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The Center for Games and Playable Media (CGPM) houses UCSC’s five games-related research labs including the Expressive Intelligence Studio – one of the largest technical game research groups in the world. CGPM boasts one of the largest interdisciplinary faculties, drawn from Computer Science, Psychology, Economics, Computer Engineering, Literature, Theater, and Art.

There are 1159 publications in this collection, published between 2014 and 2023. Showing 351 - 400.

Zhu, Bener; Zhihong, Wei; Zhiqi, Chen: Brave Fireman, 2021

Abate, Niccolo: The Nature of Feedback, 2020

Abate, Niccolo: The Nature of Feedback, 2020

Acevedo, Luis: Rat Invasion, 2020

Acosta, Matt: Greyhound, 2020

Addario, Luca: The Concert, 2020

Aisikaer, Abudula: Escape.Z, 2020

Aisikaer, Abudula: Escape.Z, 2020

Akahoshi, Devin: Wyman's Diner, 2020

Alarcon, Jessica: Amnesiac, 2020

Alarcon, Jessica: Amnesiac, 2020

Albarakat, Yassar: The Island Escape, 2020

Albarakat, Yassar: The Island Escape, 2020

Alberto, Justine: Traces, 2020

Alegria, Antonio: A Marvelous Adventure, 2020

Alegria, Antonio: A Marvelous Adventure, 2020

Alkharji, Omar: Locked Phone, 2020

Almy, William: Afghan 2012, 2020

Altenburg, Aria: Sleep, 2020

Alvarez, Matthew: Chef's Special, 2020

Alvarez, Matthew: Chef's Special, 2020

Andre, Josey: Project Exodus., 2020

Andre, Josey: Project Exodus., 2020

Andrzejewski, Alexander: Dystopia, 2020

Andrzejewski, Alexander: Dystopia, 2020

Ang, Jerome: I Will Park My Spaceship Here., 2020

Applewhite, Emily: CYA-40 v1.0, 2020

Atre, Sonia: Stop the apocalypse!, 2020

Baik, Jae Won: The Ultimate Dating Application Simulator, 2020

Bajaj, Aarushi: Kevin's Day Out, 2020

Balaoing, Joey: Forbidden Love, 2020

Balaoing, Joey: Forbidden Love, 2020

Banta, Anael: click, 2020

Bargotra, Sunay: The Void, 2020

Barsness, Adam: The Dock by the Lake, 2020

Bartolucci, Daren: Under the Eyes of the Gods, 2020

Basinski, Alex: You are a sword., 2020

Basinski, Alex: You are a sword., 2020

Batsaikhan, Billy: Dreamworld, 2020

Bazile, Erykah: In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time, 2020

Beedle, Justin: Totally Accurate Cooking Simulator, 2020

Bell, Zachary: Void Spa, 2020

Benitez, Andres: The Void In Our Sky, 2020

Berggren, Oliver: In an Orderly Fashion, 2020

Bhushan, Naman: The Barf Question, 2020

Black, Maeve: San Francisco Adventure, 2020

Blecman, Jason: Masculine Simulator, 2020

Blum, Kenny: Ezelia's Elaborate Escape, 2020

Boisvert, Matthew: Le Correspondant Perdu, 2020

Borlin, Henry: A Lich Game, 2020

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Center for Games & Playable Media

1156 High St., Santa Cruz, CA, 95064
MS: SOE 2/Games Center

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