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Feminist Studies Research

Genders and Sexualities

“Genders and sexualities” concentrates on an interdisciplinary exploration of the historical and global processes by which desires, sexual acts, relationships, gender and sexual identities, communities, and movements have been constructed, transformed, and challenged.

Productive and Reproductive Labors

“Productive and reproductive labors” focuses on the economic (both paid and unpaid) and reproductive roles and experiences of diverse groups of women globally and historically and the complex relationship between employment and child-bearing and child-rearing.

Race and Nation

“Race and nation” centers the experiences of African American, Latina, Asian American, Native American, and Arab American women—“the Third World within”—in a global context, attending to both the centrality of race and ethnicity and the inextricability of race and ethnicity (including whiteness) from all other categories of identity and difference.

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Department of Feminist Studies

University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7110
Tel: 805-893-4330
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