valdez, Zulema: The Abandoned Promise of Civil Rights, 2015

Valdez, Zulema: Intersectional Differences in Segmented Assimilation: Skill and Gender in the Context of Reception, 2015

GOLASH‐BOZA, TANYA: Forced transnationalism: transnational coping strategies and gendered stigma among Jamaican deportees, 2014

Golash-Boza, T: Tattoos, stigma, and national identity among Guatemalan deportees, 2014

Kettrey, Heather Hensman; Laster, Whitney Nicole: Staking Territory in the “World White Web”, 2014

Golash-Boza, Tanya: From Legal to “Illegal”, 2013

Golash-Boza, Tanya: International Migration, 2013

Golash-Boza, Tanya; Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette: Latino immigrant men and the deportation crisis: A gendered racial removal program, 2013

Sue, Christina A; Golash-Boza, Tanya: ‘It was only a joke’: how racial humour fuels colour-blind ideologies in Mexico and Peru, 2013

Sue, Christina A; Golash-Boza, Tanya: More than ‘A Hidden Race’: The Complexities of Blackness in Mexico and Peru, 2013

Golash-Boza, Tanya; Menjívar, Cecilia: Causes and consequences of international migration: sociological evidence for the right to mobility, 2012

Golash-Boza, Tanya: Does Whitening Happen? Distinguishing between Race and Color Labels in an African-Descended Community in Peru, 2010

Golash-Boza, Tanya: ‘Had They Been Polite and Civilized, None of This Would Have Happened’: Discourses of Race and Racism in Multicultural Lima, 2010

Golash‐Boza, Tanya: A Confluence of Interests in Immigration Enforcement: How Politicians, the Media, and Corporations Profit from Immigration Policies Destined to Fail, 2009

Golash‐Boza, Tanya: The Immigration Industrial Complex: Why We Enforce Immigration Policies Destined to Fail, 2009

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