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The Center for Games and Playable Media (CGPM) houses UCSC’s five games-related research labs including the Expressive Intelligence Studio – one of the largest technical game research groups in the world. CGPM boasts one of the largest interdisciplinary faculties, drawn from Computer Science, Psychology, Economics, Computer Engineering, Literature, Theater, and Art.

There are 1159 publications in this collection, published between 2014 and 2023. Showing 1051 - 1100.

Castaneda, Katia; Iglesias, Daniel: Sweet Escape!, 2014

Ceballos, Adrian; Ma, Dylan: Passionately Platonic, 2014

Chan, Adrian; Hale, Benjamin: MAV, 2014

Chau, Tony; Pham, Julie: WeatherSurfer, 2014

Chen, Jianhong; Espiritu, Ma. Paula Patricia: Vikings V.S. Pirates, 2014

Cherdak, Isaak; Rosales, Juan: Human Hunter, 2014

Choe, Yuna: Vindicate, 2014

Christner, Ian; Lin, Shan: Break on Through, 2014

Cicchi, Brendan; Ruiz, Dante: Cell, 2014

Cochran, John; Thomson, John: Time's Up! For John and the Robots, 2014

Colcol, Loren; Naranjo, Adolfo: Pandora's Run, 2014

Cole, Kenta; Smith, Geoffrey: Some Languages are Universal, 2014

Cole, James; Carrasco, Aaron: Truth & Behold, 2014

Collins, Zachary; Shi, Eric; Mann, Jason: Paint Wars, 2014

Cousins, Andrew; Medina, Cesar: Parallels, 2014

Culler-Mayeno, Jeremy; Parsons, Joseph: In The Woods, 2014

Dato, Andrew; Sehgal, Rashmi: Midnight Escape, 2014

De Leon, Enrique; Sangani, Sahil: Fortress Defense, 2014

Delacruz, Aylin; Cantali, Goekcan: ALONE, 2014

Ding, Yunyi; Lin, Brian:  Technical TeL3Metry, 2014

Do, Derrick; Sawyer, Alexander: The Destructor, 2014

Do, Nguyen; Le, Khanh: Super Slug, 2014

Eatmon, Breon; Toy, Christopher: Mission Omega, 2014

El Abbadi, Marwan; Hall, Abrianna: Zombie vs. Yuppies, 2014

Everson, Alexander; Mendonca, Sean: Nexus, 2014

Farnsworth, Ian; Ginsberg, Alicia: Maligna, 2014

Ferry, Simon; Chau, John: Shifting Stonework, 2014

Filstrup, Benjamin; Khalil, Michael: Cargo Conundrum, 2014

Futral, Taylor; Shepherd, Luke: Diner Duel, 2014

Gao, Wei; Mourier, Julian: Passage, 2014

Githens, Katherine; Buckovic, Lidia: Asscrack Bandit, 2014

Gomez, Brandon; Stone, Lyla: Shadow Boxer, 2014

Grant, Ian; Malveaux, James: Concrete Jungle, 2014

Guerrero Moriarty, Martin; Herse Woo, Ryan; Pelham, Samuel: Steel Siege, 2014

Ha, Michael; Friesen, Frank: Phenomena, 2014

Hall, Levi; Palmer, Theron: A Slight Chance of Rain, 2014

Hassan, Syed; Redd, Arin: PROJECT T, 2014

Hildebrandt, Daniel; Wong, Kenneth: Relativity, 2014

Ho, Anthony; Gomez, Leo: Don't Mess with Papa, 2014

Ho, Raymond; Tran, Linda: Hibearnate, 2014

Huynh, Raymond; Peter, Colin: Crossfire, 2014

Huynh, Son; Shariat, Nima: Tardigrade and A.I., 2014

Isais-Rodarte, Rene; Breedon, Franz: Asphyxia, 2014

Johnson, Cameron; Deguzman, Gerome: Experiment 710, 2014

Jou, Daniel; Nagel, Gina: Moving On, 2014

Juliano, Colleen; Krainiouk, Andrei: Reflectoscape, 2014

Kauzer, Austin; Humphrey, Coy: Scotch, 2014

Keady, Mackenzie; Yang, Jeff: Reclamation, 2014

Kelly, Dawson; Bharadwaj, Shishir: Transdimensional Highway, 2014

Khadder, Wade: RAFT, 2014

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Center for Games & Playable Media

1156 High St., Santa Cruz, CA, 95064
MS: SOE 2/Games Center

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