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There are 1610 publications in this collection, published between 1979 and 2024. Showing 1151 - 1200.

Xiao, WW; Diamond, PH; Zou, XL; Dong, JQ; Ding, XT; Yao, LH et al.: ELM mitigation by supersonic molecular beam injection into the H-mode pedestal in the HL-2A tokamak, 2012

Xu, GS; Wang, HQ; Wan, BN; Guo, HY; Naulin, V; Diamond, PH et al.: First observation of a new zonal-flow cycle state in the H-mode transport barrier of the experimental advanced superconducting Tokamak, 2012

Xu, M; Tynan, GR; Diamond, PH; Manz, P; Holland, C; Fedorczak, N et al.: Frequency-Resolved Nonlinear Turbulent Energy Transfer into Zonal Flows in Strongly Heated L-Mode Plasmas in the HL-2A Tokamak, 2012

Yi, S; Kwon, JM; Diamond, PH; Rhee, T: Effect of secondary convective cells on turbulence intensity profiles, flow generation, and transport, 2012

Zhao, L; Diamond, PH: Collisionless inter-species energy transfer and turbulent heating in drift wave turbulence, 2012

Abazajian, KN; Calabrese, E; Cooray, A; De Bernardis, F; Dodelson, S; Friedland, A et al.: Cosmological and astrophysical neutrino mass measurements, 2011

Chatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Bergauer, T et al.: Measurement of the differential dijet production cross section in proton–proton collisions at s=7 TeV, 2011

Cherry, John F; Wu, Meng-Ru; Carlson, J; Duan, Huaiyu; Fuller, George M; Qian, Yong-Zhong: Density fluctuation effects on collective neutrino oscillations in O-Ne-Mg core-collapse supernovae, 2011

Chivukula, R Sekhar; Foadi, Roshan; Simmons, Elizabeth H: Patterns of custodial isospin violation from a composite top, 2011

Chivukula, R Sekhar; Ittisamai, Pawin; Simmons, Elizabeth H; Ren, Jing: Technipion limits from LHC Higgs searches, 2011

Chivukula, RS; Christensen, ND; Coleppa, B; Simmons, EH: The Top Triangle Moose, 2011

Diamond, PH; Hasegawa, A; Mima, K: Vorticity dynamics, drift wave turbulence, and zonal flows: a look back and a look ahead, 2011

Dif-Pradalier, G; Gunn, J; Ciraolo, G; Chang, CS; Chiavassa, G; Diamond, P et al.: The Mistral base case to validate kinetic and fluid turbulence transport codes of the edge and SOL plasmas, 2011

Dif-Pradalier, G; Diamond, PH; Grandgirard, V; Sarazin, Y; Abiteboul, J; Garbet, X et al.: Neoclassical physics in full distribution function gyrokinetics, 2011

Estrada, T; Hidalgo, C; Happel, T; Diamond, PH: Spatiotemporal Structure of the Interaction between Turbulence and Flows at the L-H Transition in a Toroidal Plasma, 2011

Fortin, Jean-François; Grinstein, Benjamín; Stergiou, Andreas: Scale without conformal invariance: An example, 2011

Fuller, George M; Kishimoto, Chad T; Kusenko, Alexander: Heavy sterile neutrinos, entropy and relativistic energy production, and the relic neutrino background, 2011

Gambin, Yann; VanDelinder, Virginia; Ferreon, Allan Chris M; Lemke, Edward A; Groisman, Alex; Deniz, Ashok A: Visualizing a one-way protein encounter complex by ultrafast single-molecule mixing, 2011

Grinstein, Benjamín; Murphy, Christopher W; Trott, Michael: EWPD constraints on flavor symmetric vector fields, 2011

Grinstein, Benjamín; Kagan, Alexander L; Trott, Michael; Zupan, Jure: Flavor symmetric sectors and collider physics, 2011

Kosuga, Y; Diamond, PH: On relaxation and transport in gyrokinetic drift wave turbulence with zonal flow, 2011

Leconte, M; Diamond, PH: Effect of resonant magnetic perturbations on secondary structures in drift-wave turbulence, 2011

Malkov, MA; Diamond, PH; Sagdeev, RZ: Mechanism for spectral break in cosmic ray proton spectrum of supernova remnant W44, 2011

Malkov, MA; Sagdeev, RZ; Diamond, PH: UHECR acceleration in dark matter filaments of cosmological structure formation, 2011

Miki, K; Diamond, PH: Novel states of pre-transition edge turbulence emerging from shearing mode competition, 2011

Nagashima, Yoshihiko; Itoh, Sanae-I; Inagaki, Shigeru; Arakawa, Hiroyuki; Kasuya, Naohiro; Fujisawa, Akihide et al.: Non-Gaussian properties of global momentum and particle fluxes in a cylindrical laboratory plasma, 2011

Rice, JE; Cziegler, I; Diamond, PH; Duval, BP; Podpaly, YA; Reinke, ML et al.: Rotation Reversal Bifurcation and Energy Confinement Saturation in Tokamak Ohmic L-Mode Plasmas, 2011

Sarazin, Y; Grandgirard, V; Abiteboul, J; Allfrey, S; Garbet, X; Ghendrih, Ph et al.: Predictions on heat transport and plasma rotation from global gyrokinetic simulations, 2011

Sekhar Chivukula, R; Foadi, Roshan; Simmons, Elizabeth H; Di Chiara, Stefano: The Limits of Custodial Symmetry, 2011

Sun, HJ; Diamond, PH; Shi, ZB; Chen, CY; Yao, LH; Ding, XT et al.: Experimental evidence of the non-local response of transport to peripheral perturbations, 2011

Wang, WX; Hahm, TS; Ethier, S; Diamond, PH; Rewoldt, G; Tang, WM et al.: Characteristics of turbulence-driven plasma flow and origin of experimental empirical scalings of intrinsic rotation, 2011

Wang, Lu; Diamond, PH: Kinetic theory of the turbulent energy pinch in tokamak plasmas, 2011

Wang, ZH; Diamond, PH; Gürcan, ÖD; Garbet, X; Wang, XG: Turbulence intensity pulse propagation with self-consistent nonlinear noise, 2011

Xu, GS; Wan, BN; Wang, HQ; Guo, HY; Zhao, HL; Liu, AD et al.: First Evidence of the Role of Zonal Flows for the L-H Transition at Marginal Input Power in the EAST Tokamak, 2011

Xu, M; Tynan, GR; Diamond, PH; Holland, C; Yu, JH; Yan, Z: Generation of a Sheared Plasma Rotation by Emission, Propagation, and Absorption of Drift Wave Packets, 2011

Belyaev, Alexander S; Chivukula, R Sekhar; Christensen, Neil D; He, Hong-Jian; Kurachi, Masafumi; Simmons, Elizabeth H et al.: Identifying Better Effective Higgsless Theories via W_L W_L Scattering, 2010

Boyd, Richard N; Brune, Carl R; Fuller, George M; Smith, Christel J: New nuclear physics for big bang nucleosynthesis, 2010

Cherry, John F; Fuller, George M; Carlson, J; Duan, Huaiyu; Qian, Yong-Zhong: Multiangle simulation of flavor evolution in the neutronization neutrino burst from an O-Ne-Mg core-collapse supernova, 2010

Chivukula, R Sekhar; Simmons, Elizabeth H; Yuan, C-P: Axigluons cannot explain the observed top quark forward-backward asymmetry, 2010

Chivukula, R Sekhar; Simmons, Elizabeth H: Condensate enhancement and D-meson mixing in technicolor theories, 2010

Chivukula, R Sekhar; Farzinnia, Arsham; Foadi, Roshan; Simmons, Elizabeth H: Custodial isospin violation in the Lee-Wick standard model, 2010

Chivukula, R Sekhar; Christensen, Neil D; Coleppa, Baradhwaj; Simmons, Elizabeth H: Deconstructed Higgsless Models at LHC: The Top Triangle Moose, 2010

Chivukula, R Sekhar; Farzinnia, Arsham; Foadi, Roshan; Simmons, Elizabeth H: Global symmetries and renormalizability of Lee-Wick theories, 2010


Chivukula, R Sekhar; Simmons, Elizabeth H: Technicolor and Lattice Gauge Theory, 2010

Collaboration, The Polarbear; Errard, J; Ade, PAR; Anthony, A; Arnold, K; Aubin, F et al.: The new generation CMB B-mode polarization experiment: POLARBEAR, 2010

Dif-Pradalier, G; Diamond, PH; Grandgirard, V; Sarazin, Y; Abiteboul, J; Garbet, X et al.: On the validity of the local diffusive paradigm in turbulent plasma transport, 2010

Duan, Huaiyu; Fuller, George M; Qian, Yong-Zhong: Collective Neutrino Oscillations, 2010

Fuller, George M; Smith, Christel J: Nuclear weak interaction rates in primordial nucleosynthesis, 2010

Gürcan, ÖD; Diamond, PH; Hennequin, P; McDevitt, CJ; Garbet, X; Bourdelle, C: Residual parallel Reynolds stress due to turbulence intensity gradient in tokamak plasmas, 2010

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