Ted Bergstrom Papers
Working papers of faculty, affiliated researchers and students at the Department of Economics, University of California at Santa Barbara.
There are 108 publications in this collection, published between 1970 and 2023. Showing 1 - 50.
Bergstrom, Ted: A geometry of three-candidate elections, 2023
Bergstrom, Ted: A geometry of three-candidate elections, 2023
Bergstrom, Ted: To read and be read: When monopolists control access to academic prestige, 2022
Bergstrom, Ted: When are there Condorcet winners despite extremist preferences, 2022
Bergstrom, Ted: To read and be read, 2020
Bergstrom, Ted: Let me or let George: Motives of competing altruists, 2019
Bergstrom, Ted; Wood-Doughty, Alex; Steigerwald, Douglas: Do download reports reliably measure journal usage? Trusting the fox to count your hens?, 2018
Bergstrom, Ted: Efficient Ethical Rules for Volunteer's Dilemmas, 2017
Bergstrom, Ted: The Good Samaritan and Traffic on the Road to Jericho, 2017
Bergstrom, Ted: When was Coase Right?, 2017
Bergstrom, Ted; Sheehan Conor, Damien; Garratt, Rodney: Saving Lives with Stem Cell Transplants, 2015
Bergstrom, Ted; Courant, Paul; McAfee, Preston; Williams, Michael: Evaluating Big Deal Journal Bundles, 2014
Bergstrom, Ted: On the evolution of hoarding, risk-taking, and wealth distribution in human and non-human populations, 2014
Bergstrom, Ted: Measures of Assortativity, 2013
Bergstrom, Ted; Bergstrom, Carl; Garratt, Rodney: Choosing Partners: A Classroom Experiment, 2012
Bergstrom, Ted; Garratt, Rodney; Sheehan-Connor, Damien: Stem. Cell Donor Matching for Patients of Mixed Race, 2012
Bergstrom, Ted C; Sonstelie, Jon C; Parendo, Shane: Competition and Personality in a Restaurant Entry Game: Is there an Entrepreneurial Personality Type?, 2011
Bergstrom, Ted; Rubinfeld, Daniel: Alternative economic designs for academic publishing, 2010
Bergstrom, Ted C: Big Macs and Eigenfactor Scores: Don't Let the Correlation Coefficients Fool You, 2010
Bergstrom, Ted: Librarians and the Terrible Fix: Economics of the Big Deal, 2010
Bergstrom, Ted: The Uncommon Insight of Eleanor Ostrom, 2010
Bergstrom, Theodore C: The Uncommon Insight of Elinor Ostrom, 2010
West, Jevin D.; Bergstrom, Carl T.; Bergstrom, Ted C: The Eigenfactor Metrics: A network approach to assessing scholarly journals, 2010
Bergstrom, Ted; Bergstrom, Carl; Althouse, Benjamin: Differences in Impact Factor Across Fields and Over Time, 2009
Bergstrom, Ted: Ethics, Evolution, and Games among neighbors, 2009
Bergstrom, Ted: One chance in a million: Altruism and the Bone Marrow Registry, 2009
Bergstrom, Ted; Shimamura, Ken-Ichi; Yamato, Takehiko: Simple Economies with Multiple Equilibria, 2009
Bergstrom, Ted C; Lavaty, Rosemarie: How often do economists self-archive?, 2007
Bergstrom, Ted: Solving the Beautiful Mind coordination game, 2007
Bergstrom, Ted C: Some Evolutionary Economics of Family Partnerships, 2007
Bergstrom, Ted C: Teaching Economics Interactively: A Cannibal's Dinner Party, 2007
Bergstrom, Ted: Benefit-cost in a Benevolent Society, 2005
Bergstrom, Ted C; Hartman, John: Demographics and the Political Sustainability of Pay-as-you-go Social Security, 2005
The Rotten Kid Theorem--Entry for the New New Palgrave, 2005
Bagnoli, Mark; Bergstrom, Ted: Log-concave Probability and its Applications, 2004
Bergstrom, Carl T.; Bergstrom, Ted: The costs and benefits of library site licenses to academic journals, 2004
Bergstrom, Ted: Experimental Markets and Chamberlin's Excess Trading Conjecture, 2004
Bergstrom, Ted: Extracting Valuable Information from Classroom Trading Pits, 2004
Bergstrom, Ted: The Algebra of Assortative Encounters and the Evolution of Cooperation, 2003
Bergstrom, Theodore C.: An Evolutionary View of Family Conflict and Cooperation, 2003
Bergstrom, Ted: The Iron Law of Selfishness: Response to a comment by Alexander Field, 2003
Bergstrom, Ted: When Non-transitive Relations Take Maxima and Competitive Equilibria Can't Be Beat, 2003
Bergstrom, Ted: Evolution and Group Behavior: Individual and Group Selection, 2002
Bergstrom, Ted: Pricing and Cost of Electronic Journals, 2002
Bergstrom, Ted: Vernon Smith's Insomnia and the Dawn of Economics as Experimental Science, 2002
Bergstrom, Ted: The Algebra of Assortative Encounters and the Evolution of Cooperation, 2001
Bergstrom, Ted: Free Labor for Costly Journals, 2001
Bergstrom, Ted; Bergstrom, Carl T.: Does Mother Nature Punish Rotten Kids?, 2000
Bergstrom, Ted: Evolution of Behavior in Family Games, 2000
Bergstrom, Ted: Systems of Benevolent Utility Functions, 1999