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Postprints from the Department of Economics, UCSB

Working papers of faculty, affiliated researchers and students at the Department of Economics, University of California at Santa Barbara.

There are 69 publications in this collection, published between 1982 and 2024. Showing 1 - 50.

Chemaya, Nir; Martin, Daniel: Perceptions and detection of AI use in manuscript preparation for academic journals, 2024

Robinson, Sarah; Royer, Heather; Silver, David: Geographic Variation in Cesarean Sections in the United States: Trends, Correlates, and Other Interesting Facts, 2024

Charness, Gary; Jiang, Xin: Fortune and identity, 2023

Lundberg, Shelly; Pollak, Robert: Cohabitation and the Uneven Retreat from Marriage in the U.S., 1950-2010, 2022

Lundberg, Shelly: Educational Inequality and the Returns to Skills, 2022

Lundberg, Shelly: Father Absence and the Educational Gender Gap, 2022

Lundberg, Shelly J: Personality and Marital Surplus, 2022

Løken, Katrine Vellesen; Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Lundberg, Shelly J: Your Place or Mine? On the Residence Choice of Young Couples in Norway, 2022

Maier, Jason; Palazzo, Joseph; Geyer, Roland; Steigerwald, Douglas G: How much potable water is saved by wastewater recycling? Quasi-experimental evidence from California, 2022

Reddinger, J Lucas; Levine, David; Charness, Gary: Can targeted messages reduce COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy? A randomized trial, 2022

Carleton, Tamma; Cornetet, Jules; Huybers, Peter; Meng, Kyle C; Proctor, Jonathan: Global evidence for ultraviolet radiation decreasing COVID-19 growth rates., 2021

de Chaisemartin, Clément; de Chaisemartin, Luc: BCG vaccination in infancy does not protect against COVID-19. Evidence from a natural experiment in Sweden, 2021

Pauly, Mark V; Comanor, William S; Frech, HE; Martinez, Joseph R: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Branded Drugs With Market Demand and Insurance, 2021

Lei, Ziteng; Lundberg, Shelly: Vulnerable Boys: Short-term and Long-term Gender Differences in the Impacts of Adolescent Disadvantage., 2020

Lundberg, Shelly: Educational gender gaps, 2020

Tazhitdinova, Alisa: Are changes of organizational form costly? Income shifting and business entry responses to taxes, 2020

Tazhitdinova, Alisa: Do only tax incentives matter? Labor supply and demand responses to an unusually large and salient tax break, 2020


Jack, B Kelsey; Jayachandran, Seema: Self-selection into payments for ecosystem services programs, 2019

LeRoy, Stephen F.: Causal Inference, 2019

Lundberg, Shelly; Stearns, Jenna: Women in Economics: Stalled Progress, 2019

McDermott, Grant R; Meng, Kyle C; McDonald, Gavin G; Costello, Christopher J: The blue paradox: Preemptive overfishing in marine reserves, 2019

Bohn, Henning; Lopez-Velasco, Armando R: Intergenerational mobility and the political economy of immigration, 2018

Brenøe, Anne Ardila; Lundberg, Shelly: Gender gaps in the effects of childhood family environment: Do they persist into adulthood?, 2018

Carrera, Mariana; Royer, Heather; Stehr, Mark; Sydnor, Justin: Can financial incentives help people trying to establish new habits? Experimental evidence with new gym members, 2018

Carrera, Mariana; Royer, Heather; Stehr, Mark; Sydnor, Justin; Taubinsky, Dmitry: The limits of simple implementation intentions: Evidence from a field experiment on making plans to exercise, 2018

Tazhitdinova, Alisa: Reducing evasion through self-reporting: Evidence from charitable contributions, 2018

Yang, Chun-Lei; Zhang, Boyu; Charness, Gary; Li, Cong; Lien, Jaimie: Endogenous rewards promote cooperation., 2018

Deschênes, Olivier; Greenstone, Michael; Shapiro, Joseph S: Defensive Investments and the Demand for Air Quality: Evidence from the NOx Budget Program, 2017

Kuhn, Michael A; Kuhn, Peter; Villeval, Marie Claire: Decision-environment effects on intertemporal financial choices: How relevant are resource-depletion models?, 2017

Larsen, Ashley E; Gaines, Steven D; Deschênes, Olivier: Agricultural pesticide use and adverse birth outcomes in the San Joaquin Valley of California., 2017

Lundberg, Shelly; Siow, Aloysius: Canadian contributions to family economics, 2017

Løken, Katrine V; Lundberg, Shelly; Riise, Julie: Lifting the Burden, 2017

Raftery, Adrian E; Zimmer, Alec; Frierson, Dargan MW; Startz, Richard; Liu, Peiran: Less than 2 °C warming by 2100 unlikely, 2017

Abadía-Cardoso, Alicia; Pearse, Devon E; Jacobson, Sandra; Marshall, Jack; Dalrymple, Dale; Kawasaki, Frank et al.: Population genetic structure and ancestry of steelhead/rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at the extreme southern edge of their range in North America, 2016

Barreca, Alan; Clay, Karen; Deschenes, Olivier; Greenstone, Michael; Shapiro, Joseph S: Adapting to Climate Change: The Remarkable Decline in the US Temperature-Mortality Relationship over the Twentieth Century, 2016

Burke, M; Craxton, M; Kolstad, CD; Onda, C; Allcott, H; Baker, E et al.: Opportunities for advances in climate change economics, 2016

Dee, Laura E; Miller, Steve J; Peavey, Lindsey E; Bradley, Darcy; Gentry, Rebecca R; Startz, Richard et al.: Functional diversity of catch mitigates negative effects of temperature variability on fisheries yields, 2016

Lundberg, Shelly; Pollak, Robert A; Stearns, Jenna: Family Inequality: Diverging Patterns in Marriage, Cohabitation, and Childbearing., 2016

Meng, Kyle C; Oremus, Kimberly L; Gaines, Steven D: New England Cod Collapse and the Climate, 2016

Barreca, Alan; Clay, Karen; Deschênes, Olivier; Greenstone, Michael; Shapiro, Joseph S: Convergence in Adaptation to Climate Change: Evidence from High Temperatures and Mortality, 1900–2004, 2015

Bedard, Kelly; Kuhn, Peter: Micro-marketing healthier choices: Effects of personalized ordering suggestions on restaurant purchases, 2015

Bohn, Henning; Stuart, Charles: Calculation of a Population Externality, 2015


Frech, Ted E; Smith, Michael P: Anatomy of a Slow-Motion Health Insurance Death Spiral, 2015

Frech, Ted E; Zweifel, Peter: Why ‘Optimal’ Payment for Healthcare Providers Can Never Be Optimal Under Community Rating, 2015

Frogner, Bianca K; Frech, HE; Parente, Stephen T: Comparing efficiency of health systems across industrialized countries: a panel analysis, 2015

Hsiang, Solomon M; Meng, Kyle C: Tropical Economics, 2015


Qin, Cheng-Zhong; Shi, Shuzhong; Tan, Guofu: Nash bargaining for log-convex problems, 2015

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