About Us
The UC Lab Fees Research Program (LFRP) enhances partnerships between UC researchers and laboratory scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). These grants promote the development of projects and collaborations which can help advance the missions of the national laboratories at UC.
Goals & Funding Priorities:
- Support collaborative research between UC faculty and Laboratory scientists.
- Support UC graduate students in programs that promote interaction between Laboratory scientists and UC graduate programs.
- Support research that takes advantage of unique Laboratory facilities, especially involving students.
- Support research in the physical, life, or social sciences, or in the humanities, on topics aligned with the mission of the laboratories.
UC Lab Fees Research Program grants are funded by the fees awarded to the University of California for participating in the management of LANL and LLNL. Management fees are based upon an annual performance evaluation process, and may vary from year to year.
For more information, please visit the program website: