Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 92 publications in this collection, published between 1998 and 2024. Showing 51 - 92.
Grimes, Nicole: German Liberalism, Nationalism, and Humanism in Hanslick’s Writings on Brahms, 2015
Grimes, Nicole: Introduction, 2015
Krapp, Peter: "Bringing Dead Actors to Life", 2015
Krapp, Peter: "Is there a teaching moment in the hack?", 2015
Lenzi, Michela; Sharkey, Jill; Vieno, Alessio; Mayworm, Ashley; Dougherty, Danielle; Nylund-Gibson, Karen: Adolescent gang involvement: The role of individual, family, peer, and school factors in a multilevel perspective., 2015
Arya, Diana J; McClung, Nicola A; Maul, Andrew; Cunningham, Anne E: The effects of early home literacy environments on fourth-grade literacy achievement: an international comparison, 2014
Bazerman, C: Sisters and brothers of the struggle: Teachers of writing in their worlds, 2014
Bazerman, Charles: Symposium on Internationalization, 2014
Chun, DM: Cultura-Inspired Intercultural Exchanges Focus on Asian and Pacific Languages, 2014
Chun, DM; Frodesen, J: Second language acquisition, 2014
Grimes, Nicole: Brahms's Ascending Circle: Hölderlin, Schicksalslied and the Process of Recollection, 2014
Harlow, Danielle Boyd; Dwyer, Hilary A; Boe, Bryce; Franklin, Diana M: Computational thinking for physics: Programing models of physics phenomena in elementary schools , 2014
Harlow, Danielle Boyd; Leak, Anne E: Mapping the development of students’ ideas in order to understand learning in a collaborative programming environment, 2014
Krapp, Peter: Reading for the Noise, 2014
Nylund-Gibson, Karen; Grimm, Ryan; Quirk, Matt; Furlong, Michael: A Latent Transition Mixture Model Using the Three-Step Specification, 2014
Bauer, A: Gyorgy Ligeti: Of Foreign Lands and Strange Sounds. Ed. by Louise Duchesneau and Wolfgang Marx., 2013
Bazerman, Charles: Understanding the lifelong journey of writing development, 2013
Chun, Dorothy M: Contributions of Tracking User Behavior to SLA Research, 2013
Dessen, Michael: for instance, today, 2013
Dobrian, JC: Techniques for Polytemporal Composition, 2013
Harlow, Danielle B; Bianchini, Julie A; Swanson, Lauren H; Dwyer, Hilary A: Potential teachers' appropriate and inappropriate application of pedagogical resources in a model-based physics course: A âknowledge in piecesâ perspective on teacher learning, 2013
Harlow, Danielle Boyd; Bianchini, Julie A; Swanson, Lauren H; Dwyer, Hiliary A: Potential teachers' understanding of model-based science instruction: A knowledge in pieces approach. , 2013
Arya, Diana J; Prestwich, Jeanne: Professional Resources, 2012
Bauer, Amy: The Cosmopolitan Absurdity of Ligeti's Late Works, 2012
Dessen, Michael: Resonating Abstractions, 2012
Dobrian, JC: The World Without Music, 2012
Grimes, Nicole: The Schoenberg/Brahms Critical Tradition Reconsidered, 2012
Dessen, Michael: Forget the Pixel, 2011
Penny, Simon: FCJ-132 Towards a Performative Aesthetics of Interactivity, 2011
Dessen, Michael: New Polyphonies: Score Streams, Improvisation and Telepresence, 2010
Bauer, A: Ligeti, Kurtag, and Hungarian Music during the Cold War. By Rachel Beckles Willson., 2009
Bauer, AM: The ‘Other’ of the Exotic: Balinese Music as ‘Grammatical Paradigm’ in the Music of Ligeti, 2009
Bauer, Amy: The impossible charm of Messiaen's <i>Chronochromie</i>, 2007
Dessen, MJ: Asian Americans and Creative Music Legacies, 2006
Dessen, Michael: The Rumpus, 2006
Bauer, Amy: Richard Steinitz, György Ligeti: Music of the Imagination (London: Faber and Faber, 2003), ISBN 0 571 17631 3 (hb), 2005
Dessen, MJ: Improvising in a different clave: Steve Coleman and AfroCuba de Matanzas, 2004
Rumberger, Russell W.; Anguiano, Brenda Arellano: Understanding and Addressing the California Latino Achievement Gap in Early Elementary School, 2004
Gándara, Patricia; Rumberger, Russell W.: The Inequitable Treatment of English Learners in California’s Public Schools, 2003
Gandara, Patricia; Rumberger, Russell: The Inequitable Treatment of English Learners in California's Public Schools, 2002
Bauer, AM: 'Composing the Sound itself;’ Secondary Parameters and Structure in the Music of Ligeti, 2001
Chun, DM: Signal analysis software for teaching discourse intonation, 1998