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Multicampus Research Programs and Initiatives (MRPI) Funded Publications

Multicampus Research Programs and Initiatives (MRPI) fund innovative multicampus or systemwide research collaborations that go beyond individual PI-driven projects to benefit the UC research enterprise, strengthen UC’s position as a leading public research university, launch pioneering research in thematic, multidisciplinary or inter-disciplinary areas, and benefit California and its people. The program is open to all fields of research and scholarship.

There are 226 publications in this collection, published between 2011 and 2022. Showing 201 - 226.

Yang, W; Li, Y; Wu, C: High partial-wave channel counterparts of the {$^3$He-B} phase -- isotropic and topological pairings in 3{D}, 2015

Yarborough, Mark; O'Keefe, Meaghan; Perrault, Sarah; Ikemoto, Lisa; Halpern, Jodi; UC North Bioethics Collaboratory , for Life and Health Sciences: “Editing” Genes: A Case Study About How Language Matters in Bioethics, 2015

Yoshimura, B; Stork, M; Dadic, D; Campbell, W; Freericks, J: Creation of two-dimensional Coulomb crystals of ions in oblate Paul traps for quantum simulations, 2015

You, J; Liu, I; Wang, D; Gou, S; Wu, C: Unconventional Bose-Einstein Condensations of Two-species Bosons in the p-orbital Bands in Optical lattice, 2015

Zhen, Anjie; Kamata, Masakazu; Rezek, Valerie; Rick, Jonathan; Levin, Bernard; Kasparian, Saro et al.: HIV-specific Immunity Derived From Chimeric Antigen Receptor-engineered Stem Cells., 2015


Angelini, Megan Mary; Neuman, Benjamin William; Buchmeier, Michael J.: Untangling Membrane Rearrangement in the Nidovirales, 2014

Booth, David S; Cheng, Yifan; Frankel, Alan D: The export receptor Crm1 forms a dimer to promote nuclear export of HIV RNA, 2014

Cathcart, Andrea L.; Semler, Bert L.: Differential restriction patterns of mRNA decay factor AUF1 during picornavirus infections, 2014

Jayaraman, Bhargavi; Crosby, David C; Homer, Christina; Ribeiro, Isabel; Mavor, David; Frankel, Alan D: RNA-directed remodeling of the HIV-1 protein Rev orchestrates assembly of the Rev–Rev response element complex, 2014

Khachatoorian, Ronik; Ganapathy, Ekambaram; Ahmadieh, Yasaman; Wheatley, Nicole; Sundberg, Christopher; Jung, Chun-Ling et al.: The NS5A-binding heat shock proteins HSC70 and HSP70 play distinct roles in the hepatitis C viral life cycle, 2014

Khachatoorian, Ronik; Ruchala, Piotr; Waring, Alan; Jung, Chun-Ling; Ganapathy, Ekambaram; Wheatley, Nicole et al.: Structural characterization of the HSP70 interaction domain of the hepatitis C viral protein NS5A, 2014

Li, Wenwen; Goodchild, Michael F; Church, Richard: The p-Compact-regions Problem, 2014

Nuñez, James K.; Kranzusch, Philip J.; Noeske, Jonas; Wright, Addison V.; Davies, Christopher W.; Doudna, Jennifer A.: Cas1–Cas2 complex formation mediates spacer acquisition during CRISPR–Cas adaptive immunity, 2014

Sevrioukova, Irina F.; Poulos, Thomas L.: Ritonavir analogues as a probe for deciphering the cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitory mechanism, 2014

Anas, Alex: The Location Effects of Alternative Road-Pricing Policies, 2013

Anas, Alex: A Summary of the Applications to Date of RELU-TRAN, a Microeconomic Urban Computable General Equilibrium Model, 2013

Cathcart, Andrea L.; Rozovics, Janet M.; Semler, Bert L.: Cellular mRNA Decay Protein AUF1 Negatively Regulates Enterovirus and Human Rhinovirus Infections, 2013

Fitzgerald, Kerry D.; Chase, Amanda J.; Cathcart, Andrea L.; Tran, Genevieve P.; Semler, Bert L.: Viral Proteinase Requirements for the Nucleocytoplasmic Relocalization of Cellular Splicing Factor SRp20 during Picornavirus Infections, 2013

Li, Wenwen; Goodchild, Michael F; Church, Richard: An efficient measure of compactness for two-dimensional shapes and its application in regionalization problems, 2013

Li, Wenwen; Li, Linna; Goodchild, Michael; Church, Richard: A Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Urban Economic Analysis and Spatial Decision-Making, 2013

Olsen, Tivoli J.; Choi, Yongki; Sims, Patrick C.; Gul, O. Tolga; Corso, Brad L.; Dong, Chengjun et al.: Electronic Measurements of Single-Molecule Processing by DNA Polymerase I (Klenow Fragment), 2013

Sevrioukova, Irina F.; Poulos, Thomas L.: Pyridine-Substituted Desoxyritonavir Is a More Potent Inhibitor of Cytochrome P450 3A4 than Ritonavir, 2013

Anas, Alex; Hiramatsu, Tomoru: The effect of the price of gasoline on the urban economy: From route choice to general equilibrium, 2012

Anas, Alex: Discovering the Efficiency of Urban Sprawl , 2011

Anas, Alex; Lindsey, Robin: Reducing Urban Road Transportation Externalities: Road Pricing in Theory and in Practice, 2011

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Multicampus Research Programs and Initiatives (MRPI); a funding opportunity through UC Research Initiatives (UCRI)


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