Technical Reports
There are 381 publications in this collection, published between 1999 and 2025. Showing 101 - 150.
Kahng, Andrew; Li, Bin; Peh, Li-Shiuan; Samadi, Kambiz: ORION 2.0: A Fast and Accurate NoC Power and Area Model for Early-Stage Design Space Exploration, 2008
Mao, Yanhua; Junqueira, Flavio; Marzullo, Keith: Mencius: Building Efficient Replicated State Machines for WANs, 2008
Shonle, Macneil; Griswold, William G; Lerner, Sorin: The Techniques Programmers use to Cope with Crosscutting using Arcum, 2008
Snoeren, Alex C; Panigrahi, Debashis; Mukhopadhyay, Shoubhik; Balakrishnan, Hari; Kaashoek, M. Frans: Suspending and Resuming Network Applications using Session Continuations, 2008
Sugihara, Ryo; Gupta, Rajesh: Optimizing Energy-Latency Trade-off in Sensor Networks with Controlled Mobility, 2008
Tate, Ross; Stepp, Michael; Tatlock, Zachary; Lerner, Sorin: Translating Between PEGs and CFGs, 2008
Vrable, Michael; Savage, Stefan; Voelker, Geoffrey M: Cumulus: Filesystem Backup to the Cloud, 2008
Zhang, Qing; McCullough, John; Ma, Justin; Schear, Nabil; Vrable, Michael; Vahdat, Amin et al.: Neon: System Support for Derived Data Management, 2008
Anderson, David S; Fleizach, Chris; Savage, Stefan; Voelker, Geoffrey M: Spamscatter: Characterizing Internet Scam Hosting Infrastructure, 2007
AuYoung, Alvin; Chun, Brent; Ng, Chaki; Parkes, David; Vahdat, Amin; Snoeren, Alex C: Practical Market-Based Resource Allocation, 2007
Cautis, Bogdan; Deutsch, Alin; Onose, Nicola: Querying Data Sources That Export Infinite Sets of Views, 2007
Chen, Jay; McCullough, John; Snoeren, Alex C: Universal Honeyfarm Containment, 2007
Cheng, Yu-Chung; Afanasyeve, Mikhail; Benko, Peter; Verkaik, Patrick; Chiang, Jennifer; Snoeren, Alex et al.: Automating Cross-Layer Diagnosis of Enterprise Wireless Networks, 2007
Dasgupta, Sanjoy; Hsu, Daniel; Monteleoni, Claire: A general agnostic active learning algorithm, 2007
Dasgupta, Sanjoy; Freund, Yoav: Random projection trees and low dimension manifolds, 2007
Dollar, Piotr; Rabaud, Vincent; Belongie, Serge: Learning to Traverse Image Manifolds, 2007
Ettinger, Evan; Shivapa, Shankar; Goshorn, Deborah; Freund, Yoav: Learning the Time-Delay Manifold for Robust Speaker Localization, 2007
Ettinger, Evan; McFee, Brian; Freund, Yoav: Pinpoint: Identifying Packet Loss Culprits Using Adaptive Sampling, 2007
Fleizach, Chris: Can You Infect Me Now? A Treatise on the Propagation of Malware in a Cellular Phone Network, 2007
Fleizach, Chris; Voelker, Geoffrey M; Savage, Stefan: Slicing Spam with Occam's Razor, 2007
Frederick, Michael: Mission batch scheduler interface, 2007
Gupta, Diwaker; Vishwanath, Kashi; Vahdat, Amin: DieCast: Testing Distributed Systems with an Accurate Scale Model, 2007
Jin, Zhong-Yi; Schurgers, Curt; Gupta, Rajesh: An Embedded Platform with Duty-Cycled Radio and Processing Subsystems for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2007
Kundu, Sudipta; Lerner, Sorin; Gupta, Rajesh: Automated Refinement Checking of CSP Programs, 2007
Lau, Jeremy: Predicting Performance Across Compilations, 2007
Li, Kevin A; Sohn, Timothy Y; Huang, Steven; Griswold, William G: PeopleTones: Exploring Peripheral Cues in the Wild Using Mobile Phones, 2007
Liu, Bao: Correlation Extraction via Random Field Simulation and Production Chip Performance Regression, 2007
Liu, Bao: Signal Probability based Statistical Timing Analysis, 2007
Liu, Bao: Signal Probability Based Statistical Timing Analysis, 2007
Liu, Bao; Xu, Xu; Kahng, Andrew: SSTA-SI: Signal Integrity Effects Aware Statistical Static Timing Analysis, 2007
Merler, Michele; Galleguillos, Carolina; Belongie, Serge: Recognizing Groceries in situ Using in vitro Training Data, 2007
Mizrak, Alper; Marzullo, Keith; Savage, Stefan: Detecting Compromised Routers via Packet Forwarding Behavior, 2007
Mizrak, Alper T; Marzullo, Keith; Savage, Stefan: Detecting Malicious Packet Losses, 2007
Narayanasamy, Satish: Deterministic Replay using Processor Support and Its Applications, 2007
Pereira, Cristiano: Reproducible User-Level Simulation of Multi-Threaded Workloads, 2007
Perelman, Erez: Characterizing Time Varying Program Behavior for Efficient Simulation, 2007
Rabinovich, Andrew; Vedaldi, Andrea; Belongie, Serge: Does Image Segmentation Improve Object Categorization?, 2007
Ramabhadran, Sriram; Pasquale, Joseph: Analysis of the Durability of Replicated Distributed Storage Systems, 2007
Rondon, Patrick; Jhala, Ranjit: Liquid Types: Type Refinement via Predicate Abstraction, 2007
Sohn, Timothy; Li, Kevin A; Griswold, William G; Hollan, Jim: A Diary Study of Mobile Information Needs, 2007
Sugihara, Ryo; Gupta, Rajesh: Data Mule Scheduling in Sensor Networks: Scheduling under Location and Time Constraints, 2007
Sugihara, Ryo; Gupta, Rajesh: Programming Models for Sensor Networks: A Survey, 2007
VanBiesbrouck, Michael: Sampled Simulation for Multithreaded Processors, 2007
Abramson, Yoram; Freund, Yoav: Active learning for visual object detection, 2006
Albrecht, Jeannie; Tuttle, Christopher; Snoeren, Alex C; Vahdat, Amin: Distributed Application Management Using Plush, 2006
Cheng, Yu-Chung; Bellardo, John; Benko, Peter; Snoeren, Alex; Voelker, Geoffrey; Savage, Stefan: Jigsaw: Solving the Puzzle of Enterprise 802.11 Analysis, 2006
Chuang, Weihaw: Maintaining Safe Memory for Security, Debugging, and Multi-threading, 2006
Demchak, Barry; Griswold, William G; Lenert, Leslie A: Data Quality for Situational Awareness during Mass-Casualty Events, 2006
Deutsch, Alin; Sui, Liying; Vianu, Victor; Zhou, Dayou: Verification of Communicating Data-Driven Web Services, 2006
Ie, Eugene; Freund, Yoav: BioSpike: Efficient search for homologous proteins by indexing patterns, 2006