UC Lab Fees Research Program (LFRP) Funded Publications
The UC Lab Fees Research Program funds collaborations between UC researchers and laboratory scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). These grants engage UC faculty and graduate student researchers with laboratory scientists, facilities and resources, and promote the development of projects and collaborations which can help advance the missions of the national laboratories and of UC.
There are 177 publications in this collection, published between 2013 and 2022. Showing 101 - 150.
Millot, Marius; Hamel, Sebastien; Rygg, J. Ryan; Celliers, Peter M; Collins, Gilbert W; Coppari, Federica et al.: Experimental evidence for superionic water ice using shock compression, 2018
Philbin, John P.; Rabani, Eran: Electron−Hole Correlations Govern Auger Recombination inNanostructures, 2018
Ro, Yun Goo; Chen, Renjie; Liu, Ren; Li, Nan; Williamson, Theodore; Yoo, Jinkyoung et al.: Surface Passivation and Carrier Collection in {110}, {100} and Circular Si Microwire Solar Cells, 2018
Root, Seth; Townsend, Joshua P; Davies, Erik; Lemke, Raymond W; Bliss, David E; Fratanduono, Dayne E et al.: The Principal Hugoniot of Forsterite to 950 GPa, 2018
Sanborn, Jeremy R; Chen, Xi; Yao, Yun-Chiao; Hammons, Joshua A; Tunuguntla, Ramya H; Zhang, Yuliang et al.: Carbon Nanotube Porins in Amphiphilic Block Copolymers as Fully Synthetic Mimics of Biological Membranes, 2018
Saunders, A. M; Lahmann, B.; Sutcliffe, G.; Frenje, J. A; Falcone, R. W; Döppner, T.: Characterizing plasma conditions in radiatively heated solid-density samples with x-ray Thomson scattering, 2018
Saunders, A. M; Chapman, D. A; Kritcher, A. L; Schoff, M.; Shuldberg, C.; Landen, O. L et al.: Influence of argon impurities on the elastic scattering of x-rays from imploding beryllium capsules, 2018
Shahar, Yuval Ben; Philbin, John P.; Scotognella, Francesco; Ganzer, Lucia; Cerullo, Giulio; Rabani, Eran et al.: Charge Carrier Dynamics in Photocatalytic Hybrid Semiconductor−Metal Nanorods: Crossover from Auger Recombination to charge transfer, 2018
Soubiran, François; Militzer, Burkhard: Electrical conductivity and magnetic dynamos in magma oceans of Super-Earths, 2018
Swift, Damian C; Kritcher, Andrea L; Hawreliak, James A; Lazicki, Amy; MacPhee, Andrew; Bachmann, Benjamin et al.: Absolute Hugoniot measurements from a spherically convergent shock using x-ray radiography, 2018
Thorngren, Daniel P; Fortney, Jonathan J: Bayesian Analysis of Hot-Jupiter Radius Anomalies: Evidence for Ohmic Dissipation?, 2018
Tian, Lin: Strong indirect coupling between graphene-basedmechanical resonators via a phonon cavity, 2018
Valenzuela, J. C; Krauland, C.; Mariscal, D.; Krasheninnikov, I.; Niemann, C.; Ma, T. et al.: Measurement of temperature and density using non-collective X-ray Thomson scattering in pulsed power produced warm dense plasmas, 2018
Wall, Michael E: Interactions that know no boundaries, 2018
Wall, Michael E: Internal protein motions in molecular-dynamics simulations of Bragg and diffuse X-ray scattering, 2018
Wong, Chee Wei: Gate-tunable frequency combs in graphene-nitride microresonators, 2018
Yang, Chien-Sheng; Avestimehr, A. Salman; Pedarsani, Ramtin: Communication-Aware Scheduling of Serial Tasks for Dispersed Computing, 2018
Yun, Hyeong Jin; Lim, Jaehoon; Fuhr, Addis S; Makarov, Nikolay S; Keene, Sam; Law, Matt et al.: Charge-Transport Mechanisms in CuInSe x S 2â x Quantum-Dot Films, 2018
Zhang, Yanzeng; Krasheninnikov, S. I: Electron dynamics in the laser and quasi-static electric and magnetic fields, 2018
Zhang, Yanzeng; Krasheninnikov, S. I: Electron heating in the laser and static electric and magnetic fields, 2018
Zhang, Yanzeng; Krasheninnikov, S. I; Knyazev, Alexey: Stochastic electron heating in the laser and quasi-static electric and magnetic fields, 2018
Zhang, Shuai; Militzer, Burkhard; Gregor, Michelle C; Caspersen, Kyle; Yang, Lin H; Gaffney, Jim et al.: Theoretical and experimental investigation of the equation of state of boron plasmas, 2018
Zhao, Shiteng; Kad, Bimal; Hahn, Eric; Chen, Laura; Opachi, Yekaterina,; More, Karren et al.: Shock-induced Amorphization in Covalently Bonded Solids, 2018
Zhao, S.; Flanagan, R.; Hahn, E.N.; Kad, B.; Remington, B.A.; Wehrenberg, C.E. et al.: Shock-induced amorphization in silicon carbide, 2018
Amini, Sajjad; Pasqualetti, Fabio; Abbaszadeh, Masoud; Mohsenian-Rad, Hamed: Hierarchical Location Identification of Destabilizing Faults and Attacks in Power Systems: A Frequency-Domain Approach, 2017
