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There are 1610 publications in this collection, published between 1979 and 2024. Showing 1251 - 1300.

Hahm, TS; Diamond, PH; Gurcan, OD; Rewoldt, G: Turbulent equipartition theory of toroidal momentum pincha), 2008

Keating, Shane R; Silvers, LJ; Diamond, PH: On Cross-Phase and the Quenching of the Turbulent Diffusion of Magnetic Fields in Two Dimensions, 2008

Kishimoto, Chad T; Fuller, George M: Lepton-number-driven sterile neutrino production in the early universe, 2008

Malkov, MA; Diamond, PH: Analytic theory of L→H transition, barrier structure, and hysteresis for a simple model of coupled particle and heat fluxes, 2008

Nagashima, Yoshihiko; Itoh, Sanae-I; Shinohara, Shunjiro; Fukao, Masayuki; Fujisawa, Akihide; Terasaka, Kenichiro et al.: Coexistence of Zonal Flows and Drift-Waves in a Cylindrical Magnetized Plasma, 2008

Amanik, Philip S; Fuller, George M: Stellar collapse dynamics with neutrino flavor changing neutral currents, 2007

Batchelor, DA; Beck, M; Becoulet, A; Budny, RV; Chang, CS; Diamond, PH et al.: Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction, 2007

Chivukula, R Sekhar; Simmons, Elizabeth H; Matsuzaki, Shinya; Tanabashi, Masaharu: Three site Higgsless model at one loop, 2007

Chivukula, R Sekhar; Christensen, Neil D; Coleppa, Baradhwaj; Simmons, Elizabeth H: Unitarity and bounds on the scale of fermion mass generation, 2007

Diamond, PH; Malkov, MA: Dynamics of Mesoscale Magnetic Field in Diffusive Shock Acceleration, 2007

Duan, Huaiyu; Fuller, George M; Carlson, J; Qian, Yong-Zhong: Analysis of collective neutrino flavor transformation in supernovae, 2007

Duan, Huaiyu; Fuller, George M; Carlson, J; Qian, Yong-Zhong: Neutrino Mass Hierarchy and Stepwise Spectral Swapping of Supernova Neutrino Flavors, 2007

Duan, Huaiyu; Fuller, George M; Qian, Yong-Zhong: Simple picture for neutrino flavor transformation in supernovae, 2007

Fujisawa, A; Itoh, K; Shimizu, A; Nakano, H; Ohshima, S; Iguchi, H et al.: Experimental Evidence of a Zonal Magnetic Field in a Toroidal Plasma, 2007

Fujisawa, A; Ido, T; Shimizu, A; Okamura, S; Matsuoka, K; Iguchi, H et al.: Experimental progress on zonal flow physics in toroidal plasmas, 2007

Garbet, X; Sarazin, Y; Imbeaux, F; Ghendrih, P; Bourdelle, C; Gürcan, ÖD et al.: Front propagation and critical gradient transport models, 2007

Grinstein, Benjamin: FPCP Theory Overview, 2007

Gürcan, ÖD; Diamond, PH; Hahm, TS; Singh, R: Intrinsic rotation and electric field shear, 2007

Gürcan, ÖD; Diamond, PH; Hahm, TS: Spatial and spectral evolution of turbulencea), 2007

Hahm, TS; Diamond, PH; Gurcan, OD; Rewoldt, G: Nonlinear gyrokinetic theory of toroidal momentum pinch, 2007

Hidaka, Jun; Fuller, George M: Sterile neutrino-enhanced supernova explosions, 2007

ITOH, K; FUJISAWA, A; NAGASHIMA, Y; ITOH, S-I; YAGI, M; DIAMOND, PH et al.: On Imaging of Plasma Turbulence, 2007

Itoh, K; Toda, S; Fujisawa, A; Itoh, S-I; Yagi, M; Fukuyama, A et al.: Physics of internal transport barrier of toroidal helical plasmas, 2007

Keating, Shane R; Diamond, PH: Turbulent Diffusion of Magnetic Fields in Two-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence with Stable Stratification, 2007

Kishimoto, Chad T; Fuller, George M: Neutrino-Accelerated Hot Hydrogen Burning, 2007

Levine, Erel; Zhang, Zhongge; Kuhlman, Thomas; Hwa, Terence: Quantitative Characteristics of Gene Regulation by Small RNA, 2007

Lin, Z; Holod, I; Chen, L; Diamond, PH; Hahm, TS; Ethier, S: Wave-Particle Decorrelation and Transport of Anisotropic Turbulence in Collisionless Plasmas, 2007

Matsuzaki, Shinya; Chivukula, R Sekhar; Simmons, Elizabeth H; Tanabashi, Masaharu: One-loop corrections to the S and T parameters in a three site Higgsless model, 2007

McDevitt, CJ; Diamond, PH: Low-q resonances, transport barriers, and secondary electrostatic convective cells, 2007

Shu, Frank H; Galli, Daniele; Lizano, Susana; Glassgold, Alfred E; Diamond, Patrick H: Mean Field Magnetohydrodynamics of Accretion Disks, 2007

Smith, Michael S; Lingerfelt, Eric J; Nesaraja, Caroline D; Hix, W Raphael; Roberts, Luke F; Koura, Hiroyuki et al.: Nuclear data for astrophysics: resources, challenges, strategies, and software solutions, 2007

Tobias, Steven M; Diamond, Patrick H; Hughes, David W: β-Plane Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in the Solar Tachocline, 2007

Wilson, James R; Mathews, Grant J; Fuller, George M: Bulk viscosity, decaying dark matter, and the cosmic acceleration, 2007

YAGI, Masatoshi; ITOH, Sanae-I; ITOH, Kimitaka; AZUMI, Masafumi; DIAMOND, Patrick H; FUKUYAMA, Atsushi et al.: Nonlinear Drive of Tearing Mode by Microscopic Plasma Turbulence, 2007

Aglietti, U; Belyaev, A; Berge, S; Blum, A; Bonciani, R; Cammin, J et al.: Tevatron-for-LHC Report: Higgs, 2006

Amanik, Philip S; Fuller, George M: Neutrino Flavor Changing Neutral Currents and Stellar Collapse, 2006


Duan, Huaiyu; Fuller, George M; Carlson, J; Qian, Yong-Zhong: Coherent Development of Neutrino Flavor in the Supernova Environment, 2006

Duan, Huaiyu; Fuller, George M; Qian, Yong-Zhong: Collective neutrino flavor transformation in supernovae, 2006

Duan, Huaiyu; Fuller, George M; Carlson, J; Qian, Yong-Zhong: Simulation of coherent nonlinear neutrino flavor transformation in the supernova environment: Correlated neutrino trajectories, 2006

Duan, H; Fuller, GM; Carlson, J: Simulations of coherent nonlinear neutrino flavor transformation in the core collapse supernova environment, 2006

Fujisawa, A; Itoh, K; Shimizu, A; Nakano, H; Ohsima, S; Iguchi, H et al.: Spectrograph of electric field fluctuation in toroidal helical plasma, 2006

Fuller, George M; Qian, Yong-Zhong: Simultaneous flavor transformation of neutrinos and antineutrinos with dominant potentials from neutrino-neutrino forward scattering, 2006

Georgakakis, A; Nandra, K; Laird, ES; Cooper, MC; Gerke, BF; Newman, JA et al.: All-wavelength Extended Groth strip International Survey: the environment of X-ray sources at z~1, 2006

Gürcan, ÖD; Diamond, PH; Hahm, TS: Nonlinear Triad Interactions and the Mechanism of Spreading in Drift-Wave Turbulence, 2006

Gürcan, ÖD; Diamond, PH; Hahm, TS: Radial transport of fluctuation energy in a two-field model of drift-wave turbulence, 2006

Hidaka, Jun; Fuller, George M: Dark matter sterile neutrinos in stellar collapse: Alteration of energy/lepton number transport, and a mechanism for supernova explosion enhancement, 2006

ITOH, Kimitaka; ITOH, Sanae-I; DIAMOND, Patrick H; FUJISAWA, Akihide; YAGI, Masatoshi; WATARI, Tetsuo et al.: Geodesic Acoustic Eigenmodes, 2006

Itoh, K; Itoh, S-I; Diamond, PH; Hahm, TS; Fujisawa, A; Tynan, GR et al.: Physics of zonal flowsa), 2006

Itoh, Sanae I; Itoh, Kimitaka; Diamond, Patrick H; Yoshizawa, Akira: Possible Global Magneto-Fluid Structure of the Stellar Convection Zone, 2006

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