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UCOP Previously Published Works

There are 104 publications in this collection, published between 2002 and 2024. Showing 51 - 100.

Lipperman-Kreda, Sharon: Availability of tobacco products associated with use of marijuana cigars (blunts), 2014

Lipperman-Kreda, Sharon: Community-level Adult Daily Smoking Prevalence Moderates the Association between Adolescents’ Cigarette Smoking and Perceived Smoking by Friends, 2014

Lipperman-Kreda, Sharon: Contextual and Community Factors Associated with Youth Access to Cigarettes through Commercial Sources, 2014

Lipperman-Kreda, Sharon: Density and Proximity of Tobacco Outlets to Homes and Schools: Relations with Youth Cigarette Smoking, 2014

Lipperman-Kreda, Sharon: Rating the effectiveness of local tobacco policies for reducing youth smoking, 2014

Peyrard, Sébastien; Tramoni, Jean-Philippe; Kunze, John: The ARK Identifier Scheme: Lessons Learnt at the BnF and Questions Yet Unanswered, 2014

Strasser, Carly; Kunze, John; Abrams, Stephen; Cruse, Patricia: DataUp: A tool to help researchers describe and share tabular data, 2014

Strasser, Carly; Abrams, Stephen; Cruse, Patricia: DMPTool2: Expanding functionality for better data management planning, 2014

Krier, Laura: Serials, FRBR, and Library Linked Data: A Way Forward, 2012

Lipperman-Kreda, Sharon: Local Tobacco Policy and Tobacco Outlet Density: Associations With Youth Smoking, 2012

Abrams, Stephen; Cruse, Patricia; Kunze, John; Minor, David: Curation micro-services: A pipeline metaphor for repositories, 2011

Bagnoud, V.; Aurand, B.; Blazevic, A.; Borneis, S.; Bruske, C.; Ecker, B. et al.: Commissioning and early experiments of the PHELIX facility, 2010

Elmer, John W.; Specht, Eliot D.; Kumar, Mukul: Microstructure and In Situ Observations of Undercooling for Nucleation of β-Sn Relevant to Lead-Free Solder Alloys, 2010

Freelon, Byron: X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy Study of the Effect of Doping on the Low Energy Electronic Structure of PrFeAsO1-[delta], 2010

Lesuer, D. R.; Syn, C. K.; Sherby, O. D.: Nano-scale strengthening from grains, subgrains, and particles in Fe-based alloys, 2010

Liao, Chunhua; Quinlan, Daniel J.; Willcock, Jeremiah J.; Panas, Thomas: Semantic-Aware Automatic Parallelization of Modern Applications Using High-Level Abstractions, 2010

Mayr, P.; Palmer, T.A.; Elmer, J.W.; Specht, E.D.; Allen, S.M.: Formation of Delta Ferrite in 9 Wt Pct Cr Steel Investigated by In-Situ X-Ray Diffraction Using Synchrotron Radiation, 2010

Mirocha, Jeffrey D.; Kosović, Branko: A Large-Eddy Simulation Study of the Influence of Subsidence on the Stably Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer, 2010

Newmark, Robin L.; Friedmann, Samuel J.; Carroll, Susan A.: Water Challenges for Geologic Carbon Capture and Sequestration, 2010

Sun, Y.; Buscheck, T. A.; Lee, K. H.; Hao, Y.; James, S. C.: Modeling Thermal-Hydrologic Processes for a Heated Fractured Rock System: Impact of a Capillary-Pressure Maximum, 2010

Abrams, Stephen; Morrissey, Sheila; Cramer, Tom: ’What? So what?’: The next-generation JHOVE2 architecture for format-aware characterization, 2009

Blink, J.; Farmer, J.; Choi, J.; Saw, C.: Applications in the Nuclear Industry for Thermal Spray Amorphous Metal and Ceramic Coatings, 2009

Bronevetsky, Greg; Gyllenhaal, John; Supinski, Bronis R.: CLOMP: Accurately Characterizing OpenMP Application Overheads, 2009

Caldwell, Peter; Chin, Hung-Neng S.; Bader, David C.; Bala, Govindasamy: Evaluation of a WRF dynamical downscaling simulation over California, 2009

Fortney, Katie: Comparisons of Information Technology Education in MLIS Programs, 2009

Peter Martin, L.; Hodge, Andrea M.; Campbell, Geoffrey H.: Compaction Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Uniaxially Pressed Bi-W Composites, 2009

Tarver, Craig M.: Professor John H. S. Lee: The Detonation Phenomenon: Cambridge University Press, 2008, 400 pp., ISBN: 9780521897235, $99.00, 2009

UC Natural Reserve System: Transect, 2009

UC Natural Reserve System: Transect, 2009

Willett, Perry: Mass digitization and its impact on interlending and document supply, 2009

Abrams, Stephen; Cruse, Patricia; Kunze, John: Preservation is not a place, 2008

Meltzer, Ellen: The Teaching Library: Rethinking Library Services, 2008

Mohr, Gordon; Kunze, John; Stack, Michael: The WARC File Format 1.0 (ISO 28500), 2008

UC Natural Reserve System: Transect, 2008

UC Natural Reserve System: Transect, 2008

Zentall, Lena; Burns, Maureen: University of California Shared Image Collections: Convergence and Expansion, 2008

UC Natural Reserve System: Transect, 2007

Wong, Kathleen L: Transect, 2007

Identifying gaps in breast cancer research: Addressing disparities and the roles of the physical and social environment, 2007

Guzman, J S; Wojciechowski, A; Stalnaker, J E; Tsigutkin, K; Yashchuk, V V; Budker, D: Nonlinear magneto-optical rotation and Zeeman and hyperfine relaxation of potassium atoms in a paraffin-coated cell, 2006

Hossler, Don: Preparing for College: Nine Elements of Effective Outreach (review), 2006

Li, Z Q; Tsai, S W; Padilla, W J; Dordevic, S V; Burch, K S; Wang, Y J et al.: Infrared probe of the anomalous magnetotransport of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite in the extreme quantum limit, 2006

Mankita, Isaac; Meltzer, Ellen; Harris, James: A Handful of Things, 2006

UC Natural Reserve System: Transect, 2006

Wong, Kathleen L: Transect, 2006

Xu, S; Donaldson, M H; Pines, A; Rochester, S M; Budker, D; Yashchuk, V V: Application of atomic magnetometry in magnetic particle detection, 2006

Balooch, G; Balooch, M; Nalla, R K; Schilling, S; Filvaroff, E H; Marshall, G W et al.: TGF-beta regulates the mechanical properties and composition of bone matrix, 2005

Kapanidis, A N; Margeat, E; Laurence, T A; Doose, S; Ho, S O; Mukhopadhyay, J et al.: Retention of transcription initiation factor sigma(70) in transcription elongation: Single-molecule analysis, 2005

Laurence, T A; Kong, X X; Jager, M; Weiss, S: Probing structural heterogeneities and fluctuations of nucleic acids and denatured proteins, 2005

MacLean, judy: Breast Cancer in California: A Closer Look, 2004

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