Balandin, Alexander A: Total-Ionizing-Dose Effects on Threshold Switching in 1T-TaS2 Charge Density Wave Devices, 2017
Banerjee, Kaustav: Designing artificial 2D crystals with site and size controlled quantum dots, 2017
Daub, B. H; Bleuel, D. L; Wiedeking, M.; Bernstein, L. A; Brickner, N. M; Brown, J. A et al.: Neutron transfer in the C13+Au197 reaction from gold isotope residuals, 2017
Liu, Ren; Chen, Renjie; Elthakeb, Ahmed T; Lee, Sang Heon; Hinckley, Sandy; Khraiche, Massoud L et al.: High Density Individually Addressable Nanowire Arrays Record Intracellular Activity from Primary Rodent and Human Stem Cell Derived Neurons, 2017
Liu, Yuanyue; Wu, Jingjie; Hackenberg, Ken P; Zhang, Jing; Wang, Y. Morris; Yang, Yingchao et al.: Self-optimizing, highly surface-active layered metal dichalcogenide catalysts for hydrogen evolution, 2017
Liu, G; Zhang, E. X.; Liang, C. D.; Bloodgood, M. A.; Salguero, T. T.; Fleetwood, D. M. et al.: Total-Ionizing-Dose Effects on ThresholdSwitching in 1T-TaS2 ChargeDensity Wave Devices, 2017
Tian, Lin: Quantum phase transition in a multiconnected Jaynes-Cummings lattice, 2017
Wong, Chee Wei: Broadband gate-tunable terahertz plasmonsin graphene heterostructures, 2017
Zhao, Shiteng; Kad, Bimal; Wehrenberg, Christopher E; Remington, Bruce A; Hahn, Eric N; More, Karren L et al.: Generating gradient germanium nanostructures by shock-induced amorphization and crystallization, 2017
Chapman, Christopher A. R; Wang, Ling; Biener, Juergen; Seker, Erkin; Biener, Monika M; Matthews, Manyalibo J: Engineering on-chip nanoporous gold material libraries via precision photothermal treatment, 2016
Chapman, Christopher A. R; Wang, Ling; Biener, Juergen; Seker, Erkin; Biener, Monika M; Matthews, Manyalibo J: Engineering on-chip nanoporous gold material libraries via precision photothermal treatment, 2016
Chapman, Christopher A. R; Chen, Hao; Stamou, Marianna; Lein, Pamela J; Seker, Erkin: Mechanisms of Reduced Astrocyte Surface Coverage in Cortical Neuron-Glia Co-cultures on Nanoporous Gold Surfaces, 2016
Chapman, Christopher A.R.; Daggumati, Pallavi; Gott, Shannon C; Rao, Masaru P; Seker, Erkin: Substrate topography guides pore morphology evolution in nanoporous gold thin films, 2016
Chapman, Christopher A. R; Ly, Sonny; Wang, Ling; Seker, Erkin; Matthews, Manyalibo J: Utilizing dynamic laser speckle to probe nanoscale morphology evolution in nanoporous gold thin films, 2016
Chlistunoff, Jerzy; Sansiñena, José-María: Nafion® Effects on Oxygen Reduction Catalysis by Carbon-Supported Transition Metal Macrocycles and Platinum., 2016
Chlistunoff, Jerzy; Sansiñena, Jose-Maria: Nafion® Induced Surface Confinement of Oxygen in Carbon Supported Oxygen Reduction Catalysts, 2016
Chlistunoff, Jerzy; Sansiñena, José-MarÃa: Nafion Induced Surface Confinement of Oxygen in Carbon-Supported Oxygen Reduction Catalysts, 2016
Chlistunoff, Jerzy; Sansiñena, José-MarÃa: On the use of Nafion® in electrochemical studies of carbon supported oxygen reduction catalysts in aqueous media, 2016
Daggumati, Pallavi; Appelt, Sandra; Matharu, Zimple; Marco, Maria; Seker, Erkin: Sequence-Specific Electrical Purification of Nucleic Acids with Nanoporous Gold Electrodes, 2016
Liu, Guanxiong; Debnath, Bishwajit; Pope, Timothy R.; Salguero, Tina T.; Lake, Roger K.; Balandin, Alexander A.: A charge-density-wave oscillator based on anintegrated tantalum disulfide–boron nitride–graphene device operating at room temperature, 2016
Nilsson, Mikael; Hawkins, Cory; Bustillos, Christian; May, Ian; Copping, Roy: Water-soluble Schiff base-actinyl complexes and their effect on the solvent extraction of f-elements, 2016
Wu, Yu-Wei; Higgins, Brendan; Yu, Chaowei; Reddy, Amitha P; Ceballos, Shannon; Joh, Lawrence D et al.: Ionic Liquids Impact the Bioenergy Feedstock-Degrading Microbiome and Transcription of Enzymes Relevant to Polysaccharide Hydrolysis, 2016
Chapman, Christopher A. R; Chen, Hao; Stamou, Marianna; Biener, Juergen; Biener, Monika M; Lein, Pamela J et al.: Nanoporous Gold as a Neural Interface Coating: Effects of Topography, Surface Chemistry, and Feature Size, 2015
Daggumati, Pallavi; Matharu, Zimple; Wang, Ling; Seker, Erkin: Biofouling-Resilient Nanoporous Gold Electrodes for DNA Sensing, 2015
Daggumati, Pallavi; Matharu, Zimple; Seker, Erkin: Effect of Nanoporous Gold Thin Film Morphology on Electrochemical DNA Sensing, 2